sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I was given 4 points for the mobility part of pip and so I appealed and lost. I received their decision this week. Ivwent along with a friend and we both commented that they would reject the claim. The Dr didn't really asked the kind of medical questions that would tell her how I cope with the pain. However after everyone had questioned me the Dr commented about the highlights in my hair. My nails that were done by my daughter and were in a state, then she asked me about the shoes I was wearing she thought they were high. They were clarks and it was a wedge heel about an inch. I was told by the physio not to wear flats and to wear the kind of shoes I was wearing. I believe she had an influence on the decision.

i don't believe that just because my family and I want to look reasonabl I should go around with grey hair and flip Flops!!

i need help in what to do next please. Do I appeal again or make a new claim?



  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi Sophie, Have replied to your other post. You could ring the help line for more advice. Good Luck..
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    sophie18 - I suggest that you re-post in the 'Ask a benefits advisor' category.

    It's outrageous that some people will only think a person is disabled if they look dishevelled.  There is no reason why highlighted hair has any bearing on a person's disability, nor varnished nails either.

  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    No idea why people with disabilities are expected to look either dowdy ugly or both! 

    I never used to get my hair done but I do now & even a benefit advisor said 'why shouldn't people help themselves feel better!?' 

    I hope this negative attitude is going to change towards  disabilities and appearance. 

    Theres a beautiful little girl with Down's syndrome who is a model and actress and has the most amazing positive outlook on life that she can do whatever she likes...is that positive exuberance supposed to end once she becomes an adult? No!
  • joannarashelle
    joannarashelle Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Taking care of our appearance helps us feel better about ourselves especially when struggling with pain be it physical or mental, it can have a massive impact on our mental health well being when we treat ourselves to little things like hair nails etc, I also know it's healthier for our back and joints if we wear shoes with a small heel as opposed to flats, incredible that the doctor commented on your shoes saying they were high!

    it's worrying that there are people like this in charge of making the decisions as regards PIP being allocated. 

  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    Thank you to you alkyl for your replies.  It's made me feel quite emotional reading them because I started to think I was the only one with those views..

    Matilda I will take your advice thank you and ring the courts in Monday. 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I would think that tribunal doctors are GPs, not specialists, so would not have in-depth knowledge about medical conditions, only fairly superficial knowledge.

    My hair is coloured and highlighted - but my hairdresser always does it for me.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I can't even wash my own hair I tend to get my hair when it needs colour. I could go 5 weeks to get my hair washed! She didn't really cate about me. The questions she asked she had the answer in front of her. No one seemed to want to know why I had appealed that the decision made by the DLA was based on assumptions made by the face to face and the fact that she lied in her report!
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    I'm proud of myself when I make it to the hairdressers having gone through alsorts of operations traumas and repeated major grieving... if it wasn't for the trainees washing and blow drying my hair for free and reduced rate colour I would look and feel worse than ever...they helped me so much...nobody knows what anyone is going through inside...some people don't even know what's happening in their own body at times 
  • nanof6
    nanof6 Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering
    yes, I go to my local college to get my hair done, £4 20 for a cut, £12.00 for streeks, where the pupils are learning, it does make you feel better, anyway I can't get into local hairdressers with my wheelchair, their loss.the college always has tutors to oversee their work, and you meet people, yes why shouldn't we look nice.
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Is there some way we can get a representative to speak on behalf of the public regarding this subject perhaps on national television...
    I'm prepared to do it! 
    Im sure there are many who are in favour of making effort when they can instead of assessors being judgemental... 
    Some people where an unnoticeable wig for health reasons...does that make them alright bc they look clean & tidy? 
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I want to know why they rejected my claim. What I wanted to ask was what did my appearance have to do with medical. I was told that theRe was going to ask me medical questions Allan she asked were questions she had answers to in my medical retort s. No one asked me why I appealed or about how I live day you day. I think it's appalling that this is happening. I would love for you to speak out if you're willing if be very grateful.  They've taken the car off me without it I can't go to work sophie know I'm going to lose my home. 

    It was the so called who asked me if I was going somewhere and there were diversions what would I do? What's medical about that? I would have to follow and go back home if the diversion went on. I think that really the question is ambiguous and any answer given can be interpreted ad they see fit. I'm so depressed if i lose my home I feel that I'll take my life! I don't know what to do any more I'm tired of fighting them!!!
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    HI, SOPHIE18
    i am in the same boat, went for a review was completely honest assessor rushed through questions. nothing about my mental state. last sat got the brown letter and got 4 points and 2 for mobility so now gone from enchanced to nothing.
    I requested my pa4 assessors report and noticed there are contridictions and errors and gave me a review date so really mine not fit for purpose.
    There were so many made up lies to fill the gaps and she said i had no mental health problems which is a joke.. she not even a trained nurse i checked her out she just a pen pusher who has had bit training.
    make sure you get your assessors report and ask dwp for MR ring up but make sure you ask for it in writing too.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    What's MR please. Thank you.
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    It should be on your decision letter mandatory reconsideration.
    Its the 1st stage of appeal you have to go through this part 1st before appealing.
    Basically the DWP can overturn decision from the 1st decision maker, but what i have read it does not happen very often. Tend to rubberstamp it as they dont like admitting there wrong.
    I rang up last week asking for my M R and then put it in writing that i requested a M R and sent them medical information and why i should get point.
    Have you got the assessors report yet?
    I recieved that and it was lie after lie was in melt down all last week, but today im feeling positive and ready for the fight to get my points i deserve.

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    edited March 2017

    As I've posted earlier on this thread, I suggest that you re-post in the 'Ask a benefits advisor' category where there are benefits experts who can advise you about what action you need to take next.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    The report was the same lie after lie. The assessment was based on their own assumptions and not facts!

    ive just posted it on "Ask the Beneft Advisor" I had a little difficulty finding the place to post my query, thank you.
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Yh mine on there 2 did it last night. 

  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I have just rang the courts and was told that I can ask for a "Statement of Reasons" which is what the judge writes up and the law to cover their backs, and a "Record of Proceedings" which are the notes made during the interview. I've just sent them an email requesting these as it's got to be put in writing. In case anyone is in the same place as me.
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    You ask dwp for assessors report number on top of your letter.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    Thank you