Gp letter

Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
edited April 2018 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi is asking for a private letter OK for Esa and pip Mr? Or should I go in for one? Which one do they except please 


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Toffee

    Unless you can get a letter that details the trouble you have with daily living and or mobility rather than medical condition, it will be of limited use. So paying may be a waste of money
    Most GP's now make a charge for letters and some won't write then at all 

  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Cockyneyrebel thank you so much. I have just got one medical condition history chroic pain but don't say anythink else.. Its so stressful 
  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Ps back  to the doctors for me 
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering
    Make a complaint to to the practice manager. They will have to investigate why your not being allowed a letter from a gP. I was vey unwell once with a medical condition thay got more and more serious.  I was back and forth the doctor, a single parent and trying to work full time. One day I was so ill I made an emergency appointment. The doctor told me off and said Perhpas working full time was too much for me with my depression.  I said I totally agree wih you but I need to feed my child. Bt I wouod appreciate a few weeks off as I felt so unwell. She put my symptoms down to the depression and refused to examine me. She said my job was too much but refused to give me a sick note. That was the last straw and I complained to the practice manager. Things move fast when you make a complaint.  
    I was asked to come in and see a different doctor for a check up. I was in hospital that night having emergency surgery for a condition thay didn't need surgery if caught early. I was signed off sick, assigned to a doctor who had some training in mental health issues and the doctor who refused to give me a sick note had a warning and had to go on training. 
    My sitiation was different, but the point I'm making is, if you feel your being treated unfairly or your illness dismissed you can make a complaint. They might side with the doctor. That's a chance you have to take. But at least the surgery will investigate why yout being refused a doctor letter confirming your diagnosis and illness.   
  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Thank you so much I will do this am seriously up the wall with it all thank you one again 
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  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    I have repetedly asked to speak to practise manager for 12 months.
    The desk say hes to busy to speak to us mortals.
    Iv asked for complaints procedue the desk refuses 
    Any idea's 
  • sandyp196
    sandyp196 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Empowering
    Misscleo said:
    I have repetedly asked to speak to practise manager for 12 months.
    The desk say hes to busy to speak to us mortals.
    Iv asked for complaints procedue the desk refuses 
    Any idea's 
    Put your complaimt in writing addressed FAO the practice manager private and confidential.  This makes it a legal document. Make a copy of the letter. 
  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Cockey rebel
    Would it be good enough if your gp states you struggle with daily living skills things like that or dose it have to be in more detail please? 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    As PIP is a funtionality assessment, your condition and diagnosis probably are not in question, which is all that a GP can really attest to. Generalisations and assumptions wil not help your case. This is really just padding and to much padding means that it is likely to go un-read

    You need to be as specific as you can be about HOW you are affected, in what way, what help you need, what aids you use if any, and what happens if you dont get the help.

    You should included recent examples of what has happened

    Testamonials from the people that know you best, will also help

  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Thank you so much cockneyrebel 
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  • april123
    april123 Online Community Member Posts: 137 Empowering
    I've asked doctor to explain effects of my medication and combinations of some tablets as these where left out and could of made a difference in score to some of the tasks.  i.e  lack of concentration forgetful etc. I'm hoping this helps for my MR but I'll  let you know when I get letter back there not cheap.
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  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Thank you April good luck 
  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Is there a certain why you have to end a testimonial please from the person writing it for u 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    So their letters must include their name and address, they need to explain their relation to the claimant and how often they see them.

    Then they need to explain anything they see the claimant do or not do in regard to the relevant benefits activities and any other comments that they have.

    Lastly they need to attest that the information that they have provided is correct to the best of their ability.So their letters must include their name and address, they need to explain their relation to the claimant and how often they see them.

    Then they need to explain anything they see the claimant do or not do in regard to the relevant benefits activities and any other comments that they have.

    Lastly they need to attest that the information that they have provided is correct to the best of their ability.
  • Toffee
    Toffee Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    Thank you so much for all your help 
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Iv just got the "your new hete" "join us" sign in
    Whats going iv been on here for months.
    I m on here everyday so why do you keep telling me im new.
    Why are you caursing so much stress for people who ate ill and alreay inder stress.
    Where is it getting us when you keep telling us "wr new."Sign up !"
    And the purple button says stay signed in.
    Beggers belif . This is the 4th time youv sent me this WHY?