Can Capita and DWP award you 1 point on medication thought it was 2 4 6 8

sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
recieved my pa6 after M R which i won.
But im not happy with medication discriptor i got 1 point even though i have no medication in house due to suicidal tendencys.
Still no mention of my migraines or lower back or tinnitus.
They have used the original pa4 and repeated some of the rubbish the ex capita woman has made up.
 My point is woman has left capita but that awful fabricated report stays with me on file. I am going to re write another complaint to capita as im seriously not happy they refered back to it and decision maker used it also.
My daughter was witness to me refusing to do msk test which dwp still saying i did because of the lies woman has written.


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    edited August 2017
    @sundontshine123 Yes you can only get 1 point for medication. It's for " needing supervision, prompting or assistance to be able to monitor a health condition" so not just about taking medication. That sounds like it's based on your thoughts you mentioned that if you did have medication you would need someone to look after you? Glad you feel able to keep on complaining it can only help to change things so we don't have to go through all this.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing