
Fifi69 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
My esa has been stopped pending further information requested, now all I have to live on is my p.i.p ?


  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Community member Posts: 491 Empowering
    My esa stopped 14th feb all I have is pip it’s disgusting I can’t use my hands but say I can work I’ve had mr now tribunal 
  • Fifi69
    Fifi69 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Scandalous don’t these guys ever stop to think, we would rather not have to rely on them but unfortunately this is our life ?
  • Dotty123
    Dotty123 Community member Posts: 491 Empowering
    It’s degrading and inhuman peaple need food money another **** up by government you def need be fighter this experience has made me stronger 
  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,633 Championing
    fifi69 what do you mean your esa has been stopped pending further information requested? have you been for an assessment  and  failed to  get enough points?
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,649 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Fifi69, was your ESA stopped after an assessment or did they just contact you out of the blue? Have they provided you with any more information?