PIP mandatory reconsideration. How long should they take?

Debs55 Community member Posts: 18 Listener
i was on enhanced PIP for both care and mobility. Following an assessment that was full of faults I sent in a MR letter of 5 pages, I couldn’t make it any shorter and hope this document will be the one I can use to appeal if I have to. Has anyone had any positive experience with MR’s?  I rang after 4 weeks and was told it was with a decision maker in a long queue. I have involved my map but I’m not sure if that will make any difference.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    There's no time scales to decisions. Only 18% of MR decisions change. I'm not sure what your local MP can do at this stage because they don't usually know anything about PIP.
  • Debs55
    Debs55 Community member Posts: 18 Listener
    The MP emailed my MR to the DWP and requested a copy of the medical report and they acknowledged receipt the next day.  I don’t think they will be a lot of help but it doesn’t do any harm asking.  Thanks.
  • Polly2
    Polly2 Community member Posts: 15 Connected
    My MR took 9 weeks for a decision, had an intial text saying i would hear in 6weeks. But as there is no time limit its a waiting game. My outcome was positive but from what i have read its rare. Prepare for tribunal but hope for the best 
  • MariLondon50
    MariLondon50 Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    My MR took 11 weeks
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    I've had three MR's. (2013, 2015 and 2017)
    The first two saw the decision change from 0 points to enhanced care & mobility. The third was no change so by this time I had had enough. Never been to the appeal tribunal - there was no need to.

    You may be lucky and get it changed back up to what you had before and even luckier and get a 10 year award. These 3 year awards are ridiculous.

  • Debs55
    Debs55 Community member Posts: 18 Listener
    Thanks for replying. I got the 3 year award but it's a joke cos they review it a year early. I'm just praying the MR works but if it doesn't I'm definitely appealing  I will keep you updated.