PIP tribunal successful - how long does it take to receive backdated money?



  • skyethomson96
    skyethomson96 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    I had my appeal on may 29th and was told on Monday my payment would be in by Wednesday or Friday latest but I spoke to a man today and he said September? Can anyone shed some light in this? 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @skyethomson96, it may be worth you giving them a call for clarification. It's my understanding it can take 6-8 weeks for them to put a tribunal decision in to payment but I'm not sure why you've been told September. 
  • Kes1958
    Kes1958 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Connected
    I had my tribunal on 13th of sept was told I had been awarded the standard rate of the care component backdated to November 2018. Also told they were faxing the decision so the DWP got it immediately. Just got off phone to DWP 4 days later.  I was told it had only come onto their system at 5am today that there was a tribunal date for me on the 13th. I got my notification 4 weeks before my appearance date! Got told it might take another 6 weeks once they log the decision on to their system. :/
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Kes1958 said:
    I had my tribunal on 13th of sept was told I had been awarded the standard rate of the care component backdated to November 2018. Also told they were faxing the decision so the DWP got it immediately. Just got off phone to DWP 4 days later.  I was told it had only come onto their system at 5am today that there was a tribunal date for me on the 13th. I got my notification 4 weeks before my appearance date! Got told it might take another 6 weeks once they log the decision on to their system. :/

    Great news! backdated money can take 8 weeks after a Tribunal win and about the same time to put your award into payment. Sometimes it's less than this but there's really no timescales. Hopefully not too long.
  • popsyorkshire75
    popsyorkshire75 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hello to everyone. First time posting on here. 
    I've waited 2 years 9 months for a appeal for my pip and just had it on the 9/10/19 and I've won my pip back from 25/01/17 to 24/01/23 will i get all of that money backdated and does anyone know when i can sort out a new car as at the moment i only have a letter from the court but will the car dealer take that or will i have to wait for my entitlement letter. 
    Hope someone can help me please xx
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Hello to everyone. First time posting on here. 
    I've waited 2 years 9 months for a appeal for my pip and just had it on the 9/10/19 and I've won my pip back from 25/01/17 to 24/01/23 will i get all of that money backdated and does anyone know when i can sort out a new car as at the moment i only have a letter from the court but will the car dealer take that or will i have to wait for my entitlement letter. 
    Hope someone can help me please xx

    Great news. It can take 8 weeks to receive backdated money, which will be backdated to the start of your claim. IF it's Enhanced mobility and you're asking about the motability vehicle then you'll have to wait until you get the letter from DWP before you can order a car.
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    great to hear positive stories as we see so many bad ones. Gives those of us waiting for a decision a glimmer of hope, Thank youx 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited October 2019
    Hello @popsyorkshire75 and a warm welcome to the community. I noticed Poppy has already answered your query so I just wanted to offer you congratulations on your PIP appeal win! 
  • Angelinvestigations
    Angelinvestigations Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Really? I’ve been waiting two weeks so far? CockneyRebel said:
    Hi susan
    only a matter of days


  • Angelinvestigations
    Angelinvestigations Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Really? I’ve been waiting two weeks so far? CockneyRebel said:
    Hi susan
    only a matter of days


  • Angelinvestigations
    Angelinvestigations Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    juejue said:
    This is my first post,so hi everyone.
    I had my pip tribunal 5th June 2017.
    A 1 hour 15 minutes of grilling about my condition.
    I have since 2011 sciatica,endiometris causing acute pain.I have a cocktail of medication including Matrifen patches.In November 2016 pip reduced my claim from enhanced rate to standard after an ATOS interview.I asked for reconsideration and lost.
    I new this was wrong but as I suffer from anxiety and depression I was worried about doing the next step a tribunal.
    To cut it short I new that's what pip want people  to get to this stage and give up.
    I was so scared but persevered and WON my case.My money is to be back dated 6 months, does anyone know how long it takes to get money I am owed?.If you have the same problem in pip reducing your claim please .FIGHT IT.!!!

