Lcwra backdated pay

Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
edited January 2019 in Universal Credit (UC)
If accepted which I'm pretty confident I'll get but not keeping my Hopes to high, will my money get backdated to my first sicknote on uc which was like a years and a half ago or the sicknote I handed in with my work capability assessment form? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing

    I'm sure i answered your question yesterday on another thread. It's paid from the 4th month of your claim starting from when you handed in your first sick note. Please read this link.

  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Yes but I'm just abit confused cause I've handed my first sick note a year and a half ago before any claiming and health assessments 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Are you saying you waited all that time for a face to face assessment? and inbetween that time you were regularly sending in sick notes?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Or were you claiming ESA before universal credit and you were sending in sick notes for that. I see on some threads you said you were claiming ESA.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Yes I've been handing in sick notes for ages before being asked to do a health assessment like a year and a half ago maybe longer 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    When did you first claim UC? A year and a half seems like an awful long time to be waiting for the assessment.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    I've been on uc for about 3 and half  years then my mental health problems started about 1 and a half years ago more or less and I've been handing in sicknotes
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Then my advice is the same as before. LCWRA is paid from the 4th month of your claim, so if successfully awarded this then you'll be back dated £328 per month from the 4th month.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Ok so it ain't for the first sicknote it's for the date they receive the health asessment form back then the 3 month period starts?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    No, i keep saying it's from the date when you handed in your first sick note because that will be the time you claimed limited capability for work. Have you read the link i posted? it tells you exactly what i'm telling you in there.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    In most cases, the LCW or LCWRA element will not be included in your Universal Credit award straight away. There is a three month waiting period which will begin when you provide evidence of having limited capability for work. If you have earnings above the threshold your waiting period will begin when your claim for Universal Credit commences, or if later, when you make a claim for a limited capability for work element.

    Providing evidence means....sick notes.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    I miss read what you said got it now lol, thanks.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    lol no worries.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Just an update still havent heard nothing they said it can take up to 4 weeks to hear a decision so I'm hoping I hear something next week
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    There's no time scales for decisions, backlogs are just part of the reason a decision can be delayed.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    I've just been put on no work or related regime but still waiting for my decision does that mean I'm going to go on lcwra but it ain't been made official yet?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Nothing is official until the decision's been made, it just means at this point that you have a very understanding work coach. Unless it says limited capability for work related activity on your journal then the decision hasn't yet been made.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    They have told me they got the decision but cant tell what it is? Which I dont understand
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    When a decision is made it can take 24 hours for it to show on the other computer. Until it shows they can't see it, all they can see is a decision's been made. Ring again in about 24 hours from the time you last rang and they'll be able to tell you. Good luck.
  • Ashleyb1
    Ashleyb1 Community member Posts: 52 Connected
    Ideals thanks for all your help