PIP Success.



  • Mum72
    Mum72 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    You really were lucky!

  • clive3314
    clive3314 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    yes last assesment i had in 2015 for incapacity to esa wasnt good got no points by assesor even though it was obvious i was dissabled to a point but dwp overturned her report and gave me 18 points (15 was needed)  i was 64 then and due to reach state pension a month after so maybe they took this into consideration,i also never had my mri scan results which showed severe back problems,but since ive got a copy this has made all the diffrence as my pip assesment lady said it shows my back is a mess,and with my struggle to get around its obvious i have problems,the hospital has made me a back support belt which helps a great deal as its moulded to my mishapen back,together with tramadol pain killers which help slightly..
  • clive3314
    clive3314 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    edit ...i was 65 then lol im 68 now and my condition is as the assesor said 'ongoing and not likely to get better infact worse with age' ....she said id be reviewed in 3yrs time so not to bad