Gp letter



  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    edited April 2018
    Hi @Misscleo, I hope we can help you with this.

    You're seeing this page because this is the process for logging in and out of the community. This could be happening if you're logging out of the forum each time you're using it, or sometimes this happens automatically for safety reasons. This page is not unique to you or being sent specifically to you: it's a standard page that other members will also see if they've logged out of the community. 

    To reduce the number of times you see this page, you can check the 'stay signed in' box that you've mentioned, as shown below. If you'd like any assistance with this, please do let us know. 

    scope login page with red circle drawn around stay signed in box