Have you had a successful PIP appeal? We need your tips



  • julie1962
    julie1962 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Hi group........i have recently won my tribunal hearing for p.i.p it's been ongoing since e September 2017 and as you can imagine trying to cope without any help has added to my mental health and physical health an enormous amount of stress, ...having gone through this i have now received a form to fill in for e.s.a., the question i would like to ask is,Do I enclose the decision award from the court as part as my evidence when returning this form?kind regards karren....p.s.thanks in advance,
  • thara
    thara Posts: 47 Contributor
    Don’t have time to read everything but I have found some useful pieces of advice here. I’m currently trying to find the DLA forms and paperwork for my son. We have to renew it. Considering making a claim for his first ever Blue Badge at the same time. 
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    @thara remember pip is different to dla. Look at the descriptors and describe how his condition affects his daily life most of the time. If you havent already, get advice from welfare rights or c a b or one of the disability rights sites. 
  • matthew04
    matthew04 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi everyone I just wanted to post this note as the help from this site was great and really helped put me at ease , I was awarded pip in 2016 for 2 yrs then after 10 mths they wanted to review me again and off course after the assessment they removed my pip never even requested any updates from my gp or consultant , I decided to do a MR with help of MP but I lost that so then it was off to a tribunal , I did all the work myself causing my health to get worse but I did it and I attended the tribunal again on my own , I was honest and showed them how my disability really effects me as that is what pip is about how ur disability effects YOU , the panel took 10 mins to make there decision and I was reawarded back my pip not one person from dwp even attended the tribunal , I have since been advised that I have cause to take legal action against them for removing my pip for 24 weeks which caused my great stress , mortgage arrears and anxiety , can anyone give me advice on how I can do this as I really want them not to do this to anyone else they need to realise what there doing to peoples lives ????
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    matthew04 said:
    Hi everyone I just wanted to post this note as the help from this site was great and really helped put me at ease , I was awarded pip in 2016 for 2 yrs then after 10 mths they wanted to review me again and off course after the assessment they removed my pip never even requested any updates from my gp or consultant , I decided to do a MR with help of MP but I lost that so then it was off to a tribunal , I did all the work myself causing my health to get worse but I did it and I attended the tribunal again on my own , I was honest and showed them how my disability really effects me as that is what pip is about how ur disability effects YOU , the panel took 10 mins to make there decision and I was reawarded back my pip not one person from dwp even attended the tribunal , I have since been advised that I have cause to take legal action against them for removing my pip for 24 weeks which caused my great stress , mortgage arrears and anxiety , can anyone give me advice on how I can do this as I really want them not to do this to anyone else they need to realise what there doing to peoples lives ????
    I simply don't understand your question.

    The tribunal decision stands in place for the one that the DWP made when they took your PIP off you.
    Consequently you should have received all of the money that you should have been getting from when you last had your PIP payment stopped.
  • hel
    hel Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I'm new to these forums but would like to share my experience so far with my husbands DLA to PIP transfer. 

    Assessment was in March, we had included a Neuro report that included all diagnosis and effects and his ESA face to face report, as this was fair and was useful as it stated distances he was able to walk in the Capita doctors opinion (5 metres is a a struggle). Assessor copied large chunks of the ESA report but omitted the bits that went in our favour, down to copying partial sentences. 

    We put in a MR, which I was not happy with the contents of as CAB advisor said we shouldn't antagonise them by ripping the medical report to shreds or put in new evidence. So as expected we are now going to appeal.

    SSC1 has been filled in by me, with a small amount of input as I need someone from the CAB to accompany us. We've included new evidence (much of which is in my name, including my carers assessment and a housing needs assessment for me, but state that my husband needs to be taken into consideration as they can't do anything to make the house safe for me that would make it unsafe for him). We are now playing the waiting game for tribunal, which CAB say is about a year! I reckon I'll be doing the award review before we go to tribunal as it's a 2 year award. SSC1 has been signed for by the Tribunal service yesterday.

    I am concerned as to the accessibility of the court building. But will cross that bridge when we come to it.
  • clairbcn
    clairbcn Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi I’ve never posted on anything like this before but wanted to share this as it may help others

    here is my history:

    On the December 2nd 2013 I was involved in a motorbike accident, the result of this I have completely lost the use of my left shoulder, I have had 4 surgeries and have no movement at all, I didn’t know anything about PIP until 2015 so I filled out the forms and was awarded the lower award (not mobility) in December 2017 I went for a assessment with an accessor when I then received a letter saying that they will be stopping my payment, I followed the process and send in a Appeal but lost that, it was my husband that said I should keep fighting, I attended my tribunal on 24 July 18, I was in there 30 minutes I was honest with how my disability affects me, I’m please to say I was successful and they have granted this for 5 years before it needs to be reviewed, all I can say is please fight, it took the panel less then 10 minutes to reach that decision. I hope this has helped anyone that is going through this, I was so nervous and stressed but they could clearly see how my disability affects my everyday living.

    you need to fight.

    good luck
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Here are some of my tips-

    Bring a pen with you. Use it to make notes during the assessment. Or you could always record your assessment (be sure to get permission beforehand and hand over one copy of the recording to the assessor afterwards). 

    Talk about your disability unemotionally. Be prepared to describe the hard days and symptoms too. Have a copy of the form to hand to refer to during the assessment as well. This will help you remember what to say. Explain what happens on your bad days. 

    Make a list of aids and equipment you use. Take it with you to the actual assessment. You can use Microsoft Word to do this. 

    Be honest. You stand a better chance of being considered eligible that way. 

  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Welcome to the community @clairbcn, and thank you for sharing your story with us!
  • Kaz1957
    Kaz1957 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor
    My husband won his pip tribunal last Thursday went from about four points to getting enhanced and the only thing I can say is tell them every thing what it is like to live with your disability and have as much information like letter from doctor and from any other medical person whether from your hospital and anything else you can take with you xxxc
  • GoForIt
    GoForIt Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected

    I have had no problems getting the bennefits Im entitled to either.

    I wasnt calm though.  I am outraged by these NAZIS.

    You dont have to be calm to state your case clearly.

    You dont have to moderate your disgust at things that are wrong either!

    Are you suggesting that if you are not calm about what is being done to you then it is likely that you will be unsuccessful in being granted the benefits that you are entitled to?

    Hmm.....  Is this going to become the way of things?  That we are conditioned to be good pets and only then we will be allowed a treat?


    Anyone who can remain calm whilst considering that really ought to go and get an assessment to ascertain what kind of sociopathic or psycopathic disorder is affecting them?  Some people are so NUMB that they seem to be disconnected from the reality of what is happening!

    I would say that if people are upsetting you by infringing your civil liberties and denying you your human rights then it is perfectly okay not to be calm.

    The establishment needs a kick in the rear.  We all need to collectively act and do somthing about it and being calm just isnt going to cut it Im afraid :(

    Well said!!  It's a joke the system at the moment, tax payers money being wasted on inadequate and at times ,dishonest assessments.I can't believe these people can be allowed to get away with such mall practice at the expense of disabled people .Great changes  are needed and a passive attitude doesn't cut it  just have an intelligent and informed approach, knowledge is power.!!
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    GoForIt said:

    .Great changes  are needed and a passive attitude doesn't cut it  just have an intelligent and informed approach, knowledge is power.!!
    We have had reviews, complaints and even MP's telling the DWP that the system is not fit for purpose.
    What or who would you suggest is the way forward to force such a change?

  • GoForIt
    GoForIt Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    I think the MP's that have made comments of the system need to form some form of collaboration to lobby on a daily basis. Quoting daily the plight of people coming up against such a foul, and disgusting system, they need to stress the monatry waste on appeals, MR's and the time wasted by staff. We need to get trade unions involved in this plight and a collective complain and petion by the service users. .
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    It's alright suggesting all of that, but in doing so you would have to put forward another scheme that does not pay out more money than PIP does. 
  • GoForIt
    GoForIt Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    Pip could work, doesn't need another expensive change of policy, it just needs to be highlighted the shortcomings at present. IE. Assessment providers getting paid good money,when some assessors are not completing an honest and fair medical assessment, also causing a backlog of mandatory reconsiderations for DWP to plow through. Less emphasis on saving money by getting people off of disability payments,this is a false economy, as the appeals and MR's are costing a fortune,and a little more empathy needed, I feel scrap these so called health practitioners and use a qualified doctor to do the assesments, ESA do . Or at least train some of these assessors who are failing their clients because clearly there is a huge problem with Pip at ground roots, at assessment's stage.The system of Pip is an ok concept, not saying it needs to be scrapped, but it does need a overhaul ,needs the contract to be given to NHS or new provider.?
  • GoForIt
    GoForIt Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    Ps. I still think collective lobbying by trade unions, disability groups and MP's etc. To highlight the above is needed, individuals are powerless to make changes, it's power in numbers.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    edited August 2018
    GoForIt said:
    Pip could work, doesn't need another expensive change of policy, it just needs to be highlighted the shortcomings at present. IE. Assessment providers getting paid good money,when some assessors are not completing an honest and fair medical assessment, also causing a backlog of mandatory reconsiderations for DWP to plow through. Less emphasis on saving money by getting people off of disability payments,this is a false economy, as the appeals and MR's are costing a fortune,and a little more empathy needed, I feel scrap these so called health practitioners and use a qualified doctor to do the assesments, ESA do . Or at least train some of these assessors who are failing their clients because clearly there is a huge problem with Pip at ground roots, at assessment's stage.The system of Pip is an ok concept, not saying it needs to be scrapped, but it does need a overhaul ,needs the contract to be given to NHS or new provider.?

    What you are suggesting will certainly cost more money in the long run as more claimants will be given an award from the start.
    The idea of putting in enough stumbling blocks does tend to deter a number of claimants from making or pushing for an award.
    I agree that the appeal system is causing a problem for the DWP with the extra costs involved.
    But look at it simply - what the cost is of an appeal must be factored against the overall costs of making an award for years to come from day one.
    Plus not everyone put's in for an appeal and under your suggestion they would be given an award without the need to appeal. 

    Put bluntly your suggestion would be to make it easier and quicker to get an award thus costing a lot more money.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    GoForIt said:
    Ps. I still think collective lobbying by trade unions, disability groups and MP's etc. To highlight the above is needed, individuals are powerless to make changes, it's power in numbers.

    You can do all of that but only if the Chancellor of  the Exchequer allows it. He runs the finances for the country and he has the last say in the matter.
  • GoForIt
    GoForIt Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    History shows that policy is changed by people power, we elect these people, we all have a voice,best collectively.  Sign the petition.  Need 10000 signitures. Please forward to others , preferably large forums etc. 
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    Oh I do wish that people would understand that an assessor's report is nothing more and nothing less that the assessor's opinion.
    It is not factual or legal in any way - it is a view taken by someone on what they think and believe.

    This in no different at to when a consultant gives his opinion or even a builder gives his opinion.

    If an assessor believes that a medical report is either not valid or not relevant they are well entitled to disregard it.

    It would be a different matter if these reports were factual statements , then you could challenge them if the facts stated are not in keeping with the other evidence supplied.

    The problem does not lie with the assessment nor does it lie with the DWP.
     The major issue is that the claimant fails continually to provide the correct evidence in written form at the start of the claim. The full story only comes to life in front of the Tribunal members when the claimant is giving verbal answers.