maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
edited March 2018 in Coffee lounge

This may seem an od comment but why does Scope not point out to check reg of accesers with their governing body   because i have and they state acessers cant put their name to a report unless they are trained in each illness as per my post physio?? Nor can they give an opinion which is using their name to do so



  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    It makes you wonder where do the accesers come from? Are they staff that have moved from the NHS to a easier job less hours no,nights or week end working ( 9 to 5 ) I have had two f2f both nurses one female the other male. I have read on furums that some accesers goggle health conditions to get more information about your condition and the answers you give at the acessment to ensure they are related to each other so as they score you properly!!?
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    If it works @maid08 and @wilko, this link will take you to a televised meeting between MPs and the head honchos of the organisations that provide assessors: https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/41310/Parliament%20TV:%20https://goo.gl/ic9bqS It is rather a long discussion, and I have not yet watched all of it myself. The assessors the two main organisations refer to seem to consist mostly of nurses, physios, emergency medical technicians, and people 'with a medical background'. The MPs could not understand why assessors had not been recruited from the ranks of GPs. 
    From their arguments it would appear that assessors are part-time employees, and are earning extra cash whilst taking a break from their normal day jobs, perhaps raising a family. The organisations concerned have not tried to recruit GPs and my guess is that they think GPs were less likely to give in to pressure, or it may be that they think the rate of pay would not be high enough to bring GPs in.
    It's a mess.
    Best to you both,
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    That's just what I thought, earning a living using their knowledge of nursing but not to a specialist standard to form or make a health judgement on a disabled persons abilities just from reading a claimants answers and asking questions then to tick a box and award a score which leads to an award.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Yup, @wilko, box-ticking is what it is all about these days. I'm guessing there must be some decent people doing it - bear in mind that on here and in similar spaces the ones we tend to see are the ones where it has gone wrong. In effect, when you're set up to respond to problems, problems are pretty much all you get to see, and you don't get to see the stuff that's actually working.
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    wilko said:
    That's just what I thought, earning a living using their knowledge of nursing but not to a specialist standard to form or make a health judgement on a disabled persons abilities just from reading a claimants answers and asking questions then to tick a box and award a score which leads to an award.
    which is fine if they have the relevant experience of illness they are looking at ?physios ain't able to deal with most things health-related only their chosen medical thing and it was stated governing body will take a dim view of abuseing name??

  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    JennysDad said:
    If it works @maid08 and @wilko, this link will take you to a televised meeting between MPs and the head honchos of the organisations that provide assessors: https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/41310/Parliament%20TV:%20https://goo.gl/ic9bqS It is rather a long discussion, and I have not yet watched all of it myself. The assessors the two main organisations refer to seem to consist mostly of nurses, physios, emergency medical technicians, and people 'with a medical background'. The MPs could not understand why assessors had not been recruited from the ranks of GPs. 
    From their arguments it would appear that assessors are part-time employees, and are earning extra cash whilst taking a break from their normal day jobs, perhaps raising a family. The organisations concerned have not tried to recruit GPs and my guess is that they think GPs were less likely to give in to pressure, or it may be that they think the rate of pay would not be high enough to bring GPs in.
    It's a mess.
    Best to you both,
    aply for an assessment job online 38000 a year 6 weeks training   then 1st few months 150a acesmant climbing up to 200plus

  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    The organisations - ATOS and whatever the other one is - have a lot to say about the task of the assessors NOT being diagnostic - it's one of the justifications they give, I think, for not recruiting GPs. The assessors have been 'trained' by the assessing organisations to know, supposedly, what they ought to know. Avoiding the word 'diagnostic' they do make repeated use of the word 'clinical'. It all sounds extremely dubious and distorted to me. Both organisations have hundreds of staff, but even of their permanent staff there appear to be only two actual doctors in each organisation.
    I have found and am trying to some background work for a group who, at the moment, are talking about creating a political party (or a political pressure group). You might find them interesting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1349035641867426/
    Best to you
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    £38000 a year? For 6 weeks training? We know where their hearts are, then.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Way to go, @wildlife. I look forward to hearing more :smile:
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    The training is on how to use the cumputer software to record the acessment evidence to enable the point scoring to be made available to the decision maker at DWP, and verify the claimants answers that where written in the PIP application form.
  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Online Community Member Posts: 2,290 Championing
    Now wonder they need such huge compensation. All that effort :(
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    My assessor hadn't heard of gabapentin and couldn't spell paracetamol. .. I'm not judging her language skills but I cant see how she could have been in any way medically qualified.

