Depression and Disability



  • Robs
    Robs Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor
    I know its abused in the US. l was reading an article about pain meds on dotornet usa. They are now advocating that GPs should be allowed to prescribe canibis, l can't wait for a skunk cake on my monthly prescription. 
  • bam
    bam Online Community Member Posts: 326 Empowering
    In California where medical cannabis is legal. LOL it is extremely easy to get a prescription where I live for medical cannabis. I smoke medical marijuana but sadly enough I'm out and can't buy anymore until Saturday. I'm not really big on the edibles  however the Captain Crunch  ones are really good.We were just talking about pain meds. I just came back from the pharmacy picking up morphine which I really need right now. A lot of people will go to pain clinics and get prescriptions for Oxys and then turn around and sell them.
  • Robs
    Robs Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor
    Bam l have never tried cannabis in any form, but I'm all trying it , l remember Paul McCartney saying that it was less harmful than rum punch, that was after he had been arrested at JFK for processing cannabis. 

    The medical options in the UK vary, some say it causes paranoia, others say it's great for pain. I'm all for trying it tough.

    Actually, talking to my pain management consultant, his view is that pain control has not really progressed for over a hundred years, after all Morphine used to be a cure all in Victorian times sold as lordum. Oxycontin is only a refined version of Heroin and phosphate of codine has its origins in cannabis.

    I don't think pregabalin is any good, most of the hipnotics are heroin based in any case. However, l do know that a few of the MS sufferers say they benefit from the use of cannabis. So bring it on.
  • bam
    bam Online Community Member Posts: 326 Empowering
    A big hospital in the United States did an experiment to see if medical marijuana actually benefited patients. They found out medical marijuana only really benefited people with MS and epilepsy. Are you sure that it was Paul McCartney who got arrested at JFK. I heard it was John Lennon and John Lennon was convinced that Paul McCartney called the police and turned him in. I heard supposedly they got into a huge fight and didn't talk for a long time after that. In college I took a history of rock and roll class. Greatest college class ever.
  • Robs
    Robs Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor
    edited September 2016
    You could be right about John Lennon, but l do know Paul was done at some point. If Marijuana (Lady Jane) is found to be a benefit to MS suffers, it must be beneficial to me. l say that because drugs they keep offering me like Pregabalin, Gabapentin are used and formulated for epileptic patients. 

    Because l have a lot of nerve damage l am regarded as having an ABI (Acquired Brain Injury). So, the doctors keep trying to get me on these hipnotic drugs, but they just make me sleep.

    Personally l was never a hugh Beatle fan, and last time l was in New York, l bought every CD by Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Joan Beaz and of course Woody Guthries (The Dust Bowl Ballads were never released in the UK) l could get my hands on. Happy days!
  • bam
    bam Online Community Member Posts: 326 Empowering
    I really love that kind of music. I Really Love Led Zeppelin. I wish I was alive during the British Invasion of America with music. Just great bands and great music