Suicidal Feelings

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing

If you are struggling regarding suicidal feelings, it can be a difficult and frightening time.

 MIND is a Mental Health charity

that offers support, information and advice, here are some links to their website that might be helpful to you.

You are not alone, you are a member of our community and we appreciate you.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. 

Getting help in an emergency

If you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help.

  • go to any hospital A&E department (sometimes known as the emergency department)
  • call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you can't get to A&E
  • ask someone else to contact 999 for you or take you to A&E immediately

If you need some support right now, but don't want to go to A&E, here are some other options for you to try:

(Links updated 05/11/2024)



  • Malue
    Malue Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Sam_Scope said:
    If you are struggling regarding suicidal feelings, it can be a difficult and frightening time.  MIND is a Mental Health charity that offers support, information and advice, here are some links to their website that might be helpful to you.

    You are not alone, you are a member of our community and we appreciate you.

    If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. 

    Getting help in an emergency

    If you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help.

    • go to any hospital A&E department (sometimes known as the emergency department)
    • call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you can't get to A&E
    • ask someone else to contact 999 for you or take you to A&E immediately

    If you need some support right now, but don't want to go to A&E, here are some other options for you to try:

    Hi.   Yes my husband has social anxiety.  Psychosis and personality disorder that is only controllable by Benzodiazepines. Due to lack of care from his GP he was forced to self medicate. 
    This is the only way he can lead a relatively normal life.   
    His GP took away his medication.  He had to complain to his local MP his PIP tribunal was today. 28/03/2018. After a grilling.  He was told their decision would be posted out to him.
    Is this normal?  Or would this suggest their day was a busy one?  Should he look at worst case scenario or think positive ?  
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    Hi @Malue, you've had some responses to your query on the other thread you posted, which can be found here. Hope they're helpful and do let us know if you have any further questions.
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    I've had mental health problems and anxiety for most of my life .and the worst things Ivery found and just don't understand is lack of resources .too feel suicidal is a very lonely low place too be .and when ur brave enough too ask for help there's nothing there!.I got diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014 which started of my mental health again .I've been waiting 19th months now for help it gets very hard too bare .and actually seems too get worse unfortunately. GPS aren't trained too cope with it and waiting lists are ridiculous. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 25 Listener
    edited October 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ellisael
    ellisael Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Thank you for this post. I appreciate it as a caregiver who is also suffering from anxiety.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    No problem at all @ellisael. How are you doing at the moment?
  • ellisael
    ellisael Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    hey, hi, i am doing not as well as i was last few weeks. I am trying to listen to some ASMR to get myself to sleep. But i am sure it will get better :) Thank you so much for asking. And, you, how have you been?
  • mansotrue
    mansotrue Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    i am a paranoid shcizophrenic, when i got out of mauldsley hospital i felt low and depressed it was a  bank holiday weekend. waited for my support to return, so i can understand how bad it would be without support, after bank holiday my  support worker told me to just focus on the  immediate not long term. it worked for me
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @ellisael, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been doing too well recently. How have you been finding the warmer weather? I'm not doing too bad thank you, the warmer weather has reduced my pain which has been nice :)

    Welcome to the community @mansotrue. I'm sorry your support stopped during that time, I imagine that was hard to deal with. I'm so glad your support worker's advice was helpful for you :) 
  • Philippa1961
    Philippa1961 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Contributor
    For years I suffered with suicidal thoughts every time I was at my worst with severe depression which was undiagnosed for many years.  It made me feel ashamed as I had had it drummed into my head that I was moody, there were people who were far more worse of than me and they coped, I was a drama queen and an attention seeker.  Only once have I been hospitalised for overdosing and that was just overnight.  I finally got diagnosed in 2004 as I had reached rock bottom but knew deep down I didn't want to die.
    On a downside I struggle most of the time with severe depression - it used to be mainly around anniversaries - and I live with suicidal thoughts all the time.  Fortunately I have a good support network which includes my surgery and knowing I can ring the crisis team. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Philippa1961, it sounds like things are really hard work and it can be difficult to manage. I'm sorry you struggle with this most of the time, yet I'm glad you have that support around you. You never have to go through this alone.

    If you are ever feeling suicidal then please do not hesitate to be in touch with Samaritans by calling them on 116 123. They are available 24/7

    Or, you can text shout to 85258 and a crisis volunteer will get in touch with you.

    Please take good care of yourself and I hope today goes well for you.
  • mrbuttons
    mrbuttons Online Community Member Posts: 221 Empowering
    edited March 2020
    can I recommend a useful resource for anyone struggling with their emotions?
    I have been struggling for the past week with anxiety attacks and anger turned on myself. ironically i felt prepared for all this but i wasnt ready for thee emotional reality of being confined alone in my home for weeks on end after the people i was depending on for support have abandoned me at the worst possible time. i have food and no appetite. i might lose some weight yay!! :p

    today, I referred myself to a counselling service, talking therapies. I also found some apps to help people manage their moods. they are based on CBT. I won't post them until I check its ok to do so. as soon as I was trying to help myself I started to feel less might help someone else too.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'm glad you've found some useful resources @mrbuttons. We'd love for you to share them if you think they'll be helpful to people at this time. :)
  • LukeChester
    LukeChester Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    It's sad to read the news sometimes. Unfortunately, a huge amount of people struggle with mental health issues now, both children and adults. Anxiety and suicidal feelings damage society as never before. And I suppose that we shouldn't hesitate to contact professionals. I'd like to share a contact list of mental health services across different countries if someone needs help. Some of them work worldwide. Hope it can be useful. Stay safe!
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Thanks for sharing that resource @LukeChester :) It can definitely be sad to read about the number of people struggling with their mental health.
  • Alripa
    Alripa Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Have you or husband spoke to the CAB?
  • Alripa
    Alripa Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Malue said:
    Sam_Scope said:
    If you are struggling regarding suicidal feelings, it can be a difficult and frightening time.  MIND is a Mental Health charity that offers support, information and advice, here are some links to their website that might be helpful to you.

    You are not alone, you are a member of our community and we appreciate you.

    If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. 

    Getting help in an emergency

    If you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help.

    • go to any hospital A&E department (sometimes known as the emergency department)
    • call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you can't get to A&E
    • ask someone else to contact 999 for you or take you to A&E immediately

    If you need some support right now, but don't want to go to A&E, here are some other options for you to try:

    Hi.   Yes my husband has social anxiety.  Psychosis and personality disorder that is only controllable by Benzodiazepines. Due to lack of care from his GP he was forced to self medicate. 
    This is the only way he can lead a relatively normal life.   
    His GP took away his medication.  He had to complain to his local MP his PIP tribunal was today. 28/03/2018. After a grilling.  He was told their decision would be posted out to him.
    Is this normal?  Or would this suggest their day was a busy one?  Should he look at worst case scenario or think positive ?  
    Have you or your husband spoke to the CAB? Its the Citizens Advice Bureau 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @Alripa

    This thread is two years old, the member may not answer back. 
  • SaintB
    SaintB Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi, does anyone know what to do if the text lines wont answer you? I'm unable to speak on the phone currently and the text lines wont respond.