I am hoping for some good advice on PIP appeals.

Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
edited December 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Evening all, I am very new to all of this and I am hoping for some good advice on PIP appeals.

Many, many thanks



  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    hello Audrey and welcome

    Can you tell us a little more ?
    Have you had an MR ?
    Have you asked for a copy of the assesment report ?

    There is plenty of info on here regarding the appeals process, please have a look round and come back with your questions

  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Audrey60

    Good Evening & Welcome.

    We have got lots of info & advice on “pip”

    We also have “Benefit Advisors”

    Please please let me know if I can help you further?????

    Many thanks.
  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Hi CockneyRebel

    I shall try and be brief and to the point as possible.

    I was awarded standard rate for both awards originally, Daily Living 8 points and Mobility Activities 10 points. I asked for a MR at a later date but got awarded the same scores.

    I have filled in the correct forms and started the appeal, I have received the bundle back from DWP about a week ago. The only evidence I have from them is the stuff included in the bundle. So do I specifically need to contact the DWP again ask for a copy of my MR assesment report?

    I am getting help from my son and have spoke to our local CAB. Specifically I just want advice on what to do next and the best way of going about things, I strongly disagree with a lot of what has been said by the medical examiner i find it disgusting the assumptions they make and disregard they show for your disabilities and medical problems.

    Many thanks

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Audrey
    You should have a copy of the assessment report in the bundle. if not then you should ask for it

    You are not alone with the result of your assessment.
    While it is important to address these issues, doing so will not score you the points you deserve.
    In your submission try and concentrate on showing that you meet the criteria for an award.
    Use the bundle to reference each point that you are challenging. Lead the reader to the page and paragraph that shows this. Often it is not the lack of evidence but the way it is read (or not ) so try and make it idiot proof

    Any complaint should be dealt with as a separate matter to the assessment provider.
    The tribunal is only interested in how your condition affects your functionality and they are not interested in persuing bad assessors

    It is good that you have help, f2f advice from CAB is better than anything we can do on the forum, although there is lots of info on here to help

    Please do have a read and come back with any questions

  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Hi CockneyRebel

    Yes I do have a copy of the assessment now that my son has looked thru the bundle again, so much paperwork i was getting confused with all the terms.

    I have got lots of notes wrote down and things highlighted where i disagree with what the examiner has said or has decided I can do. I am pretty certain I can back up what I have to say. I am currently waiting to hear back from my GP for some proper supporting evidence as for the MR he only provided a list of my medication and a list of all the conditions and procedures that I have had done.

    In terms of the Submission itself it that me just summarising everything, things which I believe to be the truth etc? 

    When do I send the submission in?

    I have also read elsewhere it could be good to get a close family member to write a letter or my partner who is my carer to just set out what they see every day or I should write a diary of what I go thru in a week as evidence for the appeal. Does that sound about right?

    I have been to see the CAB once the lady helped me fill the appeal form in as the time scale had lapsed the appeal was late but that was thru the DWP not doing things properly and telling me as little as possible. It is mainly my son who is helping me and researching things for me.



  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Audrey

    You can send your submission as soon as you are happy with it
    It is a good idea to keep and then send a daily diary showing how you are over a week
    Any letters or testamonials from familly and friends can help as will a specific GP's letter detailin the problems you hav with the descriptors

    The formula I use for appeal is as follows

    Write a brief history of your claim and condition

    Write the desciptors that you agree with and the points awarded

    Take each desccriptor in turn, give the points awarded then the points that should have been awarded

    using the bundle, reference each descriptor to the page and paragraph that shows how you meet the criteria. Each page should have a hand written number to use this. If the HCP didn't take into accout the reliability factors then make sure that you do

    Attach your further evidence to the back with your name and NIN and also reference to these in the same way
    You may well be referencing to the same place for more than one descriptor as some activities do overlap. Lead the reader to the exact place so they cannot fail to find the right evidence. Make it idiot proof

    Write a brief summary totaling the points you should have received and the award that corresponds

    This is only my opinion but I have used it successfully an 8 appeals to date

    There is also lots of info on here about the process and I am sure that other members will also have advice for you

    Best of luck. Please ask any questions and let us know how you get on

  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Evening CockneyRebel

    Thanks a million for taking time out of your day to summarise that as well as you have done. Your insight has been really appreciated and helpful so far. I am sure there will be many other questions along the way too. I will most certainly ask them when I need too. 

