Dealing with doctors



  • topshoes
    topshoes Online Community Member Posts: 436 Empowering
    @Topkitten got to say my dr is on the ball , very good dr its the rest 
  • cmci
    cmci Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    Getting quite naffed off by some, not all, comments about Drs - remember Dr's and Nurses are people too, open to making wrong judgements, diagnoses, referral decisions.  If you don't like, trust, respect the Dr - get another.  we all need somebody to blame at times, get angry with at times most Drs and Nurses expect that and appreciate the challenges brought to them.  Sometimes we have to recognise our personality doesn't get on with theirs.  And yes, I am a Nurse, married to a GP both with disabilities 
  • colindunne
    colindunne Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Hi cmci everyone is entitled to the truth and that’s all we wanted. I called this doctor out for lying and proved it he didn’t like it.Hence why he had to re-train in four aspects.Wouldnt have it on his records now so should they be allowed to get away with it?
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    I agree with you @cmci

    Medical professionals are humans too, they make mistakes just like we do. How they can remember so many different types of conditions and medications amazes me. 

    I am sorry to you all who have had a bad experience.
  • cmci
    cmci Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    As I said naffed off with some, not all.  What you describe is awful but one liar does not make every GP a liar.  I take it you have a new GP and can work together on your health needs.
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    I actually had a great doctor who quit live on the news as he was could not deal with all the extra demands put on GP's he could no longer cope with the workload.he is very much missed. By so many of his patients 
  • cmci
    cmci Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    Hello Colindunne - I'd do exactly what you done and report him and aspect action to be taken.  Hopefully that would have a positive influence but I wouldn't be with that GP again because my trust and respect would be gone.
  • cracker
    cracker Online Community Member Posts: 322 Empowering

    Hello, all,

    We all have had grave problems with the medical profession, I see. I am most definitely alone.

    Many good doctors have either left town or left the profession. It is not the medical side, it is the overwhelming amount of work dealing with insurance companies and government regulations. Many of them hire someone to do paperwork alone.

    It's so sad to see all your stories. We, who are the sector of the population most burdened by illness, must use energy that could be directed at our healing and support just to try to get p;roper medical treatment.
  • colindunne
    colindunne Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    So true cracker the whole process is an absolute con.Like I said in an earlier post I asked the GMC 11 questions about my mothers death,none of them answered so what’s the point. I had to go to London from Southampton at the height of my back problems on a train the process itself is exhausting and heavily in favour of the doctors.EVERYONE makes mistakes and understandably theres will often have serious consequences but honesty is expected from so called respected people. I can’t stand the fact that he and two more surgery employees lied repeatedly.It has totally destroyed my trust in them.
  • colindunne
    colindunne Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Hi cmci firstly I was with the same surgery from birth up to the age of 48.My mother was a seriously ill for the last 20 years of her life and I was also her carer whilst trying to make a life for myself.We both had very good doctor/patient relationships with no problems up to this point.That nice doctor was disgraceful in the end.when I had the report about my mothers death it was noted he asked another doctor about the medication for my mother.So I picked up on the fact that two of them got it wrong.The silence was deafening, and completely ignored.They have top barristers to write their statements but I still caught them again with that fact.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @colindunne Pleased to meet you. First so sorry what has happened to your and your Mother.

    We except all Doctors to treat us well care for us and when it all goes wrong. The old boys network becomes  a reality.

    I have a long term disability two operations on my hands went wrong at the hands of an inexperienced junior Doctor who had not much knowledge of doing surgery .

    Was the 70's so have been there.

    I understand reading your story and thank you for enlighten us the community.  Sorry you have a lot to cope with.

    I thought try to help and advise.  If I can I am one of the team of community champions on the forum.  Concerned and care about our community members. Been on the NHS  website just seeing what is available for those wishing to complain against a Doctor.

    You mentioned having a Solicitor I wonder have you contacted Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman or PALS . Patient Advice Liaison.  Also Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

    For advice, information plus any legalities . They are I believe responsible for safe practices of the NHS.

    Hope that helps.

    One final point I hope you get this resolved. I can feel the pain and frustration in your posts.

    Always here to listen, be a friend anytime you wish to.

    Pleasure to meet you.

    Take care



  • topshoes
    topshoes Online Community Member Posts: 436 Empowering
    Hi @colindunne no one should have to justify themselves to anyone on a post unless you are asking for help and then need to be ask questions , only time people  needs to  justify themselves is to  the  police, solicitor ,and in a court of law   x
  • colindunne
    colindunne Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Hi spiceman if I had to tells the whole of my story it would seriously make you think this bloke is lying. I seriously have had the worst experience but sure people have been through more. I would say I would be in the top four of the premier league though. I have had to stop the investigation at the moment as it made me so ill on top of my own problems. I probably had multiple breakdowns during all this,all which could of been avoided if he and his colleagues had told the truth. I am toying with the idea of going to the ombudsman as I now have a bit more strength but reality is it absolutely drains you physically and mentally.He should not be able to practice any more simple. I have told them that he will make more mistakes as he is arrogant,ignorant,aloof.When I got the outcome he Had already had two incidents on his records,how serious I don’t know but seems to me they can and do get away with murder. I have had dealings with all your recommendations and am still debating whether to go for it again,as I believe he will continue to make mistakes. Thanks for your support I also have had a great many life experiences that only seem to of happened to me as no-one else I know has had any where near the **** I have been through in life. I seriously am not looking for sympathy it doesn’t help but am willing to help anyone if I can.Again thanks ?
  • Laura99
    Laura99 Online Community Member Posts: 62 Contributor
    Are the assessors really getting 4 grand a week?
    No, of course not. They might be more efficient if they were.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @colindunne How are you? Thanks to replying. Sorry I missed this.

