Pip Decision

Macky47 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
IveI received my Pip decision, ivei been awarded standard daily living, but lost mobility, only scoring 4 points. IveI rang to appeal. The assessor, has put I can walk 50metres without stopping, I told him 30metres at most.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You should put your request in writing stating what you disagree with and where you think you should be awarded those points and why. They will look at the whole award again and not just part of it. I'd advise you speak to your local welfare rights for further advice. Good luck.
  • Macky47
    Macky47 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Thank you
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    Macky47 said:
    IveI received my Pip decision, ivei been awarded standard daily living, but lost mobility, only scoring 4 points. IveI rang to appeal. The assessor, has put I can walk 50metres without stopping, I told him 30metres at most.
    For a start saying that you can walk 30 metres will not get you the number of points to be awarded Enhanced Mobility.

    You say that you can walk 30 metres, the DWP say that you can walk more than 50 metres. The difference is only 20 metres which means no award or a standard award. You are going to have to convince the DWP and possibly a Tribunal that those extra 20 metres is an impossible task.
  • angel137
    angel137 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    A Standard award is 20 to 50m. So you think you should be on a standard award, or were you previously on an enhanced award?
    Remember, you need to be able to mobilise at over 50% of the time, (or 4 days a week) reliably, repeatedly and in good time. If it takes you over twice as long than it would a person with no mobility issues, that also should be taken into consideration. 
    If you cannot repeat the action within a 24-36 hour period, that means you cannot do this action.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    angel137 said:
    Remember, you need to be able to mobilise at over 50% of the time, (or 4 days a week) reliably, repeatedly and in good time. If it takes you over twice as long than it would a person with no mobility issues, that also should be taken into consideration. 
    If you cannot repeat the action within a 24-36 hour period, that means you cannot do this action.
    I know that that is what is supposed to be the case, but it is a very hard task to evidence other than what the claimant claims to be the case. 
    Personally I didn't go down that route as it would only be my word against the assessor/DWP.