How long until I can just relax please?

hughie1 Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

Ib/cb ESA support group migrating to uc/ns-esa.

Completed online form a few days ago. Have a face to face id verification appointment next week.

Once that is done, will that be it? Can I then relax and let the claim run itself without being bothered.

It's been causing me a lot of stress, I just want this to go back to how things were before migration.



  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Hi Hughie

    I’m the exactly same type of migration as you.

    I had my ID verification by phone call though and since then I’ve not been asked for anything else.
    I double checked with my work coach on my journal but he said it would just run its course and I’d get a message if anything was needed.

    It states online that my award summary will be online 27th and any payment made on 31st.

    Still confused though if I’ll get a full payment every fortnight by NS ESA - or if it’ll be part them, part UC. I guess I’ll find out on Thursday 😬

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited March 24

    @ChasingRainbows You'll receive a New Style ESA payment separately from UC, every fortnight. If you are Support Group, £276.40 at current rates.

    In your UC payment statement you'll see a deduction for the New Style ESA.

    It will seem more than you actually receive, that's because NS ESA is a weekly benefit and there are 4.3 weeks in a month.

    UC pays monthly so the ESA deduction is for a months worth, not 28 days.

    Also, while payment statements are officially ready 4 days before payment, they often are ready 5 or 6 days before so it can be worth checking 😊

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you so much!
    You’ve genuinely saved me from having another sleepless night (I’ve been worrying since the weekend - needlessly 🙈)

    My work coach has reassured me my transitional SD payment will be included, so I’ve been ok about that. Just couldn’t fathom it all out!

    Really appreciate this 😊

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    @Kimi87 I checked my journal first thing this morning and my summary/payment statement was there! So 2 days early, as you’d said it might be! 😊

    Apart from the warning notice to tell ESA I had migrated to UC in my journal and the fact they’ve deducted amounts I’m not too sure about (way more than the 4.3 weeks 😳) it all seems straight forward enough.

    As I’m in Scotland, my housing payment has already been set up to go directly to my Housing Association from the 31st, which is great!

    I rang ESA who confirmed my payments are definitely now the reduced New Style ESA and are sending a letter of entitlement, in case I need to show or email a copy to anyone.

    Left a note in my journal about the reductions too, so I’m sure that’ll be looked at and explained or reviewed.

    I’ve really made my conditions worse by stressing about the process, when I had no need to 🙈

    I know it’s a big change and a scary time for a lot of people but I know now that it’s not worth making yourself ill over.

    Thanks again for your reply last night - I actually slept! 😅

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing
    edited March 25

    I'm so pleased I could help.

    £598.86 is the monthly deduction for NS ESA, if they've paid you too much IR ESA after applying for UC (happens sometimes) then that will be deducted as well.

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    I think that’s exactly what’s happened - though I don’t know if they’ve allowed for the 2 week run on period after I claimed?
    If I’m still allowed the 2 week run on with my prev ESA with underlying CB, then they’ve deducted too much? My ESA payment on 6th March was during my 2 week run on. I had expected the deduction to be made re my ESA payment on the 20th.

    Either way, whatever happens I know it will get looked at and I don’t owe the DWP any money, which is the main thing!

    You really have been a great help 😊

  • hughie1
    hughie1 Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    When I went in person to verify my id recently she said that I would continue to get (new-style) esa - the contribution portion of esa. And the income portion would switch to uc. She kept reassuring me I would get the same amount I was on ("it will just be paid in different amounts: esa every 2 weeks and uc every month.")

    Now this is where I'm hoping she was mistaken. As far as I have been aware from here, I will actually get more money after migrating. What ever I get on esa will be deducted from the uc, rather than them just adding the income portion to uc.

    Can anybody please enlighten me?

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing

    Were you getting SDP with your ESA?

    If not, yes you will be better off.

    Using current rates, ESA will be paid at £276.40 a fortnight.

    Monthly equivalent £598.86, this will be deducted from UC of £809.64 (Standard Allowance & LCWRA).

    Leaving £210.78 of UC payable.

    Total monthly income £809.64.

    Previous ESA monthly income (assuming no SDP) £689.21.

  • ChasingRainbows
    ChasingRainbows Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    So from the summary statement I received today, kind info from @Kimi87 and notes in my journal to clarify from my Work Coach, NS ESA (underlying contributions bit) will be paid every fortnight - the remainder is covered in your monthly payment of UC.

    My transitional payment of Severe Disability has also been added to my UC payment.

    It’s difficult to work out exactly how much I’m going to get every month in future as I had a further reduction for IR ESA (apparently I was overpaid!) but I’m definitely not going to be any worse off in future.

  • hughie1
    hughie1 Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    I think the edp not sdp.

    I get 318 every fortnight on esa.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,309 Championing

    Yes that's ESA with EDP not SDP also.

    So you'll be better off as per the figures I posted.