    My Mum got a job as an assessor and shes a retired nurse. And based on her info as wilko above says (hi!) the training is in the software and to just make sure the answers are the same.....
    PIPESA Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    @wildlife...I did the same thing re my assessor from Capita.

    It was stated on the assessment report that her profession was Physiotherapist.  After Googling her and finding her LinkedIn profile etc there was no mention of anything resembling a career as a physiotherapist, however she was a Staff Nurse who was disillusioned with the NHS.

    As I have already posted,  the report was appalling and I had my original award reinstated after a reconsideration.

    I questioned her credentials because  she was ignorant of how a knee replacement affects flexibility and we questioned her mental health training as she made some astonishing assumptions RE mental health issues.

    She even reported my last 'occupation' was a House Wife?!?!...bearing in mind I'm a man and not very pretty and never been married, I guess I should be flattered!!....cut and paste error I HOPE!!

    I received a letter from Capita today stating my complaint about her was in the process of being looked into.....I won't hold my breath...the fact the DWP Case Manager referred all my ignored evidence back to Capita whose new report came back within 48 hours and the MR was then successful, says all you need to know.....however the fact she was a Staff Nurse is even more worrying, with her seemingly poor knowledge of bodily functions, we noted, by her strange questions and conclusions re my physical disabilities....but why 'lie' as to her occupation???

    But I agree....you MUST look into the HPs professional background, if you can, when you dispute their findings and conclusions.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @PIPESA Yes I too found my assessor on Linkedin which I tried to use as evidence when the Facebook info. from her profile was rejected by HCPC with the reasoning people can write anything on FB not necessarily the truth. Now while I can understand her not wanting to announce to the world that she was an assessor employed by ATOS there was a gap in her job history of a short period of about 9 months during which I had my assessment. The information she had no problem putting on her public profile, as no way did I befriend her, ran from her days at a private school all through to her current employment, having now moved on to a none medical job, made no mention of training or working as a Paramedic which she claimed to be. I printed off this education and work history from Linkedin and sent it to HCPC who confirmed it was used to investigate the person with the same name on their register and that it belonged to my assessor but that was the end of their willingness to investigate her further. They also accused me of doing all this because I wanted more benefit. They treated me like I was a lower class citizen. Their attitude was appalling. My only option now is my ongoing complaint now with ICE which is due to include her qualifications. I am due for a review in 2 years and her lies denied me higher rate DL though I did get higher mobility at MR. Also to let you all know you can make a Subject Access request for all your records from DWP which I did and was how I found a false registration number on a form. She would have done this later in the day with no idea that I would ever see the form again, but it was sent to me under the Data Protection Act. You can find out how to do this on the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) website.
    PIPESA Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    From my latest conversation with DWP Case Managers and the findings of the Work and Pensions Committee report on ESA and PIP assessments released on 14th Feb, it won't be long till it is mandatory that all assessments are independently recorded. So , hopefully, things will change for the better.
  • AbilityInAction
    AbilityInAction Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    If you want to know what their qualification requirements are and what the job requires, look at the recruitment pages on Capita - that tells you a lot.
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    If you want to know what their qualification requirements are and what the job requires, look at the recruitment pages on Capita - that tells you a lot.
    yes one of them is cn you type fast????? got my son to apply for job he is a psychiatric nurse
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    he cant help me tho he says im just past all help
  • maid08
    maid08 Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    PIPESA said:
    @wildlife...I did the same thing re my assessor from Capita.

    It was stated on the assessment report that her profession was Physiotherapist.  After Googling her and finding her LinkedIn profile etc there was no mention of anything resembling a career as a physiotherapist, however she was a Staff Nurse who was disillusioned with the NHS.

    As I have already posted,  the report was appalling and I had my original award reinstated after a reconsideration.

    I questioned her credentials because  she was ignorant of how a knee replacement affects flexibility and we questioned her mental health training as she made some astonishing assumptions RE mental health issues.

    She even reported my last 'occupation' was a House Wife?!?!...bearing in mind I'm a man and not very pretty and never been married, I guess I should be flattered!!....cut and paste error I HOPE!!

    I received a letter from Capita today stating my complaint about her was in the process of being looked into.....I won't hold my breath...the fact the DWP Case Manager referred all my ignored evidence back to Capita whose new report came back within 48 hours and the MR was then successful, says all you need to know.....however the fact she was a Staff Nurse is even more worrying, with her seemingly poor knowledge of bodily functions, we noted, by her strange questions and conclusions re my physical disabilities....but why 'lie' as to her occupation???

    But I agree....you MUST look into the HPs professional background, if you can, when you dispute their findings and conclusions.
    its the only way to sort them out  cos its hurting a lot of people and we do not know about people who do not use the internet or even think to search it