    Add that also had two incidents in my life regarding surgery where the Doctor was an inexperienced junior having no knowledge of surgery procedures.

    Coming from a Third World Country had been trained there and on secondment to a hospital in London . This was the 70's .  Lied on his qualifications, not checked and all records were falsified to my knowledge.

    The other one sorry if I distressed you was about wrong meds been given

    This is different now as I know but maybe the strength you need is to think to try to carry on. Remember you could contact your MP. A lot of the politicians what we may think of them are now very much concerned with people like your good self.

    They do want to know.  I am sure of this and I always think the political landscape has changed.

    Especially with the PIP and ESA and all that around it. Seen a lot of community members complain to there MP, get some results. Might be worth it.

    Hope I offered any words that be useful.

    Thank you for sharing and we as a community are here anytime.

    Pleasure to meet you

    Take care


  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 966 Trailblazing

    "UC paying all the rent money UC etc to claimant & drug addicts feeding their habits & the kids starving & cold"
    This is incredibly uncommon.

    "and you can get pip if you are a alcholic too"
    Both drug and alcohol addiction are disabilities according to the WHO, the DWP, etc. The original choice to take that drink, or snort that line, was theirs, but once the addiction kicks in, it is no longer a choice - it is a disease. Have you seen the way addicts live? Many are homeless (fun fun!), have lost their families, kids, savings, etc. to their addictions (woohoo, gimme some of that!), suffer from both short=term and long-term health problems due to their addictions (oh yeah, baby) and are desperately miserable. If they could stop, they would. Why would anyone stay in a life like that if they could help it?

    Speaking of miserable, a little known fact is that a large proportion of addicts (drugs/alcohol/gambling/whatever) have mental health problems and/or have suffered from trauma (domestic violence, child abuse, rape, war trauma, etc.) They use their substance of choice to escape from the horrible things in their minds/lives. These people are badly wounded, and they're using substances as painkillers. With mental health services practically non-existent, what else can they do?

    They are sick - do you know any serious alcoholics? Do you really think they could work? As they continue down the addictive pathway they get sicker: pancreatitis, blood-borne diseases, infections, liver damage, etc. reduce their function even more. Even when they do manage to stop drinking/drugging/etc., the underlying issues are still there, and they often need mental health support to get to be able to live with what they've been through.

    "if you lie on your form and say you can not do this and that you get the high rate pip for both , i know what gos on and it makes me sick"
    Seriously? You know how hard it is to get PIP, and how small the amount of money is. Why would anyone do so much work and go through so much stress to get so little money, knowing that they'll have to do it over and over again? Besides, the DWP itself says that fraud in disability/sickness benefits is less than 1%.

    @cmci Yeah, and most medical professionals are providing their services under enormous stress, without adequate funding or support. I think they're heroes. However, mistakes happen, and will happen more often in this kind of environment, and they need to be honest about what happened.
  • gts
    gts Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Unfortunately things will get worse with drugs & alcohol everything in moderation however some of us have more sense & self discipline & do`nt turn to excess ? it`s the children who suffer. The chain has to stop & more govt money is needed to help these people but charities are in dire straits now & the big HUSH is the alarming rate suicide is happening. MY daughter is a specialist child nurse she see`s it all too many greedy people in power looking after their own.
  • Laura99
    Laura99 Online Community Member Posts: 62 Contributor
    gts said:
    Unfortunately things will get worse with drugs & alcohol everything in moderation however some of us have more sense & self discipline & do`nt turn to excess ? it`s the children who suffer. The chain has to stop & more govt money is needed to help these people but charities are in dire straits now & the big HUSH is the alarming rate suicide is happening. MY daughter is a specialist child nurse she see`s it all too many greedy people in power looking after their own.

    I really must take issue with you about drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction is an illness. It is not a question of self-discipline.

    I find your comments very offensive.
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Please be aware that we want the community to be a safe and supportive space, we ask that everyone think about their comments before posting something that could be upsetting or offensive to others.
    The World Health Organisation recognises alcoholism as a disease. It is an illness that may be due to genetically inherited defects in neuro-transmission systems in the mood centres of the brain. Some people may be born with an addictive nature, rather than become addicts as a result of social trauma or personal inadequacy. - Dr Robert Lefever

  • colindunne
    colindunne Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Why am I getting these emails when I have not mentioned anything about alcoholism ?