Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
my two sons have high functioning Autism , they rely on me completely to help them do household chores to assisting when cooking and chopping veg etc , also to encourage washing and dressing and going out in the community to do some shopping and recreational activities they have never caught a bus on their own and wouldn't know the area they live in the have terrible anxiety whenever they go out any where and need reassurance and my car ready for a quick exit if needed ,they can't manage money, they don't know the difference between £5 and £20 etc, I have to help them to budget and save , my oldest son had his PIP interview in December and was refused PIP ! As apparently he could take his cap off ok and he plays on the Xbox games (not very good) ! They said as he could do these things he doesn't not qualify for PIP ! 
Has anyone else had the same problem claiming ? We are appealing but now have to go to court which I'm dreading as I know my son will be a bag of nerves on the day and I'm hoping he won't lash out and hit someone when we are there .


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  • Julia1965
    Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Thank you Julie , I will go on the website 
  • Julia1965
    Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Hi Julie I had already downloaded all that information and according to that Jamie is well within the descriptors even the assessor said at the interview that his money shouldn't change as he meets the criteria, I have an appointment with the doctor so I'm hoping he will support us in Jamie's claim , it's a worry isn't it ! 
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  • Julia1965
    Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    They don't make life easy for us Mums ,I'm sure they should live our lives for a week and see our struggle 
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    Hi @Julia1965

    How's the appeal going?
  • Julia1965
    Julia1965 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Contributor
    Our doctor recommended going to citizens advice so I'm going to make an appointment with them , he also said a lot of people have their benefits back at the appeal but I'm so nervous for Jamie as I know to sit in front of 3 people assessing him is going to make him anxious , still haven't had a date for the appeal yet , thanks for asking