Another assessment

meaghan Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
edited May 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
hi everyone had a pip assessment middle feb lasting hr and half  and been ringing capitia for last 8 weeks ,just had a call telling me they want me to have another assessment next wk ,no reason given ,,im so stressed ,has anyone else heard of this before .its first time claiming pip .


  • AhhBisto
    AhhBisto Community member Posts: 48 Contributor
    We've been waiting a while with Capita after an audit required my partners assessment report be reworked. So I did some quick research today.

    In the PIP assessment guide part 3: health professional performance

    under 3.6 Rework:

    3.6.5 In some cases it may be necessary for an additional face-to-face consultation to be carried out, either with the original HP or a different HP. The impact of any such consultations on claimants should be considered when making the decision to carry out a repeat consultation. Where possible, further consultations should be avoided so as not to place extra burdens on claimants. However, this should not compromise the quality of the advice to DWP.

    It may not be the case in your circumstances, but potentially the quality of the report did not meet acceptable standards.

    Did you request a copy of your assessment report?
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Community member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi @meaghan

    A very warm welcome.

    It sounds like the assessor has made a pigs ear of your report and assessment provider is covering it’s back.

    Nothing for you to worry about, but will be very frustrating for you.

    As suggested above, contact the PIP helpline to get a copy of the assessment report. You will be able to see why they are panicking about it. The only time of needing a further assessment, is when the claimant has not been able to complete the first one.

    I would e-mail them to get a reason from them about the delay and need for the second assessment. This could be useful for you further down the line.
  • meaghan
    meaghan Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Thank you for they wont give a report to n.ireland unfortunately..also it never got as far as dwp .stayed with capitia for 8 wks ..i was previously told didnt need anymore information or another assessment..then was told i need another stressed and really dont understand it 
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Community member Posts: 817 Pioneering
    Hi @meaghan

    Now I know you are in NI, that sheds further light on matters.

    From what I’ve read the DWP process for PIP in NI, is a complete shambles.

    So much so that the Public Services Ombudsman of NI, has decided to thoroughly investigate matters. This is an unusual step by an Ombudsmen, as they usually take instructions from the state.

    Why not speak to the Ombudsman’s office, to explain your situation, on tel: 0800 34 34 24, You have nothing to lose.

    Keep us informed.
  • meaghan
    meaghan Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Thank you so much i am having my second assement on Wednesday if i can settle myself down ...i havent heard anyone else this has happened to very stressful ...thank you for information and support ...
  • meaghan
    meaghan Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    Well had my second assessment today .thank god its over ,assessor had no idea that i already had one done over 8 wks ago they didn't inform her she said very unusual for this to happen ...she was very nice but very focused on the job in hand..few things that i had gone through with last assessor she knew nothing about at all ...she went through all meds reports ect everything question on form ect have to say she put me at ease as my anxiety was through the roof ..hard  to say what outcome will be but i told truth and can do no more ..just waiting game now ...
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,653 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @meaghan, the assessments can be very stressful so I'm glad your assessor was able to put you at ease and went through everything with you. Hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long for a decision!