pip first said paper based assessment 1 day later they won't a face to face?

ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
edited June 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
hi all on the monday i got letter saying a paper based assessment for my husband with him been under mental health he's been seeing them for months and still doesn't have eye contact yet with physiatrist or CBT persons,Well sent in letter from pysiciatrist stating this and doctor confirms this also sent them a reminder of pip mental health court and also mentioned to them every time his renew was up we had to go to tribunal and that was twice and won on both occasions in fact judge was like here again that time ,
I told the independent assesors this and said willing to go again to court and will win,Then the day after got letter saying they are waiting on avalvibe appointments for face to face 
that was within 24 hours of first letter
I rang DWP and gave them a right ticking off to be told they don't have anything to do with the part that arranges paper based assessments or face to face
All this has set my husband back hes got right into a pickles i have I'm fed up feel drained myself.
How much more evidence do i need to send in to them to do a paper based assessment i know i live with my husband he would not be able to do face to face.
Dont feel i have enough steam in me to carry this on i suffer from fibromyalgia  myself and its all getting on top 
Im asking for some help and advice before i go insane,


  • cristobal
    cristobal Community member Posts: 984 Championing
    edited June 2019
    @ollieconure ...this is a link to the DWP guidelines on paper based reviews - Para 1.5...


    I don't know whether any of the guidance applies to your husband - it seems not to from a quick look - but if it does I wonder if it might help you if you refer Capita/ ATOS to it when you write to them///

    Hope things turn out OK...
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,372 Championing

    I'm assuming there's not enough of evidence to do a paper based assessment. Most people have face to face assessments, it's rare not to have them.
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    yes the severe depression and anxiety started last year but last few months have been under the CBT team and psychiatrist,
    the tribunal we won was 2 years ago and there they asked me to explain most things for him beucse there was no contact or him been able to answer apart from sat in pain and been well stressed, the judge commitment on that straight away.and so did the doctor on the board, they have said because of his depression and anxiety they will not do a home visit becuase he is violant?becuase of his depression doctor wrote them a letter saying if there is too many people around he gets aggravated with his self not others, but they wont do home visit so if they believe they are at risk from a home visit but the joe public is safe around him is that what they are saying?its wrong.Even the bit about they will pay for the taxi there and back,Well that should make his depression and anxiety go away for a few hours absolute ridiculous,He defo cannot do a f2f omg that will be the end of him, i mean the few sessions with CBT will be set back, can i refuse the f2f and ask to go straight to a reconsideration then tribunal willing to go all the way again, even if tribunal is done has a paper based tribunal?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,372 Championing
    They won't agree to a home assessment if there's any danger to them. If he refuses to attend a face to face assessment then they could return his file to DWP without writing a report and he could be refused PIP. Then the MR/Tribunal will be different because you'll need to make your case for the reasons why he wouldn't attend the assessment. If that decision was overturned either at MR or Tribunal stage then he could end up needing a face to face assessment anyway. This will mean that his file will be returned to the health assessment providers again and the process will start all over again.
  • drewdundee
    drewdundee Community member Posts: 49 Contributor
    Hi there, 

    I used to have severe depression and anxiety brought on by an eating disorder I had so i understand how hard it could be i also had the whole irrational thoughts things going on. Thankful i don't suffer with it any longer I don't know much about the whole assessment program im fairly new to the PIP welfare system. I don't want you to get into his life story but for me i didn't feel CBT was helpful. The only way i was able to help myself was tackle the root issue i had. Maybe getting out and seeing other people will help him even if it is for an assessment. Hiding away can't be good.I dunno. I do hope him with your help can sort out your situation with pip.

  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    has far has I've gathered to be exempt form face to face they have to wait for more evidence to come in firstly.Well they haven't even waited i posted it out on thursday last week then got a letter on saturday saying a face to face,I know they have not got the last evidence because i sent it signed for 2nd class and its not there yet so they are breaking there own protocol rules firstly which i will be ringing them tommorow about this 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,372 Championing
    has far has I've gathered to be exempt form face to face they have to wait for more evidence to come in firstly.
    May i ask who told you this?
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    it was in one of the part 1 section of exemptions from face to face under mental health if the claimants can not communicate due to lack of knowledge  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,372 Championing
    Cases that should not require a face to face assessment.

