Home help stressful



  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    whistles said:
    I don't think people realise how expensive care is.

    The actual cost of care is nowhere near the amount that the local authority charge for or pay
    It's all swings and roundabouts where care provision is involved.

    Take the cost of care in a residential care home. The local authority will only pay a figure that they can afford. This can be up to £300 a week less than the care home charges. That £300 is then recovered by the home through increasing the cost to someone that is self funding.

    Likewise with home care, the local authority will only pay a certain amount, thus any contribution that they can get from the applicant they will take it. The council want to maximise what they can claw back.

    I have always been interested in what should the care element of PIP as well as Attendance Allowance pay for. It is said that it is paid to cover the reasonable extra costs that a person incurs because of a disability.

    Yet most people who I have talked to have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to try and explain what these extra costs are .When I was receiving both the high rate of care (DLA) and enhanced rate of care (PIP) there was little extra cost that I could find to cover the benefit payment. Thus the benefit payment was added to the general household income fund.
    I presume therefore that this is what is happening in this case, Social Services, try as they may, cannot find any reasonable expenditure that has to be met out of the benefit. The balance is therefore included as general income.
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hiya yes interesting thank you .they should make it much much clearer for everyone .and as for the fare charges part .I would say nothing fare about it at all!!.I will be asking the hours I can have without any of my contribution and see what she has too say .18.00 per hour is pricey and the workers themselves only get 7.pound something an hour  such a joke .
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing
    Shop around I think that's partly what the pip was designed for- allowing you the independence to do this. 
    Speak to others in your area if possible and compare notes, they might be able to recommend good agencies you can use.
    See what charities are around and what they might offer. 

  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Yes I agree but Ithe just dident work out for me with what they could offer .they wanted every last bit I had left and without any domestic help .going too find a good cleaner and if my pI. P payments go too the higher rate I can go back too the plan .thanks everyone who tried too help me .
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    Hiya yes interesting thank you .they should make it much much clearer for everyone .and as for the fare charges part .I would say nothing fare about it at all!!.I will be asking the hours I can have without any of my contribution and see what she has too say .18.00 per hour is pricey and the workers themselves only get 7.pound something an hour  such a joke .

    Is that the rate quoted by Social Services? It sounds about right - the extra £11 an hour goes towards the Social Care budget controlled by the council.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited May 2018
    Yes I agree but Ithe just dident work out for me with what they could offer .they wanted every last bit I had left and without any domestic help .going too find a good cleaner and if my pI. P payments go too the higher rate I can go back too the plan .thanks everyone who tried too help me .

    That's exactly what we have done. Knowing how council's work there was no way that we were going to get them involved.

    Through recommendations we have found our own. All of the ironing is contracted out each week - averaging 12 shirts/tops, a complete bedding set and a few odds and ends - £12 a week AND it is collected on a Tuesday and returned on Thursday.
    We employ an old guy who does all of the garden, exterior cleaning, painting, any repairs - a general handyman etc etc. He works an 8 hour week for £40. He even sorts out the bins for us every Friday morning.
    We have a local cleaner come in once a week to vacuum, dust etc for £10.
    So for £62 a week, the vast majority of the household chores are done for us.
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Thanks yes it seems the way too go .I could get almost triple the help  doing it your way .wish I had realised beforehand .it's been a long painful experience ..you live and learn ,,,
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing
    It's a sad fact that the benefits system actually doesn't cover the extra expenses. 
    It claims to, but it doesn't. 

    I don't iron, saves a fortune!
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    You basically have too pay the majority of it at 17.00 per hour and there limited what they can offer .cleaner  sorted today ☺
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing
    I find £17 an hour excessive to be honest. This is why some unfortunate people can only afford to have someone get them out of bed and leave them breakfast- twenty minutes per visit.

    It's actually cheaper for you to use online shopping, rather than going yourself in a taxi or paying someone to take you. Just shop around the companies and see who offers the best deal, what they are likely to substitute. 
    Some offer home delivery if you can get there and pick it out. 
    I guess that's the I in independence. Stands for Internet.  :)
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Oh yes thank goodness for the Internet. I buy a delivery pass too which cuts costs down a bit too .I actually feel a sense of relief sorting it myself .feel sorry for people being my coaxed intoo using the care system as it .long waits lots if calls terrible system really is .penalising the poor and in most need