Have you had a successful PIP appeal? We need your tips



  • susan48
    susan48 Community member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    I too felt worse after my successful pip Appeal, I just wanted to say - here take it all back, I don’t want it anymore, you’v broken me!,

    its still effecting me today, 2 months later!!

    good luck to you all
  • louise91
    louise91 Community member Posts: 37 Connected
    I done an MR and was successful. I took the report and went through it page by page and commented on everything I disagreed on, why I disagreed and how many points I felt should have been awarded.

    I did point out lies on the report but done it in a mannerly way, I backed up what I was saying with medical information from trusted websites, medical records and from doctors letters.

    I pointed out discrepencies in the justifiactions as they didn't add up and also said that I would appeal the decision if the MR wasn't successful.

    I also sent off as much medical information as possible and got a letter from the doctor confirming physical and mental limitations. A week after everything was sent in the MR result was sent out.
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Well done @louise91

    Numerous MR are now winning since there have been many cases proving facts that there has been assessors caught out submitting false information and lying by omission 

  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering

    i hope you get stronger as time passes 

    if I could wave a magic wand I would and make things better but it’s simple pleasures 

    I can’t even handle a radio on & music was my life 

    I’m a completely diff person too 

    The only way I can help is suggest all of us to send out best wishes to all who need it 
  • susan48
    susan48 Community member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    thank you. Very kind of you and yes sending hugs to everyone  :)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,737 Contributor
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Pennycrayon909
    Pennycrayon909 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    I got my daughter to reply to my MR and she copied the questions and answered them pointing out the mistakes it had in near enough every question. Also done in the nicest possible way as yourself Alice and the reply was only to one of things mentioned.
    also their was total lies in the whole thing.
    The tribunal did not take long (thankfully) to over rule the pip payments.
    This site helped me a lot as I took everything personally until I read these posts.
    now I am having problems with esa supplement as they say I have had an overpayment at one time and debt recovery are taking it out of the arrears. 
    Good luck to all on here and again thank you xx
  • Pennycrayon909
    Pennycrayon909 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    I should have come on here a lot sooner than I did as I really thought why am I a mess when my six older siblings have lifes and careers.
    i just go into panic mode and do what I am now and come back to bed.. too warm out and my new neighbours said the seller told them she hardly saw or heard me so I felt as if I needed to say something and lied saying I don’t use car for work and I am not always in though it is their.
    they are retired and have more energy in their little finger than I do at all. 
    There are some horrible illnesses and I know that I should be grateful but my mind doesn’t work like that and I just waste my existence hiding away as you say you do Janice. 
    If I had been told when younger I wouldn’t go out and wouldn’t be married or even have a partner when I was 47 I would not have believed them. 
    I hated staying in and now hate to go out. 
    Seeing my daughter this weekend and is going to help me with the garden but I usually end up sulky and she gives in and goes home.

    I was 47 in March and as my periods stopped in January I was told be the stress causing early menopause 
    (my mum and two older sister were about 55 for theirs)
    today they have come back
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Community member Posts: 142 Empowering
    The assessor awarded me all the points I needed. The decision maker took points away and reduced the award. I'm still undecided whether to ask for a MR because iv heard so many accounts where people have lost the entire award. I guess that's the whole point of the dwp doing this, to stop people appealing. 
    Congratulations dwp. Your system to stop appeals really works (in my case at least). 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Community member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    If you think DWP would have no justification for reducing your current points, then go for MR.  Only 20% of MRs change awards either way.

    Yes, DWP try to stop people appealing so don't be intimidated by them if you think you have a good case.

    I'm pleased I wasn't deterred.  MR made no change but tribunal increased award from standard to enhanced both components.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi sandyp

    While it is possible for you to lose points at MR it is unusual. What was the DM's reason for reducing the points ?
    If you deserve a higher award then you need to do MR so that you can then take it to appeal where the success rate is arounf 69%

  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
    I hope things improve - i had fibroids & would much rather my periods had suddenly stopped so its best to try to practice gratitude for small things if poss 
  • Hell59
    Hell59 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    I was awarded pip......take someone who knows you well with you....be honest.....and be ready too answer questions that are repeated twice ...
  • tina1888
    tina1888 Community member Posts: 85 Contributor
    Can I ask does the appeal board go over the whole pip claim again or do they concentrate on the area you feel that you were let down and given the wrong points?  Obviously I'm scared I loose points on what I have already been awarded? Thanx
  • Matilda
    Matilda Community member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I understand that the appeal panel look at the whole award.  At my hearing the panel's questions were mainly about the descriptors I had disputed with the DWP. 

