"Is PIP fit for purpose"? A welfare process that negatively affects health?



  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    edited April 2017
    You are right to suggest Facebook as a medium for gathering support on this matter of course.

    If a facebook page was started, I just couldnt do it all by myself.  I would need help.  I dont know if Ive got the wherewithall to take on a facebook campaign alone.

    Venturing out into the wider world with this would certainly attract more interest.  I am however a bit anxious about how I personally may or may not be able to cope with a facebook page?

    There is an imense amount of responsibility in this.  I'm not sure that I'm personally equiped to carry it off on such a scale?  I am willing to try though.

    You are right of course.  Thats the way it should be done.  Im going to have to sit back and have a think about this before going forward.  Anybody willing to help with running a facebook page please post your interest in this thread :)

  • DeeDeex4
    DeeDeex4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    Let's try together, nothing ventured nothing gained, look me up on Facebook and we can PM trying different templates to attract and inspire, i know a person that's got a brain like an AI he designs and writes programs, he would help us, his daughter is disabled also, his wife is my best friend.
    We need numbers, I'm also on forces groups there are so many stories there. I've just contacted DWP as no communication or payment since 20th March, apparently the Judge put 8/02/16 my award for PIP started... DWP say it's the 9/02/16 it changed to PIP... I now have to wait an extra 28 days to correct this error by the Judge, YET the Secretary of State had their  solicitor sitting in on my appeal!!!! Incompetent from the top down
  • silverbird
    silverbird Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    THIS country is one of the richest on the world , and This government is supposed to look after those unfortunate not to be able to work, my HM Court appeal is next week I'm a 59 year old man who looked after my family and brought up 5 children and worked until 2005 , I'm type 1 Diabetic (for 57 years) have severe Neuropathy that affects my walking this has affected my sphincter and so am incontinent,I am Deaf need aids over both ears but also have tinnitus so cant wear them, I am Depressed and on a Psychologist referal (now been 10 months but told its likely to be November this year ) This is something I need to do as I've waited half a century to tell someone I was sexually abused by a family member (I can only reveal this as I'm incognito under the name silverbird) but though they know I am on a psychologist referal....they dont know why as I'm mot sure this is a form of disability to them . I can assure anybody who hasn't been abused this IS , it affects you every day , the people around you ,your family and your mental state. There's times I've been angry hurt people I love , and lost them too. in 1995 I was systematically put on anti depressant medication , and only 50 years later ready to tell someone) now my family has grown up I live alone so this affects me more than when I was young and busy. Abuse is there every day it never goes away (as some people think 50 years is along time ago) Sorry I did mot mean to be as long on that paragraph
  • silverbird
    silverbird Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    Sorry for some reason All the text didn't come through and only some of the message was processed have you only a limited amount of words/letters in a message ?
  • silverbird
    silverbird Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    Anyway , trying to remember the latter part of my text . After seeing an advisor/representative from citizens advice she told me because I drove to the first assessment this would go against me, as they would see my nerve end damage stops me walking but allows me to drive , in fact the neuropathy is painful when I stand but can feel my feet and thus car pedals , and more importantly gets me out when I need to. She advised me to say I now dont drive as this would help my case and I foolishly did sign a write up from the meeting , now I'm really worried I will have my licence revoked by HMC next week , and the car means more to me than anything.
  • silverbird
    silverbird Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
    Again not all of the txt ...i give up !
  • DeeDeex4
    DeeDeex4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    Thank you for sharing your story.. incognito or not, no one on here is going to judge or diminish you or your story, it's about the end result and how we're treated along the way by the very system we were apart of supporting and who are failing to support US now.
    Everyone has a different journey ahead.. we are all united by the unjust treatment along the way.
    i hope bendigedig ( who has inspired me personally to fight the corrupt injustice) can get enough together ( even to vent) so we know we are not alone.
    Good luck for next week
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    You are heard loud and clear here by us :)
    I too have overtyped on here and learned the hard way:(
    Like you there are many courageous people in this community that all have personal stories similar and disimilar to your own.  Oft time nobody knows what all these individuals are going through in their struggle with life.  All of whom desreve to be supported and treated with respect and dignity.  It takes a lot to say what you've said.  We are right behind you.
    Im so sorry that the state does not understand its own responsibility to its people. I am so sorry that you are being treated in this way.
    Thank you for your contribution.

