pip first said paper based assessment 1 day later they won't a face to face?



  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited August 2019
    apparently  question 11 of the health asssessors is a grey area? what is question 11 


    Not really understanding what you're referring to? Where has that information come from.

    Here is the latest health professionals guide, you may find the answer there https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-independence-payment-assessment-guide-for-assessment-providers/pip-assessment-guide-part-1-the-assessment-process
  • buzzer
    buzzer Online Community Member Posts: 104 Empowering
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    really that's been covered by his physiologist they confirmed this that because of his disability he has always had problems communicating with people this had been covered numerous times with them,omg i cannot believe its that question thats stopping them from paper based?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    really that's been covered by his physiologist they confirmed this that because of his disability he has always had problems communicating with people this had been covered numerous times with them,omg i cannot believe its that question thats stopping them from paper based?
    What makes you think that this is stopping them from doing a paper based assessment?
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    up date after 5th time of them saying a paper based would be done,Got another letter saying appointment needed so i rang the health profession today,They said the doctor has confirmed everything they needed and also gp confirmed my husband is so depressed with musckeletal problems that he has told the psychologist he wonts to end his life gp confirmed this to the independent health acessores sorry for spelling,And the person on the other end said (eVEN THOUGH GP HAS CONFIMED YOU HUSBAND HAS MENTIONED ABOUT ENDING HIS LIFE WE STILL NEED TO SEE HIM AT A CENTRE WOULD PAYING FOR A TAXI HELP).
    This is disgusting i thought the high court ruling was if a person that suffers from high levels of depression and anxiety and stress a paper based could be done this is disgusting from them,They might has well stand behind my husband and give him a push of the cliff or road,Ive managed to get hold of glen from advocates to come around and help anyone had any dealings with the advocacy services? 
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 599 Pioneering
    all seems a bit bizarre.

    As I understand it (and I stand to be corrected), if you have a paper assessment, they dont write to tell you that specifically, you find it by virtue of the fact you get a decision without a f2f.

    I have made complaints to the DWP a lot, in writing, and on the phone, and they have never done anything nasty back to me in response.

    e.g. I did a complaint during a WCA, and then went to my MP, I was awarded SG.

    So I think the f2f is purely coincidental.

    Although my complaints never threatened court, they were not extreme in that manner.
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    what happened was they wrote out 6 different times saying paper based would be done then never heard anything, then i rang today and asked after 6 letters of saying they are doing paper based what is happening,They then said they have spoke to the gp that has confirmed his depression and anxiety and restless leg syndrome and the medication he takes,Gp even said she would not prefer a centre to be organised but home visit would be better for him, they said no because of his mental health so gp told them since this is been going on the stress is so bad he's mentioned ending his life to the health professional  at pip, But the pip health profession has said even though they know of how bad he is and even though hes mentioned ending his life a appointment at assessment centre would be better for him?
    the advocacy is the people that help with patients with mental health issues
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 599 Pioneering
    edited September 2019
    Ultimately if they want a f2f, you going to have to attend.  By refusing to do so I think would only be harmful for the claim.

    I am surprised tho you having such a hard time getting a home visit, as I was granted one without any fuss, and I read that capita are providing them much more leniant than atos.

    I dont want to go into much detail about my personal issues, but when I requested the home visit I stated the reason as the problems I had when I attended my ESA f2f, I wont say on this public site what it was but I detailed those issues on my request and they accepted it.
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    they won't do a home visit becuase they are using mental health a issue that could be harmful to there officers on a home visit,gp comfirmed by telephone to them there is no such risk to them, but they wont have it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    They will only do a paper based assessment if there's enough of evidence to do it, if there isn't then they won't.

    A home assessment will be refused if there's any risk because of mental health.

    If he doesn't attend the assessment then his file could be returned to DWP without a report being done based on not attending the assessment. If this happens then he'll be refused that benefit.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 599 Pioneering
    Yeah I did get asked if I have ever been violent, which I said no (the truth).
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    up date well its still going on since my first post i had letters saying paper based would be done had 3 of these since and then 2 appointments.
    My husbands gp has wrote them a letter saying she recommends a home visit or paper based due to his severe depression and how this is causing him to talk about ending his life becuase its causing him even more stress,Now new update is again a appointment but dwp have accepted reason of good cause for him not to attend the appointment,
    The gp has done a report stating his everyday needs is support in what ever he does he needs support,
    2 reports from physicalist states severe depression and conginitve behaviour team shows high anxiety,
    Yesterday a letter came saying a appointment had been made so ive rung them again to ask why they said paper based then its a appointment,
    They said its dwp that needs more info and requires a appointment but ive been liaison with dwp though out this process and they have even put a recommendation for a paper based to assessment centre, and they are quite happy with all the info and have stated thats a case worker saying this they have recommended a paper based to them,But assessment centre are sticking at there guns,

  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering

    What a *beep* fiasco!! 

    Have you tried your MP? 
    That worked for us. 

    You need to send MP all the info and mark it Urgent. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    You say the DWP have accepted reason of good cause for him not to attend the assessment. Have you had this put in writing?

  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    ive been told its on his notes on there side,ive got the names of the 2 case manager that have said this 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    I'd be very cautious if it was me because usually it's the health assessment providers that decide if a face to face assessment is needed or not.
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    ok so got phone call from DWP case manager today,And he had said when in october i spoke to them DWP case manager had escalated it to there complaints team,And in october the complaints team had contacted assessors telling them to do a paper based assessment in october,Now again they had never been informed about this latest FIASCO,So the case manager had contacted the complaints team manger agin today and told them what has happened and apparently they are disgusted that even with the complaints team telling them its causing too much stress to claimant and a paper based has not been done,They are waiting on why they have ignored even there procedure,So he told me to wait till thursday to find out whats happening,
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @ollieconure. It does sound like you've been given the run-around a bit! I really hope you manage to find out on Thursday what's happening. Please let us know. 
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
  • ollieconure
    ollieconure Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    too be honest i cant take anymore of it, i suffer with fibromyalgia myself and this is starting to get on top of me i cant sleep i feel depressed myself, its starting to take its toll on me,