Hi, my name is BarryW66! I qualify for Disabled Roadtax. I took my private plate off ...

BarryW66 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited March 21 in Transport and travel

hi everyone, I'm new to scope Online community, it seemed a better place to post when it comes to questions around disability.

I find posting on let's say A vehicle specific forum you get a lot of people just having a stab at giving a knowledgeable reply and quite often find that although they have good intentions, they can be far from the correct answer.

my question to you today is: I qualify for Disabled Roadtax. I took my private plate off of my car, the original registration was applied and I then sold the car.

I then bought another car and applied my private plate as per DVLA instruction. So my question is.: will my new car automatically achieve Disabled Road Tax as per the private plate or is there somewhere/something I have to do to achieve Disabled Road tax on the new vehicle,

hope this makes sense, thank you in advance for any advice you're able to help me with.



  • trace67
    trace67 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    hi barry, i would think as long as you provided the correct documentation for the private plate and the new vehicle, you should be ok πŸ‘

  • mix_dage
    mix_dage Online Community Member Posts: 35 Contributor

    Hi @BarryW66

    I would expect the road tax exemption comes as part of your PIP award, therefore it would be linked to your claim so you may need to product your award letter or reapply it to the new plate. This link may clarify things for you.

    best wishes

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 1,079 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @BarryW66 and a warm welcome to the community!

    I see you have already received some great advice from mix_dage and trace67 so i won't add anything else today but a warm welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy your time hereπŸ˜„

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,949 Championing


    This will not be done automatically based on a private plate. You need to take your V5 (logbook) to the post office to have the vehicle class changed to disabled.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 273 Empowering

    Yup! This is what I had to do when I changed my car and applied for the disability exemption on tax for the first time. As @OverlyAnxious suggests, please visit a post office with V5C. I also have a vague memory that they asked me to show my PIP certificate as well.

  • BarryW66
    BarryW66 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Hi everybody

    thank you so much for your replies, including the warm welcome to the forum, I have not been able to get Online since posting my question for Advice, due to a change from Virgin Media to sky, it has been somewhat testing.

    Therefore I wasn't able to make use of the Advice, although I am very grateful for your responses. What I can confirm is that I did take the V5C photo ID and my PIP letter to a main branch of Post Office within WHSmith, the first person I spoke with at the counter fumbled around on his computer while the queue started to build, he finally conceded and said his colleague would be better suited because it was something he wasn't familiar with.

    The colleague then pointed out that she could not perform very request because my PIP letter did not describe my award clearly, requiring the words "higher rate" or 'in enhanced' although I could show that the monetary award was the amount that the DWP website shows as being "higher rate" the clerk wasn't prepared to action the request. I then had to phone the DWP and explain this, one very long phone call later. I was told that they would send out another certificate including the words. "higher rate." and "enhanced." To appease the Clark at the Post Office. So now I am waiting for 7 to 10 working days for that to be delivered to which I should then be able to return to the Post Office with the adjusted pip award letter to finally achieve the tax exemption that I receive as part of my mobility award.

    this is where the accusation of playing the disability card annoys me but what if I was an independent wheelchair user that has to achieve transportation to the town? Make my journey to the post office tucked away in the back of a WHSmith branch to find I had to go away to deal with this rigmarole, and do it all again in 7 to 10 working days. I'm not somebody that Moans constantly about day-to-day life just for the sake of it, wouldn't you just think that with today's technology things like this would be so much more simple? Yes, I'm a little put out but I'm thinking of other people less fortunate than myself having to deal with this scenario.

    thanks again to everybody for their input 😊

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,713 Championing


    Hi welcome to the community.