3 yr old with CP and DLA - Need Advice for Tribunal

staceye83 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited June 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi all my daughter age 3 now, has been diagnosed with Spastic Cerebral palsy depliga affected from the waist down. At the age of 2 we were told to apply for DLA by her specialists and it got refused due to her age.
We applied again at age 3 and got the same decision but this time we appealed..... it still got refused on  the grounds her needs are not different to a normal 3 yr old????
We are now set to go to a tribunal and im looking for some advice please as im pooping myself.
Faith (my daughter) is a surving twin born at 28 week weighting a tiny 3lb, she sat up just after her 1st birthday, crawled at 18 months and took her 1st steps at 2 and a half. She is currently wearing (off the shelf) leg braces but is due to go in to hospital next week for casts on her legs to have some made for her and her needs. 
We attend countless appointments 45mins away at our local hospital and have to go though tears and tantrums as she in so much pain with her muscles. Sleeping is an issue as she relaxes her body tightens up causing her discomfort. Im not sure what normal 3 yr old goes through this but im scared and dont know what to say we have suporting evidence from all 5 of her specialists drs. Has anyone been in this situation, what happens there?


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi staceye83.

    It's great to meet you I do hope that we can help you ????

    We have got our own Benefit Advisor on the site where that would be the best place to start.

    Next place would be our Online Community I can help you with this if that is ok ?.?

    You should hopefully find like minded people in the same situations as you ???

    Please please let me know if that would help ???

  • MikeBroderick
    MikeBroderick Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Hi @staceye83:

    I'm sorry to hear about the stress you're under. Please have a look through the discussions under the PIP/DLA section and under our Ask a Benefits Advisor section.

    @BenefitsTrainingCo Can you advise about how to approach the tribunal and what the process is like to help lessen her stress levels a bit?

  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    Does your daughter have a friend of the same age that you can compare her to? That's hat you have to argue on - either having to give medical help, such as physio or your 3 year has more care or mobility needs than her peers.