  • tina1888
    tina1888 Community member Posts: 85 Contributor
    Were u successful?
  • Matilda
    Matilda Community member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Yes.  Tribunal increased my award from standard to enhanced both components.

    Good luck with your appeal.  69% of appeals succeed.

    Disability Rights UK site (DR) has a good guide to PIP.  And their Disability Rights Handbook has a good section on appeal hearings procedure, available price £18.50 from DR site.  Or might be available in your local reference library.
  • cesil
    cesil Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    my son was on dla and getting care when we had to change for pip which got declined. The pip assessment did not take into account that at time of when he was assessed he was getting care.  How can they assess if they need care and help when they are getting care and help and that's how he achieved a good assessment. In my mandatory reconsideration which I won I pointed this out. If at time of assessment I was not giving care and help he would not of been even out of bed let alone dressed that day. You need to remember this when appealing or even having the assessment.  If you are getting care at time of assessment , you need to make it clear that without the pip thus losing carers allowance you won't be able to achieve what you are achieving when you are being assessed. My son was noted as clean and well kempt. Not anxious nor nervous. I had prepared him and made sure he was up dressed and washed on day of assessment as I was his carer and was getting paid to do that job. We got penalised for this as not taken into consideration.  Hope this helps 
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Since winning my appeal I agree the extra money has helped but the impact it had on my well being in winning has in fact added to the long term stress

    It is unimaginable for ppl to comprehend people with invisible conditions as they only see them when they try to face the world 

    I have been brought up to hide illness which I do v well so I’ve been told but now I’m beginning to share how my life is affected so ppl stop judging and assuming I’m ok when I’m just ticking over 

    I know I ought to have been hospitalised many times but I suffer in silence at home alone as I know the solitude & peace n quiet is best although self care and eating habits are not v good - breakfast in bed is dry cereals (serious joke) and survival skills are snacking so meals are minimum - in comparison to my fear of hospitals 

    My most recent set back has made me virtually bed bound AGAIN and AGAIN trying to enjoy feeding the birds and sit in my garden which is more than enough, ppl would not believe me when they see me with a tan 

    I dread going through this process all over again bc each time is like slow man slaughter 

    How is anyone supposed to feel confident to return to work even on zero contract hours after feeling so destroyed and utterly exhausted 

    Anyone still going through an appeal need to have a v gd support network and the best advice and guidance alongside poss support worker, social worker and a prof from their nearest Law Centre if they can 

    Good luck to those still in the process 
  • NannyG
    NannyG Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    A Fresh new update on appeal win May 16th 2018 Birmingham Area

    Hi all..I have very recently won my PIP appeal and would like to share my experience as we all know our own experience is very different to another...Like most of you I was very apprehensive, I had read most forums on the subject which did and didn't help as you hear the scary stories and it makes you feel worse.

    I went with my daughter and a few days before I had already prepared in writing what I was going to say, all of my related evidence had been sent in 7 days before.

    We arrived there 10 mins before time and I started to get really anxious I went to the loo a couple of times I cried I didn't want to but I'm an emotional person and couldn't help it, anyway they tribunal panel were late in seeing me, the clerk came out to see me before-hand and reassured me they were lovely.

    I went in and they said my name and stated they were not going to go over the 'Daily Living' component (which I scored 2) as they shouldn't have taken that away from me so that's been overturned we have discussed this before you have come in. All they did was ask me a few questions re the mobility component that didn't come across challenging and they were very considerate in the way the questions were asked, the Doctor asked me 1 question and so did the Disability person and that was it. the judge asked me if I would I like to wait for the answer or go as they had kept me waiting and they would send it in writing.

    I decided to go as i felt flummoxed and wanted to get out, 2 days later I received in writing the decision in which they had also given me 8 points on mobility. I had gone from just having 2 points to 8 points on each component.

    As you can imagine I was very relieved.

    On the 29th May I received a call from PIP asking me 2 questions which was 1. have i been away at all in hospital, prison or overseas for more than a certain amount of days. 2. Are my bank details still the same. They then stated that it would take between 5 and 10 days for all monies to be backdated and paid and then regular PIP payment in place.

    I received a letter 31st May to say I will be payed all of arrears from 4th Sept 17  until now on the 4th June.

    All of the second process has taken less than a month to sort out.

    I do hope that my experience can be reassuring for anyone going through this process and try to remember that every tribunal panel is different and don't expect the worse. Just go prepared, but I didn't even have to take out anything that I had written and I was in there for 10 minutes max. I thought afterwards and said to my daughter 'all of that stress and worry' she said Mum its over now.

    So good luck and if I can answer any questions you may have I will try my best.. :)