Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.
If we become concerned about you or anyone else while using one of our services, we will act in line with our safeguarding policy and procedures. This may involve sharing this information with relevant authorities to ensure we comply with our policies and legal obligations.

Hi, my name is tula!

tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener


  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,298 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @tula, and welcome to the community :)
    You're safe among friends here so, if you can, tell us a little about yourself so that we can get to know you a little better and to discover ways of helping and supporting you. And don't be in the least afraid of asking any questions you may have.
    Warmest best wishes to you,
  • Lasian_Alumni
    Lasian_Alumni Community member Posts: 656 Pioneering
    Welcome to the community @tula.

    Like @RichardVR suggested, it would be great to learn a bit about you if you're comfortable sharing!
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Hi I'm on Esa. The one you.Don't have look for work. my son's father, who is an x policeman, mentally and physically abused me. I got out of the situation for the sake of myself and my son. He didn't stop until he took everything away from me and all I had left was our son, whom he managed to brainwash. I was never married to that man. I haven't seen my son for two years.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,298 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @tula
    So sorry to read your story, Tula. I have a passionate hatred for abusive men, and yours seems to have been 'a real piece of work'.
    Does it help to talk about it, or do you have related issues - benefit, medical or other issues - with which you'd like help? Please do talk to us.
    Warmest best wishes to you,
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Hi Richard. I have had counselling, it's hard for me, I have excepted that my son isn't with me but it's worse than a death. I have a partner who would call with me every day and would stay a few nights. Fraud squad was out with me this day week and said that someone reported me that he was living here. That's pushed me over board.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,298 Disability Gamechanger
    edited February 2018
    Hello @tula
    I'm not offering you counselling, Tula,  :) I'm not a counsellor, only a willing, listening friend if you can use me.
    There is much already that we have in common. One of the worst experiences in my life was the death, a quarter of a century ago, of my 4.5 year old daughter. I had been her primary carer and the primary carer for my son. I became the sole carer for my son for 12 years after my first wife walked out after the death of our daughter. 13 years ago my second wife was offered a job that was very important to her, in London - we're from Yorkshire originally - and we set out to move down here as a family. My son, however, for reasons never properly understood, except perhaps some anxiety about changing schools, told us that he wanted to remain in Yorkshire and live with his mum. He did this for about a year, the first time we were ever really apart, and being without him very nearly broke me.
     I did not know at the time that it would be just for a year, did not know that his mum's mental health would break down so completely that I would have to run up there to, quite literally, rescue him. So for a year, it felt like I had lost my second child, and my ex was not someone who could be trusted not to try to brainwash him either.
    There is an article in today's Guardian, I think, about the epidemic of ill-advised and ignorant 'informing' that is going on, people reporting others for mostly imaginary offences against the benefits system, so what you say saddens me deeply but does not surprise me.
    Before she died, my massively handicapped, very needy little girl was a very poor and irregular sleeper. The one thing that almost guaranteed she would fall asleep was to take her out in the car, visiting her many friends. On one occasion she, Jenny, fell asleep in the car as I returned to our home and, in modest temperatures, with a window partially opened and with the car in my plain sight from the house window, I allowed her to continue to sleep. A little later in the day, after she had been awake and back in the house, I took her on a second trip, but quite a long one, and again she fell asleep when we returned and I left her as before. Someone saw her asleep in the car earlier in the day, then saw her asleep in the car later in the day, and assumed she had been left in the car for the whole time. They reported me to Social Services, alleging neglect. It was, of course, disproved, but after I had received a brief and peremptory invitation to attend Social Services for a meeting, I had a very nasty month or so waiting, with no knowledge of what had been or might have been alleged, for the meeting to take place. And to attend that meeting, to listen to the false accusation and have to answer for it was simply bloody awful.
    It is awful to be so judged and to know that there are unidentified people living close to you who would watch and judge a neighbour in such a way. It was and is brutal, and was and is a very sad reflection on what this country has become, so I do understand, Tula, where you are coming from. My heart goes out to you, truly.

    So I'm here, a friend if one can be useful, not a counsellor, merely someone who knows what it is like to be repeatedly handed (please forgive the language) the sh***y end of the stick.
    Warmest and most sincere best wishes to you, Tula,


  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Aww bless you. You haven't had it easy. Xx
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,298 Disability Gamechanger
    Sweet of you, @tula, but I'm here for you. You matter xx So please stay in touch.
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Community member Posts: 114 Courageous
    Hi Tula

    Welcome to this forum, I am new here myself, just joined today and this is the first forum that I have ever joined for anything.

    I am glad Richard reached out to you, he seems like a great guy and he made me feel welcome as well.

    I wish you (and Richard) the very best, and I hope things improve for you.

    All the best

  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Hi thank you. Richard seems to be a lovely person.
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Community member Posts: 114 Courageous
    No worries. And you are in good company now. Just keep motoring on and I hope things start to turn in your favour. Good luck to you and have a good 2018.
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Thanks darling xxx
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Community member Posts: 114 Courageous
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Community member Posts: 114 Courageous
    Hi Tula - just checking in and seeing how you are doing today.  :)
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,147 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @tula

    Welcome to our online community/family.

    I’m so so sorry for you if must have been “hell”

    That type of “scum” should’nt have been here in the “first place”

    I’m so sorry for the “rant” but it really gets to me!!!!!

    There are many of people around the “world” who would give up everything to have our positions l.

    So for more “rants” that’s me done for a while “Sorry”

    Let”s get started on the “main/real business”

    Please please talk to me if that would “HELP”

    I have got “Very Very Very Big Shoulders”

    So fire away I’m ready & waiting for anytime of “Day”
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Good morning. Not feeling good mentally again. Can't even leave the house. I need to get rehoused as I can't afford this private rental . Can anyone help.
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Can you get pip for mental health
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,665 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @tula

    You could try the PIP self test here - I am sorry to hear you are struggling.  We also have a benefits calculator you can fill in to see what you could be entitled to.
    Senior online community officer
  • tula
    tula Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Hi could you send me those details please. I'm thinking off moving my partner in. He is working and I get esa. The support group. My partner would call every day and would stay a few nights. Fraud squad was with me and said that he was living here and I have to declare this. Please help as I don't know what to do. Many thanks. Tula.
  • Han_Solo
    Han_Solo Community member Posts: 114 Courageous

    If you did, you will have to make it clear that it was under duress. I say this after reading your post.

    First of all, never speak to the fraud squad again unless there is somebody there in your corner and can safeguard your rights.

    Insist on this.

    And make it clear that you are scared and vulnerable and will not continue with this meeting until that condition /requirement is met.

    You need to be firm with this.

    Normally the fraud squad would monitor your home for three days consecutively, but that is not set in stone. Maybe you were unlucky for those days that you were being monitored and your partner was visiting. People in a relationship are allowed to spend time together.
    Can you prove that your partner has his own home (renting or owned)?

    That would go a long way in discrediting some of the allegations levelled against you.

    Also, are you able to visit and stay with your partner as well, just to mix it up?
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