What question would you ask your MP to make your Disabilty stress free



  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    I wrote to the minister (MP) for Disability and gave her my concerns regarding my recent PIP assessment,have not had a reply yet.I believe that contacting this person in large number about PIP etc just might penny.mordaunt.mp@parliament.uk .Lets get as many E mail complaints to this Minister to give her a wahe up call.Its the only way
  • basiclee08
    basiclee08 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    @johnny100 This is The lady Who Just made assessments Harder To pass and Changed Guidelines Once Again For Qualifying for PiP. Sadly Tories Not A One nation Party as they Say. But Same Old Nasty Party. Now if We were Bankers Do You Think We'd get Treated Like This?. I don't think So!. Hats off to you Johnny For Not Just Taking It and Wanting to do something. Speaks Volumes. Cheers Lee 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Like many other of her constituents, I wrote to my Labour MP some time ago about the issues with PIP.  In turn, she wrote to the then Employment Minister, Pritti Patel.  Pritti Patel replied saying in effect that it was Government policy to make it hard for people to claim PIP and ESA because 'taxpayers' (she means Government) should not have to fund lifestyles that 'taxpayers' cannot themselves afford.  In other words, the Government think that recipients of disability benefits are living the life of Riley.  And they seem to overlook that disability claimants are also taxpayers, if only indirect taxpayers.

    I recall that in fact the Labour Government in 1997 tried to cut disability benefits.  Disabled people protested by chaining their wheelchairs to the gates of Downing Street.  The cuts were reversed on that occasion - but I can't see the Tory Government doing this.  On the contrary, as we know, they are making it even harder for people to qualify for disability benefits.  And the Labour Opposition aren't putting up much of a fight against this.

    Our only hope is the tribunals who do uphold 65% of appeals.

  • basiclee08
    basiclee08 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    @Matilda True In house of Lords Labour Peers Abstained From Voting . They Promise the World and When Elected It's. I am Alright Jack!. A Plague on All there Houses. 
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    abolish the house of lords,a fancy title for doing nothing.They only look after themselves and the high profile that they can achieve.Its about time that we got some MPs voted in who really know the difficulties that disabled people have,some one on these so called committes to stand up for the likes of us.This government have not got a clue
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    How many MPs, Lords and or civil servants are actually specfically qualified for the roles they undertake in the governance of our country?

    If you researched this I think you would be horrified by what "qualifications" are held by those who supposedly know better than us about what is good for our nation!

    Its time people woke up a bit and realised whats going on.

    The people who are afforded the opportunity to become our ruling classes are all self rewarding servants of an upper class that employs them to keep us all living from hand to mouth and to perpetuate a regime that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

    Its as simple as that.

    Nobody is doing anything about it because those with power want NOTHING done about it.   NOTHING will get done about it either until we cease to allow an electoral process that allows rich buissnessmen and thier puppets to become candidates for election.

    There are many who believe that are electoral system is also not only a farce but fundementally corrupt.   Ask yourself this...... If these liars could get away with incresing thier term in government by fiddling the votes if they knew they could get away with it......... Would they?      

    The answer , of course is a resounding  YES.    The question is,  has this been happening in our ellections?   The answer is "if they can get away with it they will".

    Why do we all allow them to get away with so much?  

    The only politician who has spoken out about any of this is Corbyn.  In turn he has been villified by the media for his anti establishment stance.  A stance that favours the people of Britain over its corrupt and reprehensible state!  (Including the monarchy)

    Why would anybody try and paint sombody as a "wrong un", if this person is trying to encourage the people to take back control of their nation for hebennefit of the people?  Doesnt make any sense does it!

    HMMMM.  Could it be that the media and the corporate run establishment of the UK recognise Corbyn and people like him as a threat?  A threat to their status quo?  A status quo that favours THEM greatly?

    Is that why the Security Services (GCHQ, MI5 etc). Were and probably still are instructed to SPY on the likes of Corbyn?  How many UK citizens are monitored in this way?  Sometimes by "undercover Policemen".  Everybody thought the KGB were terrible.  Our security services are NO different.  Dismembered bodies found in bags in wardrobes,  torture, innocent people gunned down on the underground Etc.

    Dont get me wrong, im not getting party political here.....  Im just talking about wrongs and rights.

    I think a lot of people in the UK are very confused about wrongs and rights these days.  Mind you its no wonder when so many impressionable people are subjected to such a torrent of propaganda from the majority of media outlets.

    Is it any suprise that nobody seems to care about the plight of the disabled and other vulnerable sections of our society?  People are far too busy being awful to each other to either notice or care.  Those that have a "stake in the disabled", have just that, a stake,  they are aiming to treat disability as an "industry",  the evil sods even use that term tne disability industry?  ****?

