
  • shelby1066
    shelby1066 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    If you feel assessor did not ask the right questions or report is false then appeal decision. You do this by phoning pip and ask for mandatory reconsideration. Tell them why and what u think they have wrong. They have 28 days to respond and whilst this is going on they cannot take your car
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I had my f2f feb 9th recieved my decision letter march 11th and my pip had been stopped from 3rd march it said in decision letter. then had to call esa up as not been paid. Its played havoc with my head emotions health all because i had a bad apple assessor. who could not be bothered to do her job right.
    The feelings and how you feel are so hard to put into words but your not alone so many people are going through this and goverment dont seem bothered sinful.

  • shelby1066
    shelby1066 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    You need to appeal decision  and explain why it was wrong.  What assessor did not look at. This is how your illness affects you. Not what u look like. Just because you looked good had hair done does not mean you are not unwell. 
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I have appealed and lost again. I've requested Statement of purpose and the notes they made on the day. They never even bothered to ask me why I appealed or how I cope daily. They were more interested in my hair nails shoes etc nothing medical they didn't already have the answers for.
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Have u asked for a M R?.
    its so hard to express how you feel and all the emotions running around your head until you go through it. I dont eat sleep due to worry and im only just submitted my M R last week but i bombarded them with urgent faxes from mental health written saying my report is there words unfit for purpose. 
    Today gave them the pip handbook guide clauses also about missing evidence and lack of care with the whole assessment and the assessor fabricating things like she copied pasted off someone elses report to fill in gaps. She even said got no mental health problems but i have anxiety ocd drpression paranoid thoughts and suicidal thoughts said i have none. 
    I stopped medication as need to think as tablets make me not care or think. 
    So at min on a bit of a high.
    emailed my MP today. 
    Have u been to cab or anyone for advice?

  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Make sure if you phone DWP always follow up in writing record delivery as phone call no proof.
    someone said to me keep fighting dont be stastic who gave up get what u deserve.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I haven't been anywhere since they took the car off me I'm not able to go anywhere and I have no money for taxis like the assessor suggested I do. What's MR please
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Mandatory reconsideration which is the first stage of the appeal process after receipt of DWP's decision maker's award letter.  But you have already had a tribunal hearing.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi Sophie, What is the appeal you mentioned in your 1st post? That might have been the MR which stands for Mandatory Reconsideration. It is a request for DWP to look at their decision again. If you've had 2 brown envelopes with 2 decisions then you've done that. If not post again and someone will tell you what to do...
  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    If you feel assessor did not ask the right questions or report is false then appeal decision. You do this by phoning pip and ask for mandatory reconsideration. Tell them why and what u think they have wrong. They have 28 days to respond and whilst this is going on they cannot take your car
    I'm sorry but I think you are wrong,there. 
    I had my motability car taken from me even though I had a Mandatory Reconsideration in operation. 
    In fact,my car was returned to the dealership one day then exactly one week later I got the result of the MR, which gave me back enhanced mobility. 
    But by then it was too late. 
    Once motability give you a date of hand back, I don't think there is any changing that. 
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Waterlily you sY u got your entitlement back in M R. What did you start with when ugot decision letter. I lost enhanced in march Nd given 4 mobility and 2 daily living sent mr last week.
  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I got the lower independence living allow mace and 4 points mobility
  • charmed
    charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected

    Im sure although you have handed your car back, your award is now enhanced you can get reapply for mobility scheme after I think several months???

    ---check this---

  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    Waterlily you sY u got your entitlement back in M R. What did you start with when ugot decision letter. I lost enhanced in march Nd given 4 mobility and 2 daily living sent mr last week.
    On DLA I was on high rate mobility component indefinitely,no care. 

    Then,initially on PIP I was given 10 points for the mobility component and 8 points for the care component. 

    After MR, I was given 12 points for the mobility component and 10 points for the care component. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Yes thankyou. As all you hear is negative side of M R not the good side. Im not bothered about mobility side i have more mental health just want my points back. How long did it take if you dont mind me asking the mr process?
  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor

    charmed said:

    Im sure although you have handed your car back, your award is now enhanced you can get reapply for mobility scheme after I think several months???

    ---check this---

    I spoke to motability and they are happy to negotiate with you should you be successful with MR. 

    This is what they told me;

    If you still have your car when the MR comes through (and you are successful),then motability can stop the hand back and you can continue as you were. 

    If the car has gone back and your MR comes through after (and you are successful) then motability will ask for a proportionate amount of the transition £2000 back and let you join motability again. Not with the car you had, you have to start again. 

    If if you fail at MR and go to appeal and you are then successful,then after 6 months motability will accept you back and you start again with another vehicle. 
    You will not hand back any of the £2000. 

    In my case, my car went back and I had no idea if MR was going to be successful or not (I had read that it is rare) and fully expected to go to appeal, we decided to buy our own car. Literally, my husband dropped off the motability car and went directly to pick up the one we had purchased. 

    Had the DWP been a little bit quicker with the MR result, I would still have my motability car. 

    Thats life!

  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    Yes thankyou. As all you hear is negative side of M R not the good side. Im not bothered about mobility side i have more mental health just want my points back. How long did it take if you dont mind me asking the mr process?
    It took 7 weeks from when I sent the MR letter to when I had the new award letter. But Christmas and new year was in the middle. 
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Wow thats along time to have to wait. 
    In your case worth it. Did you just send letter in or did you produce more evidence?

  • sophie18
    sophie18 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    They rejected the MR and I took it to the appeal stage. I don't know why they even bother with the questions they don't believe you anyway. It would really be helpful maybe if you can tell us how you got the enchanted mobility because I found unless someone is in a box they can walk or use taxis according to my experience with the people who sit there and make assumptions and lies to justify their decisions!
  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    Wow thats along time to have to wait. 
    In your case worth it. Did you just send letter in or did you produce more evidence?

    I didn't send any evidence in with the PIP form or the MR. 
    I didn't have anything.