    Thanks again

  • felix
    felix Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    Hi Audrey  :)

    I'm new here too, and the guys on here seem nice chaps!

    The advice above is exactly what I would tell you. Try not to get too worries about all the paperwork, set aside a folder or somewhere where you can pop it all so that you know it's all together and that'll help make yo feel less snowed under. They do seem to be buggers at sending loads of trees to people to stress us out!!

    Online, citizens advice bureau have step by step instructions and advice on all aspects of claiming. If you get stuck, have a wee look on there :) 

    Good luck with your claim hun  xxx
  • AlexW_Scope
    AlexW_Scope Scope Posts: 223 Empowering
    Hi @Audrey60 and @felix

    You may also find our videos on PIP appeals useful too!

    Best wishes, Alex
  • felix
    felix Online Community Member Posts: 27 Connected
    @Audrey60 job done, listen to the scope guys like @alexwhite !!

    Here if you have any more questions and I feel I can answer them.

    felix xx
  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Evening felix and alexwhite

    They do send a lot of paperwork, I have done exactly that I keep all my bits and pieces in a particular file. I will look at the videos as soon as I get a chance. The more help the better, I am so pleased I joined this forum it seems like a very valuable way of getting some really good advice and help.

    Along the way I am sure I will have lots of questions and will certainly ask them.

    Thanks a million

  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Afternoon everyone,

    I am just starting to think about exactly what I am going to put in my submission and how to lay things off. I have been unwell lately so need to put some effort in and try and get back on track. Quick question to start with I am going to write a weekly diary for the submission would a letter of support from my partner who is my career or another family member be a good idea or would help?

    Thank as always

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Good afternoon Audrey

    Testamonials from friends and family that know you and how your condition affects you on a daily basis are always helpful.

  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Evening CockneyRebel thanks for your valued advice as always. I am only asking as I have read having a family member who see's how you are on a daily basis writing on your behalf will help show another perspective. I didn't know so much had to go into these submissions. Understandably I am taking my time and trying to get things as thorough and to the point as possible.

    Thanks Audrey
  • Audrey60
    Audrey60 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    For the weekly diary that I have wrote is it just a case of writing 7 days Monday to Sunday or am I best of also putting the dates of the week it corresponds to?


  • mobbba
    mobbba Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected
    Hi All.....I have my PIP appeal on 7th March 2018.   I am 68 years old. I had a bad time on my assessment, lies told and things missed off, painting a different picture of me. 

    Anyway its close to an end now, its taken 14 months to get here, so feeling mighty stressed.  A question:  I have an advocate, a Solicitor who is attending my appeal with me.  She has not done my submission yet and I am really worried.  I dont want to bother her, as I am sure she knows the system, but will the court accept the submission if it is late?  My bundle consists of 257 pages which I feel needs obvoulsly condensing into the major points.  I cannot do this in this short space of time, can anyone help me calm down ?
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi mobbba and welcome

    Sorry but you are running out of time. Your submission needs to be with the tribunal 7 days before the hearing

  • mobbba
    mobbba Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected
    Hi Cockney Rebel, thank you.  I have just plucked up the courage to ring the Advocate.  She has told me her submission goes to the court either on the day or the day before.  I mentioned the seven days, her answer was she has a 98% success rate and has never had a problem highlighting the points of law relating to a PIP case before.

    I am worrying as I like to do everything by the book and worry uncontrollably about everything.

    Do I just leave it???
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    How much of your submission bundle is the DWP' s case ?
    What  I mean is out of the 267 pages how much has the tribunal allready got access to ?
    There is no way a tribunal will be able to read that ammount on the day and any new evidence should be available to the DWP to read before hand.
    However , if you advocate has condensed your case to two pages of bullet points referenced to the bundle it should be fine
    As you have an advocate that you trust then I cannot tell you not to trust them and 98% is a great success rate

    try not to worry, there is little more you can do now

  • mobbba
    mobbba Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected
    Thank you.  The Tribunal has all the 267 pages of the bundle. My appeal has taken 10 months so they have had them some time now, apart from recent evidence from hospital, after my recent relapse and breathlessness.

    My Advocate is condensing the main points.

    Thank you again.