Facebook and internet chat sites a good thing or a bad thing

Clarecook1973 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
I don't know if I've posted in the right section but how do people  feel about social media sites ie Facebook as a impact on our depression and anxieties? 
The reason i have asked this question is because a while ago my so called in laws and so called friends all got into a big argument about a family member getting the help they needed and they turned on me it made me doubt everything about the person that I am and the things I say and made my depression spiral out of control to the point now I don't trust anyone because of how things was twisted that I had said the funny thing was it was all over a Sunday dinner that my father in law said he would like but doesn't get much and the carers for him which are my brother in law with his wife said sarcastic remarks yet I tried to calm everyone down saying it's just a Sunday dinner and as I said they turned on me it really knocked my confidence and made me so depressed people could be so horrible to me I come of Facebook and my paranoia was horrendous. 
I am now back on face book as I like to see my families photos of there babies and nice things they get up to but although I have come to terms with i can't please everyone I try to be honest and true in all situations and if people don't like me that's there right as is mine to not listen to horrible things they say I think it hit me harder because I had just had a cancer scare and they new this yet they didn't care I may have had cancer they carried on regardless. 
Hope i havnt bored any one just thought I would ask for people's opinions on social media and maybe strategies to handle this kind of situation when it happens again as it will because my sister in law twist what I say and what I text to make me look like a bad person which is why I keep every text now as proof Clare x


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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    I have came off Facebook and never been back on.
    it makes my depression and anxiety worse so why would I stay on it!,
    It took a while to figure it out but haven’t regretted it one bit.
    If someone what to share things with me they know how to contact me..

    Put yourself first, it’s hard sometimes but you have too
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Exactly or how fabulous their lives are!,,, blah blah.

    if it was that fabulous why feel the need to tell everyone  :|
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  • susan48
    susan48 Online Community Member Posts: 2,213 Championing
    Sorry for ranting but it upsets me.

    People live their lives in social media, looking for praise or attention.

    id rather stick pins in my eyes
  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    I myself have never been a member of Facebook and never will be, Facebook has coarsed  so many problems for so many people it should have been shut down a long time ago, i would love to see a campaign to have it closed. Please if you have any see respect ✊ stay away. NC
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  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    Never apologise for speaking the truth, you know what they say the truth always hurts, are you listening Facebook!!!!
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  • cripps
    cripps Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering
    I your right it’s just a subject that gets up my nose, end of!
  • Clarecook1973
    Clarecook1973 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    edited April 2018
    I don't know if I've posted in the right section but how do people  feel about social media sites ie Facebook as a impact on our depression and anxieties? 
    The reason i have asked this question is because a while ago my so called in laws and so called friends all got into a big argument about a family member getting the help they needed and they turned on me it made me doubt everything about the person that I am and the things I say and made my depression spiral out of control to the point now I don't trust anyone because of how things was twisted that I had said the funny thing was it was all over a Sunday dinner that my father in law said he would like but doesn't get much and the carers for him which are my brother in law with his wife said sarcastic remarks yet I tried to calm everyone down saying it's just a Sunday dinner and as I said they turned on me it really knocked my confidence and made me so depressed people could be so horrible to me I come of Facebook and my paranoia was horrendous. 
    I am now back on face book as I like to see my families photos of there babies and nice things they get up to but although I have come to terms with i can't please everyone I try to be honest and true in all situations and if people don't like me that's there right as is mine to not listen to horrible things they say I think it hit me harder because I had just had a cancer scare and they new this yet they didn't care I may have had cancer they carried on regardless. 
    Hope i havnt bored any one just thought I would ask for people's opinions on social media and maybe strategies to handle this kind of situation when it happens again as it will because my sister in law twist what I say and what I text to make me look like a bad person which is why I keep every text now as proof Clare x
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    I cannot comment on FB, Twitter or any other "social" media as I have never tried them and never will. This is the closest I come to socialmedis

  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Social media has always been a mixed bag with positives and negatives, not forgetting that forums are also a form of social media.

    Well run forums like this one can usually moderate discussions to ensure that they do not go too far, even so it is still possible for people to be nasty, negative and disrespectful towards individuals. 

    Either way though, as others have said here, why invite anything into  your life which causes more problems for you than the benefits you get from them?
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Oh dear, families can be tough to deal with on or offline!

    Social media has opened up the world to so many people and given people chance to connect with others, but it always has it's downsides too.
  • Clarecook1973
    Clarecook1973 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    Hi everyone thanks for giving me your feed back and comments on what u think bout social media n face book it's defiantly made me think more about letting things people say getting to me and made me think more about being happy with my self n not trying to please everyone else 
  • laurahc__
    laurahc__ Online Community Member Posts: 34 Contributor
    I think it depends on how social media platforms are used. I very rarely post on Facebook but regularly use instagram and find the chronic illness community on there so helpful. I met my best friend through IG and I find the support and advice beneficial: people "get it" on a level that in real life people don't.

    That said, I think that social media can be really toxic. I was on a course last year and part of that meant that I had to do my own research project and i looked at social media usage in young adults and the use of recovery or health accounts. 75% of people asked had encountered problems on IG in particular, including bullying, trolling, over competitiveness, pressure or people accusing them of faking illness. Some of the stuff that is posted is shocking. 
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