    Step back,  take a good look at it all and really think it through......

    Why are we allowing this to happen?
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    It would be nice if every week some of the forum E mail could be sent to the minister responsible for Disability,just to show how unmanaged the process  of PIP is not fit for purposeAll the deceit lies and whatever other words you can think of..This government dont give a monkeys.The bottom line really is cut cut cut this benefit no matter what your disability is..  
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

  • WheelyRachel
    WheelyRachel Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Why is the government continuing to deny that since 2010 there have been cuts after cuts to social care. I'm prove my care has gone from 2hrs45mins daily to now just 45mins while my needs have gotten worse.
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    I system for 2018 as being put in place that services on social care are up for tender. I will be fighting this case with my county with avoiding private contracts. This will mean further cuts awaiting to happen by cutting corners.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @GeoffBosworth195661 Pleased to meet you, sorry I must have missed this thread or post.  Great to speak to you.

    My simple question is stop revaluations of people like my self, continually being assessed.  Whether in their eyes fit  to work, then deciding another 18 months reassessed say I unfit.  Even though I am ill any way, when is that going to stop.

    Being going on past twenty plus years nothing, mentally, physical is going to improve.

    I am now in my early fifties, done employment, courses, loads of qualifications along the way.  In the time I was declared fit to work ,suffering stress, relapse of addiction history.  Plus attitudes of staff, bullying and the rest.  That goes with that.

    Since being sorted out by various charities that dealt with my mental health and addiction.  I have am clean but the overriding issue is still there having the fear of relapse.

    Last mental health charity met a support worker who took all I am saying on board.  The assessment again came around, signed me fit, very ill mentally, very concerned for my health.  The support worker stepped, wrote a letter for the assessment, I was due to have.  Contacted my doctor with me present plus spoke to job centre plus. 

    Now unfortunately the charity that supported me my time was upon me.  Only three years.  My fear will have to this again.  So that is a question asking my MP what is point of doing assessments the person is not only too old but now is the age has experience, qualifications limited and out of date.

    There needs to be some one out there looking at this.  Went on a training course last year towards January about ten of us all mid fifties and early sixties.  All of us had experiences I have just said.  The money wasted on training programmes wasted for members of the community like us.

    They needs to be a ruling on this.  I am not work shy, at one time in my life would have an been shown the way to employment. but know now that my chances are so slim and all the time wasted, energy, stress levels still cloud my mind all the years.

    Trying to get some where employment wise but held back by well meaning people and attitudes who interfered too much.

    I apologise for long post, I have said enough.  I have views and opinions on how we are perceived by the Government and also having worked for a number of Government agencies, departments.  I see the light.

    Take care hope to speak to you soon.
  • jamie1965
    jamie1965 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Contributor
    I have seen first hand how the mps don’t care had to represent my company’s disabled work force few years ago at the disability confident conference in London the first one they had the people there where fab then David Cameron and his people came in they only seemed to want to get free lunch them took there publicly photos and left I was then asked to speak in the House of Commons to mps about how the system and work places make me feel and what I would like to see happen all the mp’s were invited yet 4 showed up mp Mike Pennington who arranged it was not happy at all at the turn out at all we weee all disappointed that the people who have basically been appointed to run out country and our life’s had better things to do could not even take a short time out of there day to listen to the people they were there to represent and what insulted us more is there is number of bars in there and when we packed up to leave lots of the mp’a where coming out and going in guess a pint is more important to them 

  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hello@spiceman nerves are a condition that can change moods in many ways and for your self it ca not be nice. The brain in many cases have to be adjusted in certain types of conditions that are not related on just one type. These slap up courses are devised by people who create work for them selves and pointing in the right direction health ministers need to realise each person is different and mental health is a typical example that you crying out for help but end up with unnecessary drugs that create more deeper depths and disrupt the nerve system. Dont get me wrong about medication the medication that is issued can be a great help. If the wrong sought is given this gives a different action as not all humans are not the same. Assessments is one thing that will not go away and the reason changes can develop over a certain time for the better or good. I know that most assessments have been a shambles but this is monitored now. Profits before welfare of the disability which I will not dwell on this. I am so pleased that your addiction as been put right and you have worked really hard to put that right well done. You dont have to apologies for a long post this is an inspiration for anyone who are addicted to drugs this gives many a chance by if you can do it many addicted can sought them selves out. Take care Spiceman have a good day the best you can.   
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hello@bendigedig, after going through your comments I understand where you are comming from with mostly frustration, anger. We certainly have and still going through a turmoil around us. The country is not going to change it's ways in big ways unless the government want it. A attitude of we tell you and obey while we make the country disabled suffer with cuts after cuts. share holders assessment teams giving wrong diagnoses. Bendigedig when the voting comes around again you let your X make the changes. Take care bendigedig keep safe have a good day the best you can.  
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @GeoffBosworth195661 Thank you for reply.  I agree with you about mental problems, relating to addiction history.  Which by the way I forgot to mention.  When a person talks about addiction, my fault.  