    1.5.5 Although each case should be determined individually, the following types of case should not normally require a face-to-face consultation:

    • the claimant questionnaire indicates a low level of disability, the information is consistent, medically reasonable and there is nothing to suggest under-reporting

    • the health condition(s) is associated with a low level of functional impairment, the claimant is under GP care only and there is no record of hospital admission. This advice applies even if the claimant maintains that they suffer from a high level of functional impairment – it is medically improbable that this is the case and a face-to-face consultation is unlikely to add much useful additional information, since the clinical examination is likely to be unremarkable

    • there is strong evidence on which to advise on the case and a face-to-face consultation is likely to be stressful for the claimant (for example, claimants with autism, cognitive impairment or learning disability)

    • the claimant questionnaire indicates a high level of disability, the information is consistent, medically reasonable and there is nothing to suggest over-reporting – (examples may include claimants with severe neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, severely disabling stroke)

    • there is sufficient detailed, consistent and medically reasonable information on function.

  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    i rang the assessment place on my husbands behalf today at 1 pm and i know they were waiting on more evidence to be sent in.
    they said they had received all the evidence in on the 21st of june,and the advisor told me it was sent today has a emergency to the other department?and that the face to face for tomorrow was cancelled they said the department that received the emergency forms has cancelled it and its under review?hope this is good news?anyone else had same thing happen to them?
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Omg wish they would make there mind up. 
    Said they were doing a paper based 
    then get a letter for appointment 
    then a letter saying paper based
    now again a appointment 

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @ollieconure, I'm really sorry they keep changing their mind, I imagine this is just making it even more stressful, what is the date for the current appointment?
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    23rd july this is taking its toll.my husband had spoke to his cbt therapist the other day and had mentioned to her that all this and not been able to leave his safe space and explain his self he has said (this is making him wont to end it all)ive got a appointment with the gp tomorrow to see if see can speak to the assessment centre on my husbands behalf, since this ive had to give more diazepam to calm him down ive told dwp how hes feeling and what's happening but they wont to see him to ask how its effecting his daily life, O mg he cannot communicate so how can he express his self 
  • rete
    rete Community member Posts: 17 Connected
    Hi ya I too have had a right game too but have now got a paper based assessment.  But I do have a medical condition too .  We got our mp to write to them too and they phoned our gp who agreed it would be in possible  for me to attend one . If I was you phone your mp and get them on board and they can speak to them on your behalf too as ours did . Hope you and hub get one as know hiw he must feel it's disgrace hiw we are all being treaded.
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    @ollieconure when I submitted my PIP2 form and all my evidence I made sure all my medical teams evidenced everything and I received a Paper assessment done by Capita.

    My way I got it done is what is stated below.
    • there is strong evidence on which to advise on the case and a face-to-face consultation is likely to be stressful for the claimant (for example, claimants with autism, cognitive impairment or learning disability)

    • the claimant questionnaire indicates a high level of disability, the information is consistent, medically reasonable and there is nothing to suggest over-reporting – (examples may include claimants with severe neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, severely disabling stroke)

    • there is sufficient detailed, consistent and medically reasonable information on function.

      As you can see below in this part of my report and this is only one page of it.

      I hope you get a Paper one. Mine was done as an ongoing award. Both enhanced.

      Wishing you all the best.

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @ollieconure, I'm sorry this is having such a big affect on your husbands health, this cannot be nice to see. I hope your GP is able to support you with this. If there is anything that the community can do then please do let us know.
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    i have been to gp and she is doing a letter giving them her secretary number to speak to her directly,She also said for me to ring them again and explain that advocacy has a 8 week waiting list so my husband is just waiting to be signed to someone at advocacy 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @ollieconure, thank you for updating us and I'm glad your GP was helpful. If you need anything else then please do not hesitate to ask :)
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    hi ive been in contact with dwp and told them if a home visit was a no go my husbands gp has wrote a letter to them stating a home visit or they wait until 8 weeks until a advocacy was signed to my husband?
    because of the waiting list is 8 weeks' I told dwp that there was no way my husband could attend that face to face and dwp said, they were making a note of this and told me he shouldn't attend the face to face,becuse he has significant reasons why he shouldn't attend they said, and after the 23rd july when the appointment has gone the file should go from assessment centre to dwp,for them to re look at she said don't know if this is correct but thats what they said to me.The case manager from dwp said here self that with the last letter from gp contains significant evidence from gp there should be no reason why a paper based couldn't be done by them she said,But not heard anything yet just a text saying the appointment is on 23rd july thats it,
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    apparently  question 11 of the health asssessors is a grey area? what is question 11