  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    I have been looking at facebook this morning since you suggested it.  
    I am pleased that I may have in some way inspired you :)
    I will be in touch soon :)
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    I have logged into fb. And added you on my messenger thing Im not named BENDIGEDIG. Its the first time that I have used it for quite a while!
    I don't really like it.
    I dont know how to send you a message?  Do you need to accept me in your messenger first or somthing?
  • DeeDeex4
    DeeDeex4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    I've accepted you, try again
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Does this go on fb what people share in here?
  • DeeDeex4
    DeeDeex4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    No.. totally separate, don't worry this is closed to scope only
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Thank you @DeeDeex4
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering
    @DeeDeex4 and I have thrashed out the begginings of somthing.
    in the next week or so we will try and get somthing online via facebook.  if you want to get on board please do so :)
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    @bendigedig I'm feeling withdrawn so I'm staying safe in here and at home 

    Not sure of my confidence levels to face the world atm 

    I don't feel like going on fb about it 
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering

    l completely and perfectly understand Janice.

    I feel EXACTLY the same way!  

    I HATE facebook.  @DeeDeex4 is right though.  There is little is any point casting a net in a puddle on the shore when the ocean waves are crashing footsteps away.

    The really really want to do somthing, just like you and everybody else who has been subject to terrible injustices due to PIP etc in recent years.

    The sense of helplessness is so overwhelming that it is difficult to bear.  I have been crying uncontrolably since yesterday afternoon.  

    I opened a facebook account after having not used it for litteraly years. This was not easy for me as I had sworn that I would never use it again years ago. I FORCED MYSELF to do this simply because I have to.  If I don't try and do SOMTHING that has a purpose then what is the point in doing or saying anything regarding this issue?

    People recounting what theyve been through on here, this community is great,  it gets it off their chest.  Is it going to resolve anythin?b Sort anything out?  Change anything?  No, it is not.

    It would seem that the world is very much not percieved or engaged with by many people on an emotional level past their cornea.  The world comes flooding in through peoples eyes and ears and yet like a frozen computer they fail to process the data in a way that brings about productive output.

    Janice, you are great.   I apreciate how you feel :)

    You are doing everything you possibly can.  Which is significantly more than many of us are able to do it would seem!

    I'm going to take my son away for a bit of a break.  I will be back to this in the comming week.  I will have limited opportunity to get online in the following week so our Facebook efforts will likely have to wait until I get back.

    Please dont see this as a loss of momentum.  We still really really would greatly apreciate help and contributions of any kind in our efforts to DO SOMTHING about this issue.  Testimony, ideas, thoughts on the matter, all is and are welcome :)

  • DeeDeex4
    DeeDeex4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    I know it's no constellation to anyone but I don't like FB either.. the feeling behind this is too reach as many people as possible, the group would be closed and people wanting to join would be vetted ( as much as possible) to make sure they are genuine and won't be there to cause problems. One thing out of line they would be blocked.
    As of Monday we all entered scope thinking we were alone, were not, were just the tip of the iceberg, the scope discussions wouldn't end.. you don't have to contribute you may learn things through others discussions. Personal messaging is available so you will NEVER have your comment displayed.. this is by the people for the people, all we can do is just read others experiences reply if you want under a nickname if it's less stressful that's fine.. their is no pressure for anything. 
    We need as much support as possible to put right something that tortures us all every 3,5yrs.. it won't stop unless we stand as numbers at a minimal.
    Please don't stress.. scope discussions are still there until YOUR ready
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    @bendigedig i really enjoy the way you compile your messages 

    atm I'm trying to prevent being RE victimised for the 3rd time and also received a letter to attend a follow up appt for more tests as I have another lump on my left breast I think is just another cyst but it's all getting to be too much so I'm flat out and hopefully the weekend rest will refresh us all as I'm going through the doubt that I can keep fighting for money as if I'm begging 

    self esteem and pride are feeling somewhat dented 

    I sincerely hope everyone enjoys their long weekend ahead and thank you all for being here whilst I'm going through this rollercoaster of mixed emotions 
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    edited August 2017
    Hi @DeeDeex4

    ive been in fb groups and it was unnerving how many members felt suspicious of scammers or whatever people choose to refer to unwanted fake accounts 

    so hard to trust