PIP - apply as soon as possible

mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
Hi there, 
I'm not an expert on PIP, just a recover of this benefit. I feel it important to add that the benefit starts from when you first called to apply. 

I've seen many posts from people who are wondering about PIP or deciding if they will get it or not...... 

And I want to STRONGLY encourage this people to call PIP right now! 

Because they take your details, send out paper work.... And then you fill in form  maybe get some advice.... You can stop at any point.. 

But... However long to take to apply or if you have to wait,... If you are deemed eligible for the benefits it will back pay to when you first made the call.

The system IS improving, slowly but surely. Don't be discouraged from applying by the challenges it can present... It is worth the effort in most cases I feel from talking to friends. 

Best of luck


  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Many thanks for your emal. 
    Very uniformative 
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Uninformative or informative?

    As I said  I'm just someone who uses pip, not as expert. 

    I just thought it may help ☺