    Addiction could be alcohol or drugs.  Not just that as well I was at a mental health charity conference where the lists of addictions was endless from gambling to sex to shopping plus others.  The new one gaming.

    My addiction is alcohol being an alcoholic thirty years plus, turned to drugs to calm pain of alcohol withdrawal.

    I apologise for being honest I have learnt on this forum honesty is the best thing to talk about your health history.  I have fears that I have plus anxieties debating my health history.  Upsetting others that read my posts, still a taboo subject in public.

    Some thing that happened last year.  Mental health charity refrained from me talking, debating, discussing anything around the theme.  Yet there were people in the charity who had an addiction history like mine, if known about that we could have helped each other.

    Please may I also say if you do not mind one of the aspects of the assessments is the time taken to get a reply of the outcome.  I see this morning the Government looking at report on ATOS and Capita.  Lots need to be done I think.

    I would agree with one thing when you have an assessment, some times the outcome from the medical professional could be more sensitive, be more patience, tolerance.

    Last one I had the lady was a nurse no idea about how addiction and mental health connected.  My support worker had to step in and explain.  Attitudes of that nurse not least in my opinion not a clue, no sense of me and my problems.

    So do these firms that do assessments need to have better understanding of conditions and disability plus the long term effects.

    In the end are changes to be made for the whole system.  One I wished to see.  The appeals procedure.  Had a panel of Doctors who made the appeal procedure not only daunting but frightening.  I ended up wondering tell me now the result not hanging around another 3 months into Christmas waiting.

    Last appeal was two years ago, still a memory.  No need for that why that long.

    That if I knew then that any other action to take place, can I appeal again or can I give more information.  To be in limbo waiting long periods of time.

    May I also say I enjoy reading your posts on disability matters and issues.

    Take care, nice to have met you.
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hello@spiceman, it is good to get a better a picture but it is a addiction of substitute to relief. It does not change for you are an inspiration to a great deal of other people who are right now going through this hurdle. You have proved and must have gone through a great deal of ordeals and the things around you have got on top. If anyone is not feeling well and have any type of illness these assessment places should not put people stressed and this area I have brought up to get this soughted out. After many stories of miss diagnosed outcomes and so on. A investigation as already taken place and small amount have changed but not enough they still can do far better. A further investigation into the matter and monitoring are still on going. If you do not agree with the outcome you can appeal and have the grounds to over turn. You have mentioned about a support worker with a support worker you can ask for this to be soughted and helped filling in any documents. If you have any letters with your health do not throw away keep them in a folder and photocopy them and send with your health questionnaire this helps a great deal. You need to put every detail no matter how trivial it may be to you, it all counts. Finally if you need more details on this subject scroll the baron far right take it to bottom and click on Talk about PIP/DLA this will give you your answers to your situation. Take care spiceman the anxiety this is causing and stress that is making your health even worse and can not think straight. This is why you did not fill my forms in missing out other concerns. Be your self put all on the table and the questionnaire will be soughted with missed issues. Spiceman look after yourself.   
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    To have properly trained assessors not private companies..... who dont lie and cheat to get a bonus!!!!!! it would be better for them to dress in a uniform like a doctor or nurse has two and also when you send in genuine medical evidence off a doctor or consultant it should be properly looked at then we would, not have to go through this humiliating assesements also there should be a copy of your assesement given to you straight after the assesement therefore the assesor can not add or subtract any information once you have left the assesement room to which will no doubt hinder your claim which happended to me and countless other people i also think the dwp should take responsibility for reading and believing the assesors report they should look back at medical reports and previous assesements and if there has been no change in circumstances or your health condition has got worse over time and that is backed up by GP and consultants and phychatrist then that should be good enough grounds and evidence for the dwp instead of wasting money going through these humiliating assesements because i like many should not have to tell a total stranger my medical history
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Most are not even trained in the medical circle which is why a wrong diagnoses have been continued unnecessary deaths. The question is who is responsible and that group of hands should be brought before the courts. Even has I have this typed UN have started a investigation on this matter where leaders have been made aware. A proper assessor in any medical review should have the qualifications which is a breach of the law.   
  • freckles
    freckles Online Community Member Posts: 257 Empowering
    Totally agree not an assessor who qualified in back pain etc doing an assesement with someone with mental health 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 15 Listener
    I would ask my MP how she would like to live on benefits and pay the local council 12 pound a month in council tax it is stressful because cheif exec earns you 250 thousand a year