pip and attendance allowance

hazey067 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
Hi There,I'm very new to this,but can anybody help, I am 65 going on 66,I am on DLA at the moment but have had to apply for PIP as my birthday was just too late,PIP have said I have to go to a centre for face to face assesment, there is no way I can go and have already informed them of this,I have not been outside for over a year (anxiety,pain ,toilet needs etc...embarrasing!!!.Anyway if I get turned down for PIP which I'm almost certain I will after reading on here,does anyone know ,,will I be able to claim Attendance Allowance ? Many thanks in advance x


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @hazey067 Attendance Allowance is for people who become disabled after reaching their 65th Birthday. You can't apply if you have been on any other disability benefit before that age which you have. I think this is correct but one of the benefit advisors will be along tomorrow to confirm this. But please don't be put off from claiming PIP. From what you've said about going out you should get Mobility if nothing else. They have to accept this if you don't go out at all, but you'll need to get some medical evidence for this and all your other problems. Regarding your assessment you need to ring the number on the appointment letter and tell them you need a home assessment as you can't get to the one they've sent you. There's lots more good advice on here so read as much as you can. If you can see it that you've got the chance to be one step ahead and make sure you don't get caught out like some of us did. X
  • hazey067
    hazey067 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you Wildlife,for your help,I have not been out for over a year now,  I just feel something terrible will happen if I step out of the door,I know its irrational but I just cannot make it stop.I will ring them to try and get a home visit but I dont hold out much hope x
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    You might be able to get a home visit if your GP writes a letter stating that you need one.
  • mcdonald50
    mcdonald50 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    If you explain to them about yr condtion I'm sure you will get a home visit. 
  • hazey067
    hazey067 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi hazey067

    It will be possible for you to claim Attendance Allowance once your DLA has stopped. BUT - Attendance Allowance doesn't have a mobility component and so your difficulties with going out won't be recognised.

    I would say it is most important you continue with your PIP application and get some support if you can. I reaslise this might be difficult but perhaps there is a local service that can visit your home. The Scope helpline may be able to put you in touch.

    You might like to have a look at this Age UK factsheet, paying particular attention to mobility activity 1 on page 22/23 - i wonder if descripor 1(e) might apply.

    Perhaps the best approach would be to explore PIP fully including a possible appeal and only once you've exhausted your appeal rights then consider Attendance Allowance.

  • hazey067
    hazey067 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you David for your help