

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    edited September 2017
    Hi wattycz1,

    As CR has said, just use the aids and applicances that you would normally use on that sort of journey. Make sure you find out about the assessment centre (are there stairs, does it have a lift?) in case there is anything else you need when you get there. The assessor will take into account everything, including how you get to the assessment centre and how you move around once you are there.

    As Lee advises, mention anything else you use in your everyday life to help you do things, whether you need help, whether you are in pain or breathless, if any activities cause a risk, and if anything takes a lot longer than it would for someone without your condition. 

    Do let us know how you get on!


    Any evidence you have is helpful. I would make sure that both the DWP and the assessment provider have copies, and as Poppy123456 says, keep the originals because you might need them! Medical evidence is great, but so is evidence from other people who work with you or help you, or a diary of your everyday activities kept over a couple of weeks.

    As AngelUK1 says, supporting letters from your GP or consultant are great, and you can request your whole medical history from your GP, but bear in mind, it may not all be relevant to PIP.

  • wattycz1
    wattycz1 Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    With Regards to ESA does any payment after the 14th week get backdated to the point that support group phase starts?  
    Does the same happen with PIP eg application for change in circumstances is received by DWP in June and after f2f award changes to an increased amount? 
  • wattycz1
    wattycz1 Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    Had my PIP assessment yesterday went on my wheelchair with my wife, the hcp was nice and listened some information about me and how my day to day life that I explained and how my disability affects me had caused me to break down into tears she went through the compulsory how far can you walk without pain so I explained a few steps then i need to sit down and rest  then the skeletal movements which were far too painful so she didn't complete now I have to wait on DWP lets hope they see how ill i really am 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    It is impossible to speculate on the outcome of any assessment, but it sounds as though you had a compassionate HCP.

    best of luck

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi wattycz1, 

    For ESA there is a 13 week assessment phase period at the start of a claim. By the end of the 13th week the DWP are supposed to have assessed you and if successful, put you in the work-related activity or support group. Because they are so far behind with assessing people, if you are assessed after the 35th week of your claim for example, any additional money you are entitled to should be backdated to the 14th week of your claim. It's important to note though, for new claims made after 3rd April 2017, the additional payment of £29.05 for being in the work-related activity group has been abolished.
    If you receiving PIP, you report a change of circumstances and the outcome is advantageous to you, it usually takes effect on the date the change takes place, or is expected to take place. You must notify the DWP within one month of the change. However, if the change means you see now entitled to a particular rate of benefit, the supersession takes effect from the day you satisfy the conditions of entitlement for that rate (this includes the required period of condition of three months - you have to have had the required needs for the higher rate for three months before the higher rate can be paid). Again, you must have notified the DWP within one month of satisfying the conditions of entitlement.

  • wattycz1
    wattycz1 Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    The 14th week commenced as of the 15th of August there was sufficient evidence given regarding medical evidence and was advised that wca not required to attend assessment and advised on being put in the support group. This was last week. I advised PIP of change in circumstances at the end of june had assessment still waiting for an answer regarding outcome of the assesment  this is the senario that the question is based on 
  • wattycz1
    wattycz1 Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    I have just received this text from DWP   but still no letters  why am I not surprised 
    We've received your Fit Note and details of your assessment. Your ESA payment will continue and you don't need to send us any more Fit Notes.