What does it mean to "engage" with UC if you are on LCWRA and PIP since 2019

deelee Scope Member Posts: 50 Contributor
edited March 24 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi everyone, back in 2019 I had my last health assessment for LCWRA and later applied for PIP and am on the enhanced for this. I was always told to regularly sign into my UC account, once a week and have done this since and the only thing they ever contacted me about was to see if I was claiming any other pension etc which I am not.

I have read a few times on here and other places online or on the radio that they expect everyone to "engage" that is on LCW / LCWRA to "engage" and I wondered what that exactly means.

Recently I had a rather severe allergic reaction to an injected drug to treat an incurable disease and my body rejected this which in turn affected my liver was damaged and other organs, which hopefully recover. My immune system is very weak and cannot actually go into public spaces.

Do I continue to regularly sign in 1x a week ? Are there new rules now? I am really confused. Can anyone advise me if I am doing what is expected from me?

Many thanks



  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,949 Championing


    There are no new rules yet. This is just part of the proposed future changes.

    Personally I can't see this part actually getting put into practice for LCWRA claimants, as the Job Centre staff wouldn't have time for the extra workload. If they do eventually ask us to 'engage' once or twice a month, hopefully they will be able to adjust that to meet our needs.

  • deelee
    deelee Scope Member Posts: 50 Contributor

    Hi @OverlyAnxious 👏 thank you for clarifying that for me - there has been so much the last few years it seems - what with the Tories and now Labour and it just all got so confusing and worrying for me.

    Thanks again and wish you a lovely day to day😊