Criteria for getting pip on mental health grounds

Beanie34 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi Can Anyone tell me the criteria for getting pip on mental health grounds please also on esa claims to thanks in advance x


  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    I like beanie hats. And beans! 
    Hello. Welcome. You've posted in the welcome section. A more specific part of the site might be more likely to get you the engagement and information that's going to be most helpful. All the best.  
  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    Hi @beanie34, as I understand it, PIP is determined based on the impact that your condition has on your day to day living and the subsequent extra cost of daily living, rather than the condition itself. This is determined on your application/ by the assessors/pip decision makers based on a series of descriptors, which you can find here. I've moved your thread to our pip section and I'm sure other members with experience of the process will be able to help you further.