Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

Hi, my name is Maryday9!

Maryday9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
Good Morning .
I am a new member to this community .


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,665 Disability Gamechanger
    Morning @Maryday9
    Welcome to the community! Do you want to tell us a bit about yourself?
    Senior online community officer
  • Maryday9
    Maryday9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I am registered disabled I have psoriatic arthritis I am 62 I have a disabled daughter she is 22 my daughter has EDS type 3 we are together have many issues but managed day today
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,665 Disability Gamechanger
    We have a lovely community here, do join in and get involved and if you have any questions, let us know! :)
    Senior online community officer
  • Maryday9
    Maryday9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    It is good to know someone is listening I am generally a very happy person as it is my daughter however recently she applied to go to University at Myerscough equine College she has already completed a 4 year college course at Myerscough they are also a university however when she applied she was being fobbed off and told to go and do a science foundation in Preston UCLan and then come back after a year although Jessica is an A-star student and I cannot see why she would do a foundation of science when she has already completed the equine science and obtained a distinction.. she was still discouraged by attitude several phone calls have been made with no response to voicemails I do not know what to do next for her Jessica would not be able to do the physical side of the University course however she plans to be a lecturer there for the duties of mucking out etc would not apply this would cause a problem to Jessica physical well-being as her hips dislocate as well as her shoulders knees and ankles she has already been airlifted from my school in the past when she attended I am sorry this is so long and drawn out but we are at our wits end
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,665 Disability Gamechanger
    Welcome to the community @Maryday9

    We have a disabled student advisor here that you might like to chat with?
    Senior online community officer
  • Maryday9
    Maryday9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    My daughter is in Ireland I will get her to chat when she comes. 
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