
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    The MR stage is a completely pointless process as all they do is pass it to a different manager who reads the assessors report who are supposed to read your MR too and make a decision. A manager is unlikely to want to over ride another managers decision or go against a so called trained and experienced assessors report without a very very good reason too and that's why MR success rate is so low 
    The system has to change 
    As for not telling the dwp about lies 
    I have because it's true it's an actual fact I've been lucky to have proof to back it up too but if they still after that don't change anything and it has to go to tribunal the tribunal will see straight away before even trying to speak with my partner how distressed she will be I'm sure they may even wonder why she's there that's how bad she is you would think you was dragging her into a burning fire 
    If anything happens to her in all this I will make sure there held responsible 
    I'm seeing what they say before I contact newspapers as well. My partners vunerable and weak but I'm not 
    As for the assessor I will have him hang his head in shame if my partner comes to anymore harm 
    I’m dreading the thought of having to go to court. I’m wishing that the MR reviewer sees sense and gives me back my enhanced daily living. But I’m not holding my breath. I’ve read far too many stories that the MR is ever successful. I wonder why they even have that as a part of the process. :/ 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    This one is a qualified mental health nurse and works for Cahms 
    Yes you heard me works with vunerable children and not far from me either 
    He must be doing this job as an add on to line his pockets 
    How on earth can someone who's job role is to try to help vunerable people with numerous mental health issues and up being someone who has the potential to cause them serious harm 
    He shouldn't be allowed to carry on working as a nurse it's disgusting he's breaking code of practice and his duty of care 

  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    This one is a qualified mental health nurse and works for Cahms 
    Yes you heard me works with vunerable children and not far from me either 
    He must be doing this job as an add on to line his pockets 
    How on earth can someone who's job role is to try to help vunerable people with numerous mental health issues and up being someone who has the potential to cause them serious harm 
    He shouldn't be allowed to carry on working as a nurse it's disgusting he's breaking code of practice and his duty of care 

    I think you hit the nail on the head with the lining pockets part. In the newspaper there was this one guy bragging that he was making £20k a month doing these reports. And laughing at the reports he was doing!!
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    This one is a qualified mental health nurse and works for Cahms 
    Yes you heard me works with vunerable children and not far from me either 
    He must be doing this job as an add on to line his pockets 
    How on earth can someone who's job role is to try to help vunerable people with numerous mental health issues and up being someone who has the potential to cause them serious harm 
    He shouldn't be allowed to carry on working as a nurse it's disgusting he's breaking code of practice and his duty of care 


    Have a read of that!!
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Wow really 
    Actually bragging 
    They must be told to try there hardest to get people off there entitlements. So just lie, lie and lie 
    There must be a bonus doing so and so they have clicked that there lies will be hard to prove and more money for them.
    These companies who are paying them are going to have to make changes soon because in reality the government are losing money 
    If a tribunal is won then the assessor should be made to pay back what they were given as in my eyes they have been paid for nothing 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Wow really 
    Actually bragging 
    They must be told to try there hardest to get people off there entitlements. So just lie, lie and lie 
    There must be a bonus doing so and so they have clicked that there lies will be hard to prove and more money for them.
    These companies who are paying them are going to have to make changes soon because in reality the government are losing money 
    If a tribunal is won then the assessor should be made to pay back what they were given as in my eyes they have been paid for nothing 
    This is why I’m convinced that they have quotas set to fail people. When I read that I almost chocked on my cup of tea! Isn’t it alarming?!?!!
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Wow how awful.
    My partner won't ever trust a mental health person ever after this me and her GPs have tried for years to get her to see someone and we if she could be helped.
    Knowing this pleb is an actual nurse has impacted on this too 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    It's like a purge there picking on the weak who may not have the frame of mind to fight there corner 
    Suicide is on the increase and I wonder why
    It's like a hatred towards disabilities 
    I seen a post somewhere last weak where the DWPs attitude was if Stephen Hawkins worked then so can anyone. 
    Since when did everyone get the same finger print.
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    It's like a purge there picking on the weak who may not have the frame of mind to fight there corner 
    Suicide is on the increase and I wonder why
    It's like a hatred towards disabilities 
    I seen a post somewhere last weak where the DWPs attitude was if Stephen Hawkins worked then so can anyone. 
    Since when did everyone get the same finger print.
    I’m sorry you’re going through this fiasco! I guess it can only get better. Hang in there!! X 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Thank You and hope your MR gets seen to quickly.
    Not all DWP workers are scary some are nice.
    If you phone them don't be put off by the ones that sound like strict trunchbulls there only advisors at the end of the day. 
    If you are struggling with the waiting time and it's effecting your health then contact them ask to speak to a manager. They do listen and have the ability to push your MR forward even if it's not going to be good news at least you can then press on with the tribunal. 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Thank You and hope your MR gets seen to quickly.
    Not all DWP workers are scary some are nice.
    If you phone them don't be put off by the ones that sound like strict trunchbulls there only advisors at the end of the day. 
    If you are struggling with the waiting time and it's effecting your health then contact them ask to speak to a manager. They do listen and have the ability to push your MR forward even if it's not going to be good news at least you can then press on with the tribunal. 
    To be honest I am gearing up for this having to go to tribunal as I’ve not much faith in the MR process - I’ve read far too many stories of them never being successful. Who knows maybe I may get a decision maker that sees sense - stranger things have happed I guess.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    On'y 19% of MR decision's change and most people have to take it to Tribunal. The process is very long and a lot of areas have backlogs in excess of 1 year.
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Try to look at it in a positive way it's 1 year to build up a very good case and smash it I say 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Try to look at it in a positive way it's 1 year to build up a very good case and smash it I say 
    That’s such a kind thing to say. Thanks x but the thing is: I’ll have to live on so little while this ridiculous exercise takes place. I’m having sleepless nights. And since Monday I’ve not even slept. Today I had a letter saying my esa was being reduced by over £65 per week too. But thanks 
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    I hear you struggle2222 I'm just trying to help you look to the future which although seems a distance away will happen and you will win in the end im sure of it. Stay on here like me it really helps to see we are not alone on this.
    Don't give up it's what they want. 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    I hear you struggle2222 I'm just trying to help you look to the future which although seems a distance away will happen and you will win in the end im sure of it. Stay on here like me it really helps to see we are not alone on this.
    Don't give up it's what they want. 
    That’s another conclusion I’ve come to: they want to make it as difficult as possible so people just accept their decision and quit !
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Yes I agree and this is why we need to fight
    Tbh my partner hasn't got it in her but I have and I'm here if you need a chat too 
    Don't give up it's a test that's all things will work out just not over night 
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Yes I agree and this is why we need to fight
    Tbh my partner hasn't got it in her but I have and I'm here if you need a chat too 
    Don't give up it's a test that's all things will work out just not over night 
    I don’t know how to direct message you or I would. Do you know how to do it?
  • stonker01
    stonker01 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected
    Not got a clue I'm new on here too if I work it out I will let you know
  • struggle2222
    struggle2222 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    stonker01 said:
    Not got a clue I'm new on here too if I work it out I will let you know
    Surely someone must know lol