pip will not help me

Bobbie77 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited March 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
What cheek. I've bn waiting for all my results from mri scans because I have torn tendons in my hip onwhich I need a walking stick for. I can't walk 100 meters without being in pain never mind 200. I also have bad asthma border line copd is what they called it at the asthma clinic. I have a broken left wrist that needs steroid injections  I. Suffer with extreme depression and anxiety onwhich I take valium and anti psychotics to help with my moods  Yet I've just bn told that pip won't help becuase I can stand in a shower. Talk to people even though I find it very distressing and haven't really had a social life in ten years. Im also on other pain medications and still have physiotherapy to go through because I trully struggle with my daily life to the point where I feel like taken it. And I'm not joking. The past ten years of my life have bn hell. I was previously expected n dla. But as soon as u went to my appointment for pip the woman even told me to breath atleast five times. Because my anxiety takes over. But today I got my pip letter which I've waited nearly a year for just for her to give me two points. When my last assessment I was awarded 9 and yet I'm worse now then I was four years ago.how can someone put u through all this stress and not give a **** about people who trully want to get better because as of right now where is the help  Its going to family's abroad its going to alcoholics or junkys. Yet me a family guy who just wants to feel bloody normal again and im only 38 so what do they expect me to do. I want to feel like I can live my life again and get the help I need to sort out my problems because the last thing I want is to ask for bloody hand outs considering I was a full time chef for the best part of 12 years. This country has let us all down and I Don't want to to be apart of this bs [edited by moderator] life anymore because the people who have the power just don't care about people unless they gain from us. I'm done people and I just don't get this corrupt system we live in. 


  • Deb_Alumni
    Deb_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 161 Empowering

    Hello @Bobbie77

    We are sorry to read your post, you are a member of our community and we appreciate you.

    You have clearly had a difficult time for the last ten years and I hope that you will find support from our community. We are certainly here to help and listen to you.

    From your your post you appear to be having thoughts of suicide, it is important that you discuss them with someone who is qualified to help. Please call the Samaritans on 116 123 (free) or email them at jo@samaritans.org who will listen to you.

    You might also benefit from reading MIND’s information on how you can help yourself:


    If you do feel that you may be in immediate danger to yourself, please call 999 or go to your local hospital right away.



    Scope Community

  • Bobbie77
    Bobbie77 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks Debbie. It's just a constant struggle. I feel like I'm stuck on repeat and no one is listening to me at all  I've had to talk about my problems for over a decade I have support workers I even have a drug worker because of being on valium and yet no one trully cares. I could do there jobs with my eyes shut because people are being let down left right and centre. I have a daughter whos 13 a son who's five and they keep me alive  Becuase without them I'd be done and I trully meen that. Because I've reached another level of why should I give a... U get what I meen. But I can barely walk without feeling like my leg is gonna snap. I can't breath I even took all my medications in with me but no mention about that in letter. All I got was I attended my appointment so I'm able to get about. Well if I didn't go theu would of cancelled my claim so where is the fairness in that. Its just pier pressure. I have no help from anyone because of my age. I can't drive because of my pills and I talk the same problems over and over each month with my cpn but they do nothing bar let me rip all my frustration out then I go back home to the daily grind I'm sitting in. Its nearly 3 am i can't sleep my mood is terrible I feel so frustrated at the lack of information she has put forward despite her knowing how much stress affects me  But it's just another kick in the teeth. I want two years out my life to heal and recover but I'm not getting it. All I'm getting is forced appointments judged constantly and I just want to help myself get better with abit of support. I'm not asking for much. Bar two years to help get my life back on track. Because this decade just keeps repeating itself over and over as no one will help me. So this is why I feel so low. I don't ever want my children to feel the way I feel right now.. Or feel pushed aside because people genuinely don't care. If it wasn't for support groups I don't no who I'd be talking to. But believe me when I say I've tried everything from turning point Scotland to the foyer but non of them can help because they understand my pain and no that I'm not lying about my problems. So they decided that I wasn't ready to do course so on because my social anxiety is that high  They had to tell me that I wasn't ready for work due to to all the problems I have. But how can one assessor say ur OK when I've had ten years of struggle and no help bar medication to get me through the days. I just can't keep living my life on repeat. Not for another decade. I no I sound so down but its emotional distress I feel. Thanks again for replying though I appreciate it. I only want people to understand that these pip guys don't care at all. Even when they're say they do. 
  • Sebby
    Sebby Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    ? Bobby?‍?
    My name is Sebby?
    If I can advise you at least one thing please. If you cannot drive due to disability - than you are eligible for freedom pass from the London Councils. Since it is disability that stops you - you would need to ask your key worker or CPN to apply for you. You are eligible 100% because you cannot drive through disability and it is 100% entitlement. At least bus tube & train would be free of charge for you and the Freedom Pass people are very nice. Sometimes it takes a little to get your cpn to do the application form for you as you cannot apply through disability reason yourself. 
    My friend, you are definitely eligible for more than 2 points and you are a possibly a victim of negligent assessment. You need to know that PIP assessor will take your word for nothing when it comes to your conditions like thorn tendons in the hip, asthma and copd broken wrist that need injections, depression, anxiety, mood swings and you are taking not only anti-depressants but also anti-psychotics which definitely scores you lots of points on PIP assessment plus considering the pain killers and copd & steroid inhaler and steroid injections. What is true about the PIP assessors is that if you have not brought each of your conditions document from your consultant Psychiatrist, GP, orthopaedic consultant for leg and wrist, also consultant letter for copd and best extensive psychiatric especially paper document from consultant the PIP assessor will simply disqualify all your conditions and without telling you why.
    For your own sake and the additional cash money you are eligible for a please get the all relevant consultants appointments and ask for documentation of each of conditions and get to PIP assessment with a cab or über cab instead of crunching teeth through pain on walking there. I myself know of mental health and other through experience of friends and in mental health through my own experience. Now I trained as mental health professional at L4 NVQ in Recovery Model.

    It is true. Few cares enough to tell you what to do. Lots of people have their benefits cut and stopped or don’t get them through targets guidelines to pay less. Many people are targeted not to get benefits or to have benefits taken of them. Your professional network is praying on your mental state and ignore the fact you are having barely 100 meters without pain (any sense of pain even past 5 meters qualifies you for max 5 meters walk) Don’t count any more steps than these you make in full comfort.

    You need to describe all your symptoms at their worse on a bad day - it is guideline by PIP to these who know. You being a strong minded man who worked 12 years as chef ??‍? might taking pain and discomfort on the chin - grin and bare it - but don’t forget that the slightest pain and discomfort is already disability oriented incapacity due to disability. Don’t be hard on yourself - to the opposite, describe all at it’s worse (imagine you would do it for your child or best friend if they had lived with your disability - this way you will find also a relief in how much compassion you would find for someone like yourself who suffers so much and can’t get a fair treatment and fair PIP level cash money Government Benefit. Good Luck Brother. You can quote me to your CPN or print the text I wrote. I tell you Bobby? it all checks. 

    Congrats on being a brilliant Daddy??

    Try to Keep good spirits and be positive however difficult it might seem. Good Luck?
    Good Luck??‍♀️??‍♂️


    I am registered as having Mental Health Disability?‍♂️
  • Bobbie77
    Bobbie77 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    High sebby I did I took all my medications in with me even the ones I forget to take sometimes including inhalers steroids and blue also all my pills each has my name and address on them I told the woman how hard my life has became because I can't move around as much and I don't like going out on social gatherings becuase of how my moods are  I trully explained everything and what really got me was it was the same asseseor I had the last time. I. Showed her my physio therapy letters my mri scan letters the whole lot. I even had to lift my leg with my right hand because I can't physically pick up my right leg due to torn tendons. And yet she said I could walk and manage a bus route and that I can talk openly onwhich I can like I am just now becuase I've taken all my meds I can actually talk u see but I still freeze when asked to go out socialising. My health is trukjy bad just now where I've had three professional people ur psychiatrist and turning point worker all telling me and other people that I can't work just now. But the same asseseor gave me 9 points in my own home and I didn't even have a waking stick then but I do now and she saw me use it. Yet no points for having an aid either. I'm beyond shocked  I. Only just got the letter yesterday and it has brought chaos and panic to me. Becaue when I go to esa appointments they clearly see the distress in in and they always tell me just to call every few months to keep up to date. Honestly no one cares I've bn going round in circles since I was cut of dla. I need my health to get better for my kids becuase I'm letting them down with being broken  My wrist needed an operation 12 years ago but it got put off and I failed a second appointment so I've had a broken wrist for over a decade aswell but I blame my own neglect for that happening. Its now got abit arthritis and the bones grind and wear and tear has built up over that years. But regardless of all that my medication and inhalers should be enough for them to give me points. She made it on that she was sympathetic but trully she rushed me made me blow in a peek flow onwhich they'd are useless at giving correct readings and the movement process was a joke aswell. I feel humiliated I'm not joking I can't believe I'm even talking about this when I just want to better my life not take advantage of the system. Thanks for u reply it meens alot ✌️ 
  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,761 Championing
    No harm at all in talking about it @Bobbie77, you're among people who understand here on the community. I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences. I'm sure many of our members will be able to relate to your frustrations, and we're all rooting for you.

    I hope today is as kind as possible to you, and do let us know if we can be of any assistance!