Dark place revisited.



  • Catman
    Catman Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Hi Dee, Spiceman and Jane, thank you all for your replies and so sorry for my late reply. Spent a lot of yesterday resting and same again today, was an early get-up today to drive my partner to an appt, so no medicinal smoke last night to ensure I was fit to drive, so pain was a major issue last night as it is today. 

    My Escitalopram has recently been upped and I wonder if that's making my depression worse. When I take a dip with my depression I become a lot quieter and withdrawn, which is what's happening to me now. Rach is a little worried as I'm less physically affectionate but I've let her in a little about my depression which I mask fairly well. 

  • janejr
    janejr Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Hello  Catman was just thinking about you. Sorry to hear you had a bad night and in pain. I have Osteoarthritis in all my joints and a disk desease in my back so know the effects of pain. I'm not good at pain and when it's at its worse will admit I cry. 
    From what you have wrote I'm not surprised your depression is bad. Rest my friend take things easy try to eat as food important to being strong mentally as well as physically. Chat anytime you need us take care
  • Catman
    Catman Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Thanks Jane. It's sad also for me to hear that you're in so much pain as well. I mourn the old me when I was so much more active and always going off on road trips. I miss working, I'm a skilled Aircraft Fitter and was on a good wage, now sadly I'm unable to work due to my conditions. I'm retired at the grand old age of forty-seven.

    Thank-you so much for your concern and support. Life has to get better.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Catman Good afternoon.  Guess you have a day of thinking, well rested.

    Thank you for reply.  I am sorry you're in pain.  I see you are on meds for depression.  This might be an idea just a suggestion.  Make a visit to surgery.  Being concerned.  I have a good doctor I hope you do.

    If you're in pain what are you taking.

    I wake up every day back pain result of my addiction.  Get pain in legs and feet.

    Just take over counter meds.  If worse know Doctors there for help.  Also pain advisor here might help.

    Please can I say hope you OK.  I know I sent a lot to you.  Just a guy who cares.

    Take care

    Your friend
  • Catman
    Catman Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Hi Spiceman. I take Gabapentin and Codiene for the Fibromyalgia but it really doesn't do much for the pain. I'm registered here with a doctor but progress is slow. I was under the Pain Clinic at Southmead Hospital in Bristol and have had acupuncture, seen the Pharmacist there and the Pain Psychologist. I was due to embark on a pain management course but moved before it was due to start. 

    The pain is so bad on a nighttime that I sleep with a pillow between my legs to avoid my knees and ankles hurting even more. 

    I feel for you buddy as you seem to be going through similiar. Thanks again for your support. 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Catman Thank you for reply.  Always here. Doctor's I wonder if it worth contacting them.  I know system slow.  I have had similar experiences.

    We guys are we not yes we are in pain.  Spending days in pain well I can take that, do not wish to make an issue out of it.  Sorry mate this is what I say to my self.

    In the end had to go down just did not want this.  I am crowding the surgery.  I have just have to get on with it.  I say this all the time.

    I have to go though. Helped me in the end.  Guess the Doctor I have you know said to me.  Come down if I can help, I can help. 

    I feel for you as well you know.  My friend.  Admitting to all of us what is happening.  Telling the community.  Need to share.  Admire you for doing that.

    Total respect.  First time I ever talked to this community lot of response and now many of them are like yourself.

    Proud to call a mate.

    I see that you have lots in place to cope with pain.. Although it would not do any harm .  What do you think?  Follow up anything that benefit you a bit extra.

    No one wishes to make a fuss.  Just worth a look at what else is there.

    At the end of the day all of us in the community are here to listen.  Hope if and when needed a lot of advice, information.  Soothe and ease the worries and pain.

    I want you to know I get up most nights in either back pain or leg pain.  So I use meds but still it is hard to sleep.  Try to relax have wind down music and all that.  That is me though.

    Hope to speak to soon

    Take care
  • Catman
    Catman Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Yes my friend, Spiceman I do need to see the doctor again, I guess. They did increase my nightly Gabapentin from 300 to 600 mg, that was a couple of months ago and has done nothing to ease my pain. They've also referred me to the Rheumatologist. Back in Bristol, I was due to see Physio so they could get me some water therapy. 

    Right at this very minute, the pain is so bad that it's making me nauseous and as for the fatigue, that's another matter, I'm exhausted. 

    Thanks for keeping in touch my good friend. Keep strong. 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @catman That's OK we as guys have to help each other.  Not easy is it.

    Please can I say sounds like could be hunger as well  I get really tired with meds and pain.    I am not your Mother are you eating OK?  Just a thought my friend.

    Have a fruit bowl handy for snack attack.  Lot's of energy there.  Got simple ideas if wish to know.  All about right balance.  Are you OK with nuts? Peanut Butter sandwich.  Whole meal bread, use with honey, crackers with fruit cheese just a snack my friend.

    Sometimes we guys do not eat.  We have to though.  I buy like to night Cooked Chicken easy sandwich or salad.  Buy a lot of the stuff made, coleslaw and potato salad.  That helps B vitamins just ideas my friend.

    Do not wish to make a fuss.

    I hope you get sorted please come back to chat.  Stay safe  Just remember do not be afraid to ask any of us anything.

    No matter how trivial.

    Some times us guys just need to say how we are

    Your friend
  • Catman
    Catman Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 64 Contributor
    Thanks my friend, I do have to be careful with what I eat now however, as I've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I was a chocoholic with a very sweet tooth so I've had to change my diet. Rach and I are presently living with her parents so I've got two women fussing over me and making sure I eat right.