stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
Having put in an MR for pip and speaking to 4 managers over the phone about it. It was put as urgent 
I have spoken again to the dwp who have said a letter has been sent out but it hasn't updated on the system so she can't see it yet 
She said she could see that it was noted to be dealt with asap 
Could this be a positive thing I'm dreading the letter 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Fingers crossed for you that you are one of the 19% of those that have the decision changed at MR stage but it's rare. It can take a few days to receive the letter but if you ring again tomorrow they will be able to see the decision on the computer because it can take 24 hours to update.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @stonker01, I hope you hear back soon, fingers crossed!
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Thank you I'm not sure I want to phone and see but they have dealt with it very fast as I was informed that even the urgent section is a long list 
    Everything that I have said to them has been put down on computer and was then noted underneath to be dealt with asap this was noted by a case manager 
    I'm just wondering if anyone has a simular experience and if so was it positive 
    I mean if there wasn't anything that stuck out I'm sure it would just be in the list of MRs they get which I believe to be loads at the minute and there is a backlog on urgent and non urgent 
    The impact it's had on my partner is indescribable other than a complete shell and even lost weight 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Did you put the request in writing or just requested over the phone?
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Phoned 1st then I went to cab got some advice from them 
    Then put it into writing 
    I then continued to phone and I was put through to managers because I could prove the assessor made false facts 
    Which changed it's direction I think.
    It was put as urgent at this point then I spoke to them again and it was changed to asap and they seem to have kept to there word 
    It was read back to me my latest conversation so they have been listening to me so at least there is comfort in that but it's made me lose faith in humanity. My partner wouldn't of been able to do this she wouldn't mentally cope and wouldn't fight this it's saddening to think there is probably lots of people who haven't pit up a fight but I can and will but it is draining and cruel 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Having put in an MR for pip and speaking to 4 managers over the phone about it. It was put as urgent 
    I have spoken again to the dwp who have said a letter has been sent out but it hasn't updated on the system so she can't see it yet 
    She said she could see that it was noted to be dealt with asap 
    Could this be a positive thing I'm dreading the letter 
    I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I have just started a MR this week. The whole thing has made my mental state even worse, I can’t get a moments sleep or anything:(
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    struggle2222 i really feel for you because it seems to be a pointless process to go through wasting numerous of weeks and causing so much distress.
    In my eyes it's an act of cruelty because only a small amount of people succeed at this point but to get your tribunal you have to do it.
    If you've phoned them to tell them your doing an MR make sure you tell them to note on your records that you will be putting in writing so they don't start the process.
    I phoned them to say an MR will be happening and I gave a brief of why then I got a text message saying you have asked us to look at your claim again so I phoned and they were going to use my call I said no I'm putting it in writing so she noted it. I also sent it recorded delivery.
    It's very stressful but try to plan ahead in your mind that tribunal is likely.
    Finding this page has helped me cope with the stress to see we arent alone going through this and to see but my partner isn't doing good her meds have had to be increased and also been prescribed sedatives, she's lost weight and talking awful thoughts

  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    struggle2222 i really feel for you because it seems to be a pointless process to go through wasting numerous of weeks and causing so much distress.
    In my eyes it's an act of cruelty because only a small amount of people succeed at this point but to get your tribunal you have to do it.
    If you've phoned them to tell them your doing an MR make sure you tell them to note on your records that you will be putting in writing so they don't start the process.
    I phoned them to say an MR will be happening and I gave a brief of why then I got a text message saying you have asked us to look at your claim again so I phoned and they were going to use my call I said no I'm putting it in writing so she noted it. I also sent it recorded delivery.
    It's very stressful but try to plan ahead in your mind that tribunal is likely.
    Finding this page has helped me cope with the stress to see we arent alone going through this and to see but my partner isn't doing good her meds have had to be increased and also been prescribed sedatives, she's lost weight and talking awful thoughts

    I logged my wanting them to start the MR process on Monday and on Tuesday I sent a letter detailing why I think that the decision is totally wrong by signed for first class. I checked today and it shows it’s been received. I’ve printed the confirmation off, should it go to tribunal or they deny having received it! I can’t  believe how ridiculous this process is, it’s not at all good for people that suffer mental health issues. Thanks for your response x 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Things have to change soon.
    It's quite clear that assessors are telling pork pies on reports ... Why though I don't understand.
    I've been on other forums on the internet and the amount of people saying lies are on reports is barbaric. This can't carry on for long surely I bet the DWP are tired of hearing this and it has to be costing them more money in the long term with the amount of successful tribunals. 
    Good luck with your MR.
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Things have to change soon.
    It's quite clear that assessors are telling pork pies on reports ... Why though I don't understand.
    I've been on other forums on the internet and the amount of people saying lies are on reports is barbaric. This can't carry on for long surely I bet the DWP are tired of hearing this and it has to be costing them more money in the long term with the amount of successful tribunals. 
    Good luck with your MR.
    The only conclusion I’ve come to is that they must have a quota for people that they have to fail. There can be no other explanation. The CAPITA woman I had pretended to be nice but told absolutely bare faced lies. My report was a total opposite of what was said. I actually thought that they’d mixed my report up with someone else’s !!!!
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Things have to change soon.
    It's quite clear that assessors are telling pork pies on reports ... Why though I don't understand.
    I've been on other forums on the internet and the amount of people saying lies are on reports is barbaric. This can't carry on for long surely I bet the DWP are tired of hearing this and it has to be costing them more money in the long term with the amount of successful tribunals. 
    Good luck with your MR.
    Oh my MR process has only started today so I am guessing this ordeal is not going to be sorted one way or another until at least the end of summer. And to think I’ll be living off almost nothing after rent is paid! My housing Benefit is £345 and my rent is £500. It leaves me with so little in the end!
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    That's exactly what I thought of my partners I was reading it over and over as I just couldn't get over the false information.
    My partner has apparently said she is absolutely fine with everything.
    I've done research on my partners assessor and he has 2 jobs one being a liar and the other one isn't far from us and I've struggled not to go to the place of work and tell him and his colleagues what he has done and caused.
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    That's exactly what I thought of my partners I was reading it over and over as I just couldn't get over the false information.
    My partner has apparently said she is absolutely fine with everything.
    I've done research on my partners assessor and he has 2 jobs one being a liar and the other one isn't far from us and I've struggled not to go to the place of work and tell him and his colleagues what he has done and caused.
    I’ve had some thought and about my assessor too, however I would advise against that. It will just end up with you getting a visit from the police, and the liar will end up having another last laugh at your expense. Is there a way to direct message on this forum? I don’t think they fully understand that their shenanigans actually effect people’s lives, I suspect they all have a laugh at work about how many lives they have ruined that day!
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Direct messaging is available after you have made 25 posts
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Its just cruel struggle2222 but ive read tribunals are different and they dont work for the dwp and have a very high success rate only problem is the waiting time because they have a huge back log 

  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Its just cruel struggle2222 but ive read tribunals are different and they dont work for the dwp and have a very high success rate only problem is the waiting time because they have a huge back log 

    Yes but the problem with the whole procedure is that you have to go through the (what seems in the larger sense pointless) MR stage before you can go forward to tribunal. And for the whole thing to come to a conclusion in some cases is well over 6 months. 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Its just cruel struggle2222 but ive read tribunals are different and they dont work for the dwp and have a very high success rate only problem is the waiting time because they have a huge back log 

    As a disabled person I know how much of a struggle everyday life is and Pip is supposed to help us and support us, however in many many cases it does rather the opposite and makes out lives a living horror story!
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    I've been tempted so bad. My partner has been through hell I know her childhood and it was an horrendous one all I can say is she didn't have a childhood at all.
    So there's no family on her side due to this.
    It took years in blibs and blabs for her to tell me things I know there's more I don't know. I never bring it up it's rare she does and it's not nice when she does.
    I know it's all in her mind everyday of her life and she has never ever left the house without me and it's rare she does. It's people she has a problem with, she doesn't like to be near them. Strangers are a no no so you can imagine the state she was in leading up to and the day of her assessment. It was awful for me I feel so guilty that I couldn't fix it so she didn't have to do it .
    It was very clear for anyone there to see a very distressed person so this assessor to do this to such a vunerable person makes my blood boil he had the cheek to say to her he won't go into detail and will be as quick as he can as he didn't want to cause anymore distress 
    My job role is to protect and care for my partner and I failed 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    I've been tempted so bad. My partner has been through hell I know her childhood and it was an horrendous one all I can say is she didn't have a childhood at all.
    So there's no family on her side due to this.
    It took years in blibs and blabs for her to tell me things I know there's more I don't know. I never bring it up it's rare she does and it's not nice when she does.
    I know it's all in her mind everyday of her life and she has never ever left the house without me and it's rare she does. It's people she has a problem with, she doesn't like to be near them. Strangers are a no no so you can imagine the state she was in leading up to and the day of her assessment. It was awful for me I feel so guilty that I couldn't fix it so she didn't have to do it .
    It was very clear for anyone there to see a very distressed person so this assessor to do this to such a vunerable person makes my blood boil he had the cheek to say to her he won't go into detail and will be as quick as he can as he didn't want to cause anymore distress 
    My job role is to protect and care for my partner and I failed 
    There is a special place in hell for some of those assessors. I’m sure that they can’t get a job in actual Heath care for one reason or other. CAPITA seems to be the last resort job for these failed so called healthcare providers. Nurses are supposed to be caring individuals, this lot are more like that nurse ratchet from one flew over the cuckoos nest, I swear to god there is something wrong with them. 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    The MR stage is a completely pointless process as all they do is pass it to a different manager who reads the assessors report who are supposed to read your MR too and make a decision. A manager is unlikely to want to over ride another managers decision or go against a so called trained and experienced assessors report without a very very good reason too and that's why MR success rate is so low 
    The system has to change 
    As for not telling the dwp about lies 
    I have because it's true it's an actual fact I've been lucky to have proof to back it up too but if they still after that don't change anything and it has to go to tribunal the tribunal will see straight away before even trying to speak with my partner how distressed she will be I'm sure they may even wonder why she's there that's how bad she is you would think you was dragging her into a burning fire 
    If anything happens to her in all this I will make sure there held responsible 
    I'm seeing what they say before I contact newspapers as well. My partners vunerable and weak but I'm not 
    As for the assessor I will have him hang his head in shame if my partner comes to anymore harm