What is Universal Credit

robinhood8 Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering
Hi everybody I hope you all are well and looking after yourself yesterday I tried to find out about ESA you took one hour and a half for someone answer my call after all that waiting they saidi can claim universal credit go online and fill in the form bloody hell I knew what you were difficult and then I got a long way to go but it's going to be hard that will get there is there any advice anyone can convene me I'll be much appreciated thank you Jacqueline


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    Universal Credit is a means tested benefit and claiming this will depend on household income and savings/capital. It's replaced 6 legacy benefits. It's paid as one monthly payment and there's at least a 5 week wait for your first payment. Any housing benefit you claim will be transferred over to UC. Please see the link that explains it in more detail. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/universal-credit/before-you-apply/what-universal-credit-is/

  • robinhood8
    robinhood8 Online Community Member Posts: 128 Empowering
    Thank you poppy ?
  • Peasmold_01
    Peasmold_01 Online Community Member Posts: 144 Empowering
    Universal Credit is dogs breakfast of an idea by Ian Duncan Smith, a politician who does not live in the real world, and believes that most claimants are scroungers who have no sense of worth and believe the 'working class' whoever they may be, are only here to support his overpaid, way of life.  Once the leader of the Conservatives, he said never underestimate the quiet man. We did  and the quiet man has created food banks, homelessness, poverty for countless families, yet still advocates a policy of social deprevation, whilst drawing a salary as an MP, paid by the 'working class' and various directorships that effectively make him a millionaire. Need I say more?