Struggling to remain positive



  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @RichardVR

    Haha that's very good! I will be giggling away about that now haha!

    Hope you are well and hope to speak soon!

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    lol Richard

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ami2301 Good Morning How are you?  Woke up early well went to bed early.  I do if it is cold.  Played wind down music.  Pick CD's with relaxing music on or two tracks.

    You are talking about humour.  One thing I treasure by way that's a joke in it self.

    All the ladies call me treasure because where the hell did you dig him up from.?

    Any way went to these meetings when I belonged to a mental health charity.  Every body with their own personal mental health stories.  Many nervous on edge, anxiety playing a part.

    So I used to when introducing to each other, few one liners little things like ice breakers.  Daft probably immature jokes.

    Usually when the ladies arriving care and concern for each other and me.

    Made breakfast the other day had beans on toast took half hour to get the beans out of the toaster.

    Or slept in the arms of angels who play with my hair, lot of laughs from the ladies on that one.

    Had a weird dream dreamt eating huge enormous cream filled bun.  When I woke up my pillow had gone.

    Usually about me and my crazy weird lifestyle.  All was good and me being me.  Laughter is the best medicine.  You see daft silly jokes but do help.

    After coffee break every time this straight faced team manager would take me aside.  I thought to say well done you are making people happy and relaxed.  No it was you can not say that.  That's not PC or that's not funny or something else.  Every meeting.

    So one Summer I did not turn up all Summer.  Went to volunteer Gardens.  By way this team manager even rang me up and spoke you know about my behaviour made three times in one call.

    No one else complained, every one started to do little jokes at meetings and then I was still be targeted by this I thought silly woman.

    One day I had the usual visit from my support worker.  Who stressed to me to come back.  Said no one's coming to meetings.  They want you back.

    First meeting this team manager said we are as a charity having problems getting people to do things and activities.  I have decided to do a competition for new ideas.  Any ideas on a prize.  I put my hand up.  Yes have a night out with me I quipped.  To the howls of laughter from every one.  He's back, I only come here because of that man.  We have all missed you.

    To the chagrin of this team manager her face, her attitude her demeanour.  I have never met any body like that ever.  Who was so wrapped up in rules and regulations.  So lacking in thinking that there were people here with mental problems many some never went any where.

    Only recently I found out could not wait to get rid of me.  My time was up.  Yes I knew when to be sensitive, kind , caring have concern.  I once said when I ever left.  Keep safe, lol hope and pray.  Some of these people never had warmth, kindness before.

    So my butterfly friend spread your wings in a myriad of rainbow colours and spread whatever joy and happiness you can bring to others.  Gosh that was a long sentence.

    That's what I try and do every day, I may be ill, may be depressed, have anxiety, have a disability.  I just want to give a little bit of tears of joy to people.

    Whatever your doing make it good and have a pleasant day

    I hope you take care

    The Spiceman
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @RichardVR Good Morning How are you?  Please can I thank you for your time.  I know reading from other posts.  Spending time advising and welcoming members.

    Your special type of magic into the forum.  I sure every one is appreciated on the words of wisdom and knowledge that you give.

    As you probably can see I hopefully giving members lots to think about with my some times exhaustive yes long but try to be positive posts.

    Some of them I try to be charismatic and witty and entertaining but with a sensitive touch of kindness to others.

    Especially those who have followed my footsteps walked in the sand with me.  With suitcases of emotion and pain.

    My experiences leave me a vast wealth of expertise.  I can hope and pray just a little bit impart my views and opinions.

    So my friend long may it continue, long may our friendship remain long and true.

    Lovely to talk to you, just a small post today.

    Take care

    The Spiceman
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi @thespiceman
    I've transitioned, you'll notice, from @RichardVR to @JennysDad. It is more appropriate, and I'm still me and don't lose any posts or anything :smile:
    I notice I am responding to a 'good morning' post at about 7:35 pm in the evening. So, at the moment, it goes. And yes, it is down to doing an awful lot of 'meeting and greeting', and lots of research into the site to try to find useful bits of information.
    I appreciate your very kind words, but the same could be said of you, too. You bring a lot of light with you and are much appreciated.
    And yes, we are friends, and if I have anything to do with it, we always will be. 
    Affectionate best wishes,
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @JennysDad Good Morning my friend Richard.  Hope you are OK Winter has arrived.  Snow and loads of it.  Go stocked up, but forgot my prescription.  Dropped that off.  Need to pick that up.  Mid week so I am going to have to dig myself out.  Cars about half hours work.  Just do it.

    You can call me Scott of The Antartic, sorry spelling.  Have to do.  Saw this service on the TV.  Can do it on line get your meds through post.  What I do now is hand the slip in to Medical centre, surgery.  Has to go to chemist pick it up.

    I will sort something out.  Using banking on line now.  Little thing help if you are on line.

    Thank you for saying about name change.  It is as your say more suitable.  The candle never goes out on the memories of loved ones.  It just keeps burning bright.

    I just had yesterday most of the afternoon spent on the forum a fantastic time.

    I get a load of lovely messages and support from our community.  My friends in the community I love you all.  Responding to anything I can help and to be sensitive, kind, caring and concerned.

    Us Gentlemen do find hard to express how we are.  We do have emotions, feelings.  Gentlemen aren't supposed to get tears and cry but we do.

    I know I do.  I admit that.  Every time I read a heart wrenching story.  I have to react give me support, my love, warmth and need to be there if I could.  Holding the hand of friendship.

    Always in my thoughts and prayers those who I have made friends with and cherish.

    My prayers get longer every day.  That is good sending my prayers to those who mean much to me.

    We may never meet but I can feel have a heart for people of our community.

    I hope you have a great day, speak to you soon my friend.  Thank you for your time.

    Your friend

    The Spiceman
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hey everyone

    Guess who's finally back home :)

    Missed you all so much!

    Hope you're all well!

  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Ami @Ami2301!
    You're home from the hospital? That's fabulous news.
    Take care,
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @JennysDad

    Got home yesterday afternoon. I have been diagnosed with Ataxia but got to wait for results to come back to find out what type it is and I have nerve damage.

    Speak spon
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Hi Ami, @Ami2301, and it is so very good to hear from you. Lost in admiration for you,
    Your friend,
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ami2301 How are you my butterfly friend.  Glad to see you, hope the stay in hospital was OK.

    Have missed you and hope we can get back to a chat.  Miss my butterfly friend.

    Just a thought hope the tests and everything OK.  

    Take care and hope to speak to you soon.

    Your friend