What does PIP do for you?

Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
You may have seen in the news that the Government has announced plans to tighten up access to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). At Scope, we're concerned that this could lead to people missing out or facing a reduction in support to manage extra costs.
It's really important right now that we talk about why PIP and other benefits are so vital to disabled people and their families.
If you receive PIP, what difference does it make to your life?


  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Online Community Member Posts: 416 Empowering
    It goes towards;
    • Topping up the low paid job I had to take.
    • The aid devices I need
    • Paying for professional cleaners and tradesmen as I can't clean or maintain the house.
    • Subsidising a big SUV car as I cannot bend to get in or out of a normal car.
    • Entertainment equipment and media as I can't leave the house much except for work.
    • Healthy ready meals as I can't prepare food from scratch.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Online Community Member Posts: 416 Empowering
    "Personal Independence Payment (PIP) helps with some of the extra costs caused by long-term ill-health or a disability if you’re aged 16 to 64."

    Extra costs are extra costs.

    Thankfully my drugs are free as cancer and its after-effects has an exemption. Otherwise most of my PIP would go on drugs alone :(
  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    Now I am receiving the standard rate of care and my husband is receiving carers allowance, we are able to save to have a downstairs toilet installed. 
    This will make a huge difference to my home life.
  • Janmadill28
    Janmadill28 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    I have been for my PIP Assessment today and none of my illnesses are visible except for hiccups that I've had since 2009. I now have to wait 4/6 weeks to see what their decision is.  That alone is stressful. 
  • clair
    clair Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    When u appeal wt happens do u have to go in person 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    You can either ask for a paper hearing or a hearing you attend in person.  But I understand that chances of success are far higher if you attend in person.
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Am so grateful for PIP! 

    - used to pay £10 towards prescription certificate for cheaper medicine. 
    - transport: car fuel,  emergency taxis, parking (as even with blue badge there are charges) 
    - Grocery delivery. I pay £35 year to tesco for free delivery on Tues, wed, Thurs. Life saver! 
    -our printer ink. £2 per month, as I can't handwriting so have to print out any form of written communication
    -aids such as my electric pan that sits on table, food processor etc as using knives etc hard
    -some healthy ready meals and some foods important to my diabetes and weight loss
    -clothes such as lots more warm clothes for going out in wheelchair. Different boots and socks as gabapentin medicine makes my feet cold. My old clothes didn't work on a wheelchair
    -camping stools... I have 8 at £15 each, One in each room, one in car so I can sit inside. 
    -energy bills as I am in the house more 
    -electric blankets for bed and for sofa. 
    -cheap microwave for upstairs for during the night heat pain relief 
    -special cups to drink from

    But more recently, we had the miracle of being finally awarded the higher rate of mobility and therefore a power wheelchair through motobility. Absolute LIFE CHANGER! e. G. Today, husband has the car, I'd be in from 7.30am to 6pm alone and unable to get further than my back gate..... But today I can go as far as 10 miles away! I'm going out to shop, see people and tomorrow I'm put doing a few hours voluntarily at my daughter's school. I am a teacher so that is huge for me. 

    I also have mental health problems and agree that PIP should be accessible to those who need it. 
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    @DannyMoore. You can get a prescription certificate where you basically pay about £10/£11 per month then all prescriptions are free. This is open to anyone.  And if you get more than 1 prescription a month it saves a fortune. 


    Or ask the chemist or doctor. 
  • nanof6
    nanof6 Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering
    i use my pip for help with  housework, window cleaning, food prep, cooking,help to wash my hair ect, also car, without it i would be house bound,im very thankful
  • nanof6
    nanof6 Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering
    it goes without saying, heating because lack of movement, and tv and internet for something to keep my mind active.and my phone line. 
  • jakey1953
    jakey1953 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited March 2017
    hi im eileen my son gets pip his autistic and in supported living the money helps him have days out etc . i wasent aware of any changes its wrong 
  • Seraphenia
    Seraphenia Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Without my PIP payment, I will not be able to do the following things 
    Go to appointments 
    Live in the flat I am currently in.
    Have my Computer my one source of entertainment and communication with my family. I am also Agoraphobic so the only way I can get the items I require to live.
    Have a Phone
    Pay for the clothes I require.
    Online Shopping to secure my dental implant because the NHS does not cover the dental work I need
    To have my scooter to actually try to eventually get outside in the summer.
    Pay my Bills 
    In fact, without my PIP payment, I will not be able to survive at all if it was taken off me I am not sure what I would do since it is now apparent I really need a part-time carer although I am not sure how to go about this. 
  • Seraphenia
    Seraphenia Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Oh and be able to heat my small flat and pay for the Electricity from my Landlord who put a token Meter in my property where I can only purchase cards from him at an inflated cost.

  • samparrot123
    samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
    The government doesn't realise that when we are saying we are disabled the cost is very high ,I need a gardener to cut my lawn cut my hedge ,someone to clear up all the leaves ,the extra cost of heating the home (gas) electric,etc.online shopping ,someone to clean ,make the beds ,help prepare meals etc.someone to help me dress and undress , and the list goes on ,
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    PIP will help to buy gluten free food, car running costs as I cannot walk far or use public transport, aids i.e. pressure cushions, walking stick, vitamin suppliments as I can't eat a lot, heating bills as I am inactive and feel the cold more than an able bodied person, spinal heat pads, dental costs.  
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    - someone to take me to hospital plus parking and petrol
    - pre prepared food
    - glasses every 6-12 months
    - nasal strips so I can breathe at night
    - money to get to and from a group I go to once a week, plus food
    - lock laces

    A load of one of things, such as noise cancelling headphones, my hat with uv filter.
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    PIP is my only source of income.

    What does it do for me?


    Oh Im lying.... Actually it makes me feel ashamed

    Ashamed to be so powerless as a man

    Ashamed to be made to beg for Muandy Money

    Ashamed that I cant give my son the life that I hoped I would

  • Janmadill28
    Janmadill28 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Please don't feel like that. We all need help during our hardest times due to disability 
  • samparrot123
    samparrot123 Online Community Member Posts: 50 Contributor
    I sent my filled in forms from DLA to PIP. on 6th Feb ,I am 68 yrs old and be 69 in Aug ,and I haven't heard a thing ,my money goes on paying someone to cut my hedge and lawn ,my heating and electric ,petrol , paying for someone to clean the house ,cut my nails ,my hair ,my son showers me ,and my daughters showers my wife ,unfortunately my wife has/had inoperable bowel cancer and had to have radical chemo and radio which has left her with a huge hernia and a illiostomy bag after seven operations because of hernias,I have rheumatoid arthritis .also emphases chronic heart disease ,fibrosis of the lungs ,copd,we could well do without this worry and I feel like ending it some day's,does anybody feel like this.