Personal pension for UC

Nader Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor

I have a meeting at the jobcentre to provide evidence of savings. Would a personal pension be regarded as savings/capital for UC purposes?



  • Nader
    Nader Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Oops! This should have been in the Universal Credit category. Don't know what happened there!
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    I've moved it for you @Nader. :)

    To answer your question, I need to know whether you have access to the pension at the moment, are you drawing from it/getting money from it? If not, then it's not classed as savings or capital as you don't have access to it. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    If you're receiving an income from the pension weekly/monthly then it's classed as income £1 for £1 for UC.
  • Nader
    Nader Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Thanks to both of you. 

    Adrian: Thanks for moving me to UC.

    No, I’m not receiving anything from it. And I won’t be able to even access it for a few years yet. So ok, that’s clarified that. 

    Do I have to inform them of having a personal pension, or should I only mention it if the question is asked? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You can't access it so no you don't need to mention it. You only need to do that if you have access to it or you're receiving an income/lump sum from it.
  • Nader
    Nader Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Understood. Thanks Poppy.