Make everyone with a lifetime disability, mental or physical, have life time PIP



  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    Shlbly said:
    Well if that happens I can't see why DLA was closed down.

    This will never happen. It goes against the intention of why PIP was brought out - regular intervals for re-assessment.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    A bit of silly nonsenseMake everyone with a lifetime disability, mental or physical, have life time PIP - I am a type 1 diabetic which is (unless I am very lucky and am given a transplant) a lifetime disability - should all type 1 diabetics be given a permanent and lifelong PIP award?

  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    I think they shoukd have either a separate section for mental health .or some mental health professionals. As I feel mental health is treated extremely poorly in the p.i.p system .
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    I think the petition is a great idea .but honestly it's too big a criteria .but good luck with it 
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    edited July 2018
    Personally I feel they wouldent jump from barely acknowledging mental health .too awarding lifetime .sadly .hope I'm proved wrong I really do .something needs too give .Yes definitely as people are looking there lives etc .I feel quite passionately about mental health  if there was so way of getting the government too acknowledge it .I'm definitely in !.I have no clue how this night happen though x
  • littleruthie123
    littleruthie123 Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    It does seem that there are a huge amount of people with varying mental health conditions more so than physical that seen too get it .would be interested too see the figures .ive got alot if physical issues but manage too get points needed but mental health in my case has been played down I feel.luckily I haven't needed too appeal the descriptor. But the principal it and u see in others frequently on here makes me passionate about it .Not for just myself 
  • Quinlan1
    Quinlan1 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    10,000 signatures needed
    I think that if you worked and was given company pension or told that you were no longer fit for work and this was then handed to the benfits office before you could claim  benfits this would give you a starting block 
    i worked for RHM for overly 2o years I got full pension and was told I never be able to work again then way do the Dwp say  otherwise I had to pass 2 drs wait 10 months and see a dr about my metal health I also had to go in to work onnce a month to see if I was ok 
    If you had a disbliliy from birth this should be taken in account and given points before you get there ones  gives us a life
    we don’t want the moon we want to eat well homes that are heated care to help us sorry NHS but if we don’t get the Help we need from the DWP we end up with more for the NHS
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Does anyone know when the disabled register  was dumped.
    And why
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Shlbly said:
    Why is this even back? It hasn’t got any less silly.
    I would appreciate it if you didn’t call me silly thank you.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    Quinlan1 said:
    I think that if you worked and was given company pension or told that you were no longer fit for work and this was then handed to the benfits office before you could claim  benfits this would give you a starting block 
    i worked for RHM for overly 2o years I got full pension and was told I never be able to work again then way do the Dwp say  otherwise I had to pass 2 drs wait 10 months and see a dr about my metal health I also had to go in to work onnce a month to see if I was ok 
    If you had a disbliliy from birth this should be taken in account and given points before you get there ones  gives us a life
    we don’t want the moon we want to eat well homes that are heated care to help us sorry NHS but if we don’t get the Help we need from the DWP we end up with more for the NHS
    The question that you should ask is - would what you are suggesting cost the country more money than it currently pays out for PIP?

    You have to remember that PIP was brought in simply to cut the then level of spending on DLA by 20%.

    With that in mind would your suggestion meet that target of spending?

  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Shlbly said:
    Yes, but contrary to the original post, 100,000 were needed not 10,000 so it fell well short and in the context of 6m disabled people of working age (the ones impacted by PIP) that’s 0.6% of those who could have voted. Kinda tells you it was not the right question.
    It doesn’t finish till November 2018
    And you tell me to read posts properly, what you wrote about ‘silly’ could of been taken two ways.
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Feel good about having a go at someone with a complex visual impairment do we?
    Go somewhere else for a row, because you are not getting one from me!
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Online Community Member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Admin what are you doing about this rudness
  • Shlbly
    Shlbly Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Misscleo said:
    Admin what are you doing about this rudness
    Nothing apparently!