What is the "health element" of UC that IFS.org says exists?

Legwax Online Community Member Posts: 50 Connected

I am on UC and LCW. I receive the standard amount for over 25 year old single adult. I don't get PIP. Is the health element a figure of cash or an approximation of equitable value of something else? I have struggled for 3 years living below the poverty line and have never seen or heard of this "health element" before today. Thank you.



  • Fuji
    Fuji Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering

    They are talking about the limited capability for work and work related activity (LCWRA) which is an extra £416.19 ontop of the standard UC amount.

  • Legwax
    Legwax Online Community Member Posts: 50 Connected

    Thank you Fuji. Confusing wording.

  • lidia
    lidia Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener


    Good vibes for everyone

    My question and concern are the following...

    I am on UC LCWRA.

    I am gonna be dismissed by my employer due my health condition

    Should I have to report to Universal Credit that ...or is not necessary as I am on LCWRA.

