fit notes

veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
hi all,recently been placed in support I still have to send fit notes in?..thanks in advance


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing

    Great news. No, no more fit notes needed.
  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    hi poppy,thanks for replying,its just that its just over a year now and they have always wanted them in the past??even written to say when the note expires?
  • fredjr
    fredjr Community member Posts: 20 Listener
    Hi I'll be having a nice drink now if I was you, nice one, mostly doom and gloom lol
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    I just looked at your other thread from October and you asked the same question then. Did you contact DWP like you were advised to?

  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    I didn't polly just had another assessment an am back in the support group,but not sure vabout the note issue..i get very anxious if I have to ring them
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    You don't need to send in any sick/fit notes now or before you were re-assessed. I'm not sure why you're still receiving the reminder letters. They have most likely not turned off the sick note reminders on the computer.
  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    I do hope so polly do you think that's what it is? as its very worrying when they arrive
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    I can only guess what's causing the letters to be sent but letters are automatically sent by the computer. I've been in the Support group fro 6 years and have never sent in a sick note the whole time. Once you're placed into either of the groups, no more sick notes are needed.
  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    :)   I know I should call them,think I will have to drum up the courage,thanks for the help poppy
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    You're welcome. Yes, you really should because the computer will continue to automatically send them unless someone changes it. I know easier said than done for some. Maybe someone can call for you but you'll need to go through security.
  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    will call them myself poppy as am on my own..10minutes of stress has to be better than 10months lol,as long as this is right...many thanks poppy
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    edited January 2019
    You're welcome. I totally agree. I really wouldn't give you incorrect advice, i promise. As i said, i claim ESA myself and i'm also in the Support Group and never send in any sick notes.
  • veryconfused
    veryconfused Community member Posts: 34 Connected
    :) hi poppy,i called them today and as you rightly said they do not need notes to be sent in...really do appreciate yor help in this matter..many thanks have a great day