Does anyone know how to get a private C.P.S. Trauma expert letter in London?



  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    T R I G G E R  the  following post  might distress people  who have been power abused.

    Hi Waylay.  Thanks for  suggested links.  Looks as if it would need a steady determined  slog, but there is a faint, faint  chance  of reaching a system based on what someone thought, thirty years ago.  J.Herman, you are so thoroughly  read on such things that you probably know whatever  book they use as a bible.  (Sorry if he is a hero of yours?  )   Disciples may misunderstand or mininterpret or mispractice an idea which was once thrillingly radical.

    Thinking never reexamined  in thirty years may not be exactly suited for purpose? Nevertheless,  plough on.... 

    Their site says the 'patients' must first be stabilised (my suspicion is, given stretched resources,  they naturally  prioritise.   I.E. they 'deal with'  only extreme, florid, arm wavers, probably with help of burly  attendants with straight jackets, while forcibly injecting  drugs???!!)

    T R I G G E R 
    After that, comes a step which even N.I.C.E. has discredited,  warning that  trauma  re-experiencing is dangerously counterproductive  and harmful to apply to lifelong, prolonged,  multiple abuse, multiple perpetrators, extreme torture survivors, people in real fear for their lives especially  when helpless to escape  and especially  as children with no support  or help.

    N.I.C.E. , and the Mind site, draw a distinction  between the above,  currently  defined as C.P.T.S.D, though that term is fiercely  opposed  by modern experts, particularly  the W O M E N  in Canada who are pioneering Non State Torture recognition.   

    In more recent  decades, it is obvious that attempts  to desensitise over-reaction by re-experience  and examining minute by minute emotional sensations  may be perfectly suited to 'curing' a single incident  of , for example "seeing something  nasty in the woodshed", like Aunt Ada Doom in Cold Comfort Farm) .     

    T R I G G E R
    Not, though, for  an infant sold into a brothel,  eventually watching as her own daughters are sold.  Not for a woman who saw her village and everyone she knew burnt, before attempting to escape but being soldier-raped nearly to death, by each new  civil war army.  Not for adult survivors of the surprisingly popular habit of  fathers or stepfathers imprisoning children ......In Austria the Fritzel man built his own  basement,  but in u.s.a. these are a common  architectural  feature (think Simpsons or any other american show)  In u.k., there are cellars (think Fred and Rose West)  but mostly, the  housing  is cramped,  so dads sometimes have to improvise  by using cupboards. 

    Anyway, the Herman  disciples on the Maudsley  site describe their second stage 'trauma cure ' as, essentially,  re-living.   The victim/supplicant/'patient' must be forced to re-experience  trauma,  for the purposes of discussion.   An entire  childhood, followed by an adult  life full of abuse, might take a little while to re-construct and re-live, in full colour graphic detail,  for the audience of a professional,  who, by the very fact of being  a professional,  " frankly my dear doesn't  give-a-damn " if you live or die......
    does my scepticism look big in this?

      (And,   the dispassionate,  uninvolved,  detached, remote,  'professional'  meaning  deliberately uncaring 'expert' is likely, or liable, just as your post says, to say "yes dear, there there," whilst making an official  medical note, to follow the victim/patient forever like a tattoo across his /her face, that a 'nutter-expert' has judged and pronounced sentence on him/her, that everything  s/he says for the rest of his/her future must be disbelieved,   regarded as the ravings of a deluded fantasist.)

    The final stage is said to be the attempt to 'reintigrate into society.'  Meaning what?  Stopping   the  wierdos from taking street drugs? Stopping them frightening passers-by?  Persuading them to wash?    The majority  who are childhood survivors are highly motivated,  driven, high achievers.     They have automatic damaged hangover ways of dealing  with  the world .    They  hide it.   They need peer support,  from others with some degree of matching unmentionable experiences, so they speak  the same language.   

    They may not have a)lifelong  b)trusting c) close  d)confiding  e)supportive  relationships.  f)Or partners. g)Or family.  h)Or social  circles i) Or other groups where they feel any belonging.   These and other 'essential  needs' are supposed to  be vital, for humans or higher animals to thrive.   

    The world is  full of compassionate willing friendly  sympathetic  people,  but  their goodwill is funnelled  through the mincer of An Organisation  until it is useless  except  for fully conforming Stereotypical  Needy Causes.

    Instead  of  prompting  organised do gooders to reach out, their self sufficiency disqualifies them from being spoken  to, or their suppressed self-isolating despite being human is  sensed and seen as incorrect, thereby confirming they are not regarded,  in some way, as being fully equal human beings.     

    (It would, on the theoretical face of it, be ideal for the  various religious followers, genuinely  wishing to 'be like Old Possum's cat, and to 'gallop about doing good.'  But although their official  line might state there's no obligation to be religious,  it is understandable they simply cannot feel comfortable except with one of their own kind.    For them, it's  this or that religion,  but it would be the same if model railways  and the weekly get together with fellow fans is the  thing giving meaning to their life, the social activity, the shared history,  the future plans.   Of course, they couldn't manage to feel at home with, or to make truly included and welcome,  some intruder who wasn't interested, who even avoided the topic.......   Religion is one heck of a top scorer for  polite topic avoidance,  given the notoriously  pervasive power abuse.)

    The excluded, unentitled survivors also, above all,  need continuous, full hearted love and care,  from people who can correct the imbalance by gradually persuading them they are entitled to be alive, and entitled to be happy,  just because  their human value  is exactly equal to  anyone else's, and   not only for being useful or successful. 

    They are damaged. It does matter. Even if they are not being a nuisance  or expense to others by dramatic  mental symptoms.     They do exist.  Their existence  does matter, even despite  their  shortcomings  of failing to conform to stereotype  ,( particularly  failing to threaten themselves  or others.) 

    They matter even if they are not junkies .  They are just as important as alcoholics,  even though there is no conveyor belt to process  non-drinkers.  Their loneliness  and isolation  is just as important  as a street-sleeper who won't take the  offer of a shower.   They will never 'frighten the horses', so the purported  assistance  systems  regard them as non-existent.   

    That's an alienating,  not an inviting assumption,  from Stereotypes R Us.    It is the worst thing to do, for those who struggle with inner lack of E N T I T L E M E N T to exist.