General Disccussion about your connection to autism!



  • TLC11
    TLC11 Community member Posts: 15 Listener
    I live in essex omg theme parks yes they are horrible, he cant wait in lines his ok for about a few minutes you then get how long now, as time goes on he becomes more and more stressed lashes out runs off  hides, even when we went to madam tussards they do a wax mould of your hand his sisters wanted to do it he freaked right out and stood biting himself its sometimes heartbreaking because i don't know how to help him. When we took him to legoland they do a quite time in the starwars bit and he done so well in there and also in chessington when it was just him and me his hoode was down and so relaxed normally he hides into me. I know legoland offer a sensory area, not that we have used it. Resources are so needed and is all the information thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Massive help x 
  • hartill77
    hartill77 Community member Posts: 95 Contributor
    Its good to have people to talk to and swap stories. 
    If you claim DLA which you entitled too you can use that to get ride access pass. 
    I sometimes will take a surprise out with me an example - I took a bag of sensory toys for at the airport so when it got to much I let her sit on the floor whilst queuing to play with them. She's 12 this new years eve so I sometimes get dirty looks off people but I just ignore them. 
    Having a distraction sometimes helps. Once you know what makes them tick or triggers its easier to help them I have found.
    And I'm always here to talk if you need anything ?
  • vysvader
    vysvader Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    edited December 2018
    hartill77 said:
    My daughters primary school refused

    While 1-2% of the population has got Asperger's Syndrome (and other HFASD) what projects around 1 million people in the UK, the vast majority of them don't have any learning difficulties thus it's very reasonable that they use to refuse. Asperger's Syndrome doesn't cause any learning difficulties (except non-verbal communication and idioms), just can make it worse if there are any additional conditions.

    These forums and GPs are visited by parents whose kids have got a severe autism (IQ < 70, meantime, your daughter has got a normal IQ as well as rather of Microsoft CEOs have got the same and zero problems caused by ASD) or/and some secondary condition such as dyslexia (which isn't associated with HFASD, or Asperger's of your daughter). 15-20% of the population is dyslectic and on these forums, you meet only the parents of dyslectic kids. If someone has ASD with dyslexia, then it's worse than dyslexia alone, however, if your kid has got just that ASD and many of her classmates are furthermore troubling (from 1 out of 5 to 1 out of 7 of her classmates are dyslectic) then I missed the point.

    Best regards
  • sunnyag16
    sunnyag16 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I tried Pierre Fontaine's online homeopathic consultation for my two-year child and now he is better than he was before I consulted with him.
  • vysvader
    vysvader Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    edited December 2018
    Thanks, that looks very promisable. According to tests, I'm somewhere between Asperger's Syndrome and NT. Once, I'd got official complaints from one of my bosses that I'm very overfocused on my job, work well but either way, that it'st in a too excentric level and I miss all the chatting (socializing, reportedly, I missed too much), what's not true all the time (sometimes I just can't shut up, stop speaking). I'm not kidding, this isn't any joke, it really happened, I got a complaint that I overfocus : ) I underwent DNA testing. When I see my DNA medical results I think your pills could help me to be "normal", get rid of all the high levels of choline and dopamine (to be similar to other people, in-centric and thereafter more socially acceptable) despite the fact that there are many people who are willing to spend money on neuro-tropics and have to undergo very uncomfortable side-effects just for something that we're able to reach naturally, the focus when you can reframe all your attention from the environment, the "eccentrism". Either way, I will take it seriously, however, I don't know why I or someone else with ASD traits should do it. Just to be exactly the same as others, to pass into a crowd? Perhaps, it solves the social matters, but there's also something to lose.

    It's rather about a combination of multiple factors (usually, the factors are not such rare, but there's more of them), not a single causality. NHS would say about the male brain proposition and overgrowth in the time of pregnancy is the most dominant factor. You can check what's the genetics of people with a weak ASD (in the attachments), on the right side is the percentage of population having the same (8/10 of people have the same genome for Asperger's Syndrome). One other gene, the ability to read expressions and mind of others is decreasing under a stress, with a decrease of oxytocin (that's the main factor in my case, lowered oxytocin) and phosphatidylcholines are cholines (from lecithin, the brain food). It's a combination of factors, but they're not such bad. The rare (Finnish/Russian) blood gene (50%+ more oxygen preventing brain damages) is just for an addition : ))))

    Best regards,
    J. Vysvader

  • rajeshroyal
    rajeshroyal Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Nothing can be 100% or maybe will ever be but it is clearly the only practice that is moving the goalposts in that direction.
    70% get much better, 40% reverse, 10% nothing can happen.

    My last homoeopath  Pierre Fontaine said about my nephew when I concerned with him by skype