Husband gets DLA - query about being his carer?

bevpowell Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited January 2017 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I currently work as a senior support worker. My husband has dual sensory impairments. He is very partially sighted and has profound hearing loss. He suffered a TUA last year and after being admitted to hospital with pnuemonia was diagnosed with COPD. He is of retirement age and receives his pension and DLA. He is now getting to the point where he needs me to be at home to care for him and maintain his safety. I am getting really concerned as to how we would cope financially and what benefits we would be entitled to. Can any one advise me please. We rent our house if that makes any difference. Thankyou.


  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    I'm not an expert,  but just wanted to mention that I had big problems with benefits and the terror that came with learning I wouldn't work possible ever again.  I called the Scope help line and a lovely lovely lady who was an expert in benefits called me back.  Both people a chatted with had all the time in world for me,  and they really knew their stuff. 

    Definitely worth calling if you can and it's free

    0808 800 3333

    We have found ways of saving money,  and more recently I've felt less anxious about money but gosh,  it's so what you don't need right now.  Sorry it's been hard. 

    How is your husband (and you!)  doing? 
  • bevpowell
    bevpowell Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    My husbands health is not good and mentally he is failing as well as constantly worrying about himself. Its all worry, worry, worry!; I worry when I am at work aboutgive them s him and on occasion it has hatoo.  an impact at work. I work in a highly complex challenging behaviour unit for autistic adults and need my wits about me at all times. I dont sleep very well and have to plan meals, dog walks, housework etc when I am at work.I plod along but feel under immense pressure. I see the house wants decorating, is constantly untidy. I look after people at work and when I come home too. Sorry for the rant having a pity party. Thanks for the info I will give them a ring when I finish work. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,605 Championing
    edited January 2017
    Hi @bevpowell and welcome to the community!

    Have a look at our benefits calculator that will let you know what you could be entitled to. 

    You sound quite worn out, take a look at the Tips on Support for carers page and make sure you are taking care of yourself too.  There are lots of carers and partners on the community, so do jump in and get involved as it can be helpful to know that you arent alone.

    I have also moved your post to the Ask a Benefits Advisor page and so they may be able to give you more information.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi bevpowell


    It is certainly worth giving the helpline a call when you have a minute as advised by mossycow and also using the links suggested by Sam

    To be able to advise you further it would be useful to know what rates of which components of DLA your husband receives. If he gets the middle or highest rate of the care component then someone who provides at least 35 hours a week of care for him could potentially claim carer's allowance; more on that here.

    Unfortunately if you have earnings of more than £110 a week then you are not eligible to claim carer’s allowance. However a full benefit check would be able to show you what the difference would be if you were to claim it rather than work or if you were to reduce your hours so your earnings were less than £110. Other benefits could also then be available to you such as housing benefit but depending on where you live and your age it might have been replaced by universal credit.

    It all sounds very complicated but remember we are here to help and will do our best to advise you on here or via the helpline about the options available to you.

    I hope that helps

    Best wishes


  • bevpowell
    bevpowell Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    thankyou I will certainly give them a ring 
  • bevpowell
    bevpowell Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thanks Paul he does get the middle componant and could possibly be eligible for the higher rate now but too frightened to apply for any changes due to hearsay from others who have had it reduced!! I am 57 and my husband is a lot older than me being 71. Even with me working we live very frugally and just manage on what I earn and what my husband brings in. I realky need to get a benefits check done. Thankyou