    Hi, Me myself won my appeal two weeks ago and I’ve not even heard anything from DWP how long was it when you received your benefits if you don’t mind me asking I’ve got backdated 14 to 15 months

  • doctorcrash16
    doctorcrash16 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hello everyone I had my tribunal for pip and got awarded it got the decision letter 3 days ago so how long till I get my back payment money I understand alot of people are saying it could take 8 weeks that's a long time to wait for it is there any chance it could be anytime from now till then ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Hello everyone I had my tribunal for pip and got awarded it got the decision letter 3 days ago so how long till I get my back payment money I understand alot of people are saying it could take 8 weeks that's a long time to wait for it is there any chance it could be anytime from now till then ?

    Hi and welcome,

    Great news. It can take between 2-8 weeks, sometimes longer to receive backdated money. To be honest, there's really no timescales.
  • Angelinvestigations
    Angelinvestigations Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Hello everyone I had my tribunal for pip and got awarded it got the decision letter 3 days ago so how long till I get my back payment money I understand alot of people are saying it could take 8 weeks that's a long time to wait for it is there any chance it could be anytime from now till then ?
    Hi, I won my appeal on the 15th of January, and received all of my back payment on the 6th of February which was quite a lot as it was from 2018, so for me it was 3 weeks. 
    It can be upto 8 weeks some people of said!! But the average seems to be 2-4 weeks of receiving payment 
  • doctorcrash16
    doctorcrash16 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
    Ok thanks for that information also what happens if they appeal my won desicion? I'm worried about that caus I don't know what it means 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Ok thanks for that information also what happens if they appeal my won desicion? I'm worried about that caus I don't know what it means 

    They can't just appeal the decision. First they have to request the statement of reasons and record of proceedings and they have 1 month from the date of the decision to do this. Once they receive those they have to find the error in law before they can appeal. If they do request these it doesn't mean they will appeal. They sometimes request them but rarely appeal. If they request them they will write to you. It will delay you receiving the backdated money if they are requested.
  • soldier101983
    soldier101983 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    i won my tribunal on 23rd dec 2019. its now 17/2/2020 ive not herd nothing from dwp regarding the money they owe me. has been 7 weeks now
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    i won my tribunal on 23rd dec 2019. its now 17/2/2020 ive not herd nothing from dwp regarding the money they owe me. has been 7 weeks now

    Hi and welcome,

    Have you rang DWP? if you haven't then you'll need to do this and ask what's happening. It's possible they have requested the statement of reasons and record of proceedings. If they have then this will delay you receiving your backdated money and all you can do is wait.
  • dytanhall96
    dytanhall96 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi everyone im new here, i won my tribunal last month (April 2020) especially in these coronavirus times they decided without me having to go in or receive a phone call, initial claim date is April 2019 so expecting a years back pay and was awarded enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility i received a letter (dated the 23rd April) on the 1st May asking for bank details etc i phoned up same day to answer the other questions too anyone have any idea how long I could wait for backpay and first pip payment? Ive read most comments saying up to 8 weeks and no timescale has anyone received it in any shorter time
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    Hi everyone im new here, i won my tribunal last month (April 2020) especially in these coronavirus times they decided without me having to go in or receive a phone call, initial claim date is April 2019 so expecting a years back pay and was awarded enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility i received a letter (dated the 23rd April) on the 1st May asking for bank details etc i phoned up same day to answer the other questions too anyone have any idea how long I could wait for backpay and first pip payment? Ive read most comments saying up to 8 weeks and no timescale has anyone received it in any shorter time
    I won my tribunal mid April.  Received a letter at the end of April to say I'd receive the backpay on 1st of May and first PIP payment end of May (it's paid 4 weekly) so you should receive a similar letter soon.  Likely to be different timescales across the country but it can be as little as 2 